Clearly, it wasn’t suitable to indulge in gossip in front of a large audience. After bidding farewell to the crew members, the two main leads returned to their hotel. Rong Yuheng followed Wen Zhecheng into the latter’s room.

In the background, Shi Qiu watched with her fingers almost poking holes in her purse—like a lamb entering a tiger’s den! A lamb entering a tiger’s den!!

Qu Youhe, with feigned concern, intercepted her. “Lao Qiu, we’ll be starting filming soon. It’s good for Rongrong and our Zhecheng to interact more.”

Shi Qiu sneered, “Interact with the Nightlight script?”

Qu Youhe hesitated for a moment, then let out a sigh. “If only, Zhecheng also wishes…”

Shi Qiu took a deep breath. She couldn’t believe it—Wen Zhecheng was definitely interested in her Rongrong!

However, at this moment, the two main leads had nothing but pure thoughts—Wen Zhecheng was filled with thoughts of “the crystallization of love,” while Rong Yuheng’s eyes were focused entirely on his “melons” with his owner!

The two sat on the bed, propped up pillows behind them, and adjusted to the most comfortable position.

Wen Zhecheng was considerate enough to turn his phone screen towards Rong Yuheng, making it easier for his little hamster to enjoy the first sweet bite of the melon.

With all preparations in place, the two leaned in closely and began to browse the highest-trending blog post:

“Ze Cheng Yi Yu: Summarizing the Sweetness We’ve Overlooked Over the Years.”

Today, the eleventh episode of “Treasure Hunt” was finally released, and unexpectedly, the opening interactive segment contained big news! Let this class representative reveal it to everyone.

The program’s original intention was to expose the first person on the guest list who served as a chat partner. However, it inadvertently revealed the “remarks” that each had given to the other!

First was the remark Rongrong had given to Teacher Wen—can you believe it was “Air Conditioning Electric Blanket”! Even if the program team used the phrase “utility player,” it couldn’t hide this hint of ambiguity.

Let’s examine the dialogue between these two [images]!

Question: Under what circumstances would you consider the other person as a sporadic post-it note?

Answer: Only if the last chat partner before closing your eyes every night is the other person!

Based on Teacher Wen’s words, we can deduce that Rongrong falls asleep while being talked to every night. [Bro, you’re acting strange.]

Rounded up, Teacher Wen soothes Rongrong to sleep every night!

Now, let’s look at the last message. Well, is this level of transparency believable? It’s too conspicuous! [Hammering away]

However, this class representative with a keen eye noticed a clue—look at the time this message was sent, 8:35 AM. It’s reasonable to speculate that it was deliberately sent before the program recording, just to conceal the last chat from the previous night.

So, what exactly did you chat about in that last message? [Suspicion]

Finally, let’s talk about the remark that Teacher Wen gave to Rongrong. I saved this for last because this remark exposed too much! It even connected all the details of the previous episodes of this show.

“Brat”! Damn, what’s the difference between that and “baby”?

Teacher Wen even verbally confirmed the nickname “Rongrong’s baby.” My goodness, hearing him say those four words made my ears tingle… I refuse to believe that Rongrong didn’t melt!

Do you all still remember Rongrong’s rap from the first episode of “Treasure Hunt”? If you don’t, it’s fine. I have screenshots:

At that time, I was wondering what “owner” meant. Now, it all makes sense!

Owner, Zaizai! Can you believe how perfect they are for each other?

I bet my winter vacation homework— “owner” undoubtedly refers to Teacher Wen! So, was Rongrong worried about making Teacher Wen jealous when he spontaneously came up with that incredibly determined rap?

Also, this from the sixth episode: [GIF]

Teacher Wen almost slipped and accidentally said “zai…” to Rongrong, but he immediately corrected it to “doing what.” Now, in hindsight, it’s obvious he was subconsciously trying to call Rongrong “brat”! Their sweetness in the show was already this evident; I wonder how affectionate they are in private. [Rongrong pouts]

Let’s take a look at some of the creative ways Teacher Wen fed Rongrong during the show. The term “owner” is now confirmed: [Images]

Especially this one, where he fed him and then pulled a strand from his mouth: [GIF]

Their movements were so skillful, and their expressions so natural. This couldn’t have developed overnight. Rongrong even questioned whether Teacher Wen minded his saliva, but the latter immediately reassured him that he didn’t!

Forgive me for being blunt, but even my mom would be disgusted by my saliva. Teacher Wen, do you really have to be this doting? [Lemon]

Let’s put up a few more instances of double standards:

There are many more sweet interactions between “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” in “Treasure Hunt,” which have already been analyzed to death by everyone. I won’t dwell on them here. Let’s just review a few classic moments:

– When Teacher Wen looks at Rongrong after making a mistake: [GIF]

– When Rongrong and Su Ge were talking, but Teacher Wen took over the conversation: [GIF]

– When they crossed a log bridge and hugged each other three times: [GIFs]

– The iconic scene where the “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” couple was born: [GIF]

After reading so much, if this still isn’t real, I’ll eat s***!

The class representative has summarized everything, and I welcome you all to add more in the comments. [Heart]

After finishing the sugar-peeling blog, silence fell upon the small hotel bed.

Rong Yuheng felt like his face was burning, and his thoughts were in chaos:

Oh my god… Does Teacher Wen really dote on him like that? Do they really look so sweet together??

In truth, Wen Zhecheng also felt a bit uneasy. While watching the entire episode, it wasn’t so apparent when other guests inserted jokes and humor. However, now that they were all combined in one place, it was almost like concrete evidence!

He cleared his throat and cautiously nudged Rong Yuheng with his elbow. “Zaizai?”

Perhaps due to not speaking for a while, Wen Zhecheng’s voice sounded slightly hoarse, startling both of them.

Rong Yuheng, still on edge, turned to him. “What’s wrong?”

Wen Zhecheng pretended to be calm. “The comments section gossip. Do you want to read more?”

Rong Yuheng was feeling overwhelmed by now. He was just a little hamster, not a professional nutcracker. The melon was too big to swallow in one bite! But saying “no” would make him seem unsure of himself. After thinking for two seconds, he said, “Sure, we should see it through.”

Wen Zhecheng praised him at the right time. “You really have good character.”

The screen moved to the comments section, which was even more out of control. It was like a festival for shippers:

“Class representative of the gossip world! I’ve hit the jackpot!”

“Ahhhhhh, Ze Cheng Yi Yu is real! I’m screaming with laughter!!”

“Sisters, here’s the classic tango [GIF] of these two, with waist-holding, hugging, and butt-raising! I always knew that their extraordinary first encounter would lead to an extraordinary outcome!”

“Wait, what kind of ‘outcome’ is the person above referring to? Blossoming into a relationship? [Dog head emoji]”

“?? The person above is being too profound. Arrest them!”

“Zhecheng acts high and mighty, reserved, and dignified with everyone else, but when he’s with Rongrong, he’s clingy, indulgent, and coquettish! Massive double standards!”

“Have you all noticed how much Zhecheng has changed? He used to speak very little and had few expressions on previous shows, but now he’s good at being funny (of course, only when he’s with Rongrong).”

“Let me add some details: during the exchange of remarks, Rongrong’s earlobes turned red [Image] and there were three times he zoned out while recording later. I thought I’d never see an emotion like ‘shyness’ on Rongrong’s face in my life!”

Rong Yuheng, upon reaching this point, immediately exclaimed, “Hey!” and quickly extended his small hand to shield the screen.

Wen Zhecheng turned to look at him. “Why are you covering it?”

Rong Yuheng replied, “You said, ‘Don’t believe rumors, don’t spread rumors.'”

Wen Zhecheng’s heart began to race, and he bypassed Rong Yuheng’s waist, gently pulling him closer, lowering his head to ask, “Is it just a rumor?”

Rong Yuheng suddenly found himself speechless. He wasn’t the type to be coy, but this rumor was even more substantial than he had anticipated, and he couldn’t digest it all at once.

Wen Zhecheng didn’t push further but asked meaningfully, “Is the gossip delicious?”

Rong Yuheng hesitated and said, “…”

Wen Zhecheng patted his little head. “Will you eat it again next time?”

Rong Yuheng grumbled inwardly, “Damn it!”

However, before he could retaliate against Wen Zhecheng, a second wave of buzz erupted on Weibo.

Wen Zhecheng’s friend from the entertainment industry, Kuang Zhao, made an appearance in the comments section of the “Ze Cheng Yi Yu Summary” post.

@KuangZhaoV: Hahaha, just caught up with the hot topic!

Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng: “…”

Weibo users immediately seized on Kuang Zhao and wouldn’t let go:

“The king of entertainment gossip is here. Do you know even more juicy details?”

“Kuang Ge is supposed to be Wen Ge’s friend, right? Him showing up to watch the show means it’s real! [Rubbing hands together]”

“Kuang Shao really loves to watch Rongrong’s melon, just like last time… Wait a minute! Last time, the reposted post that Wen Ge liked! Oh my God, it’s sugar!!! I’ve suddenly cracked the case!!!”

“I swear, I didn’t notice it back then, but now it all makes sense! Upstairs, I support your theory!”

Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng: “…”

What a little hamster, enjoying the gossip without a care in the world!

Right at this moment, the main protagonist was nearby, and Rong Yuheng couldn’t help but ask, “For that Weibo post last time, did you ask him to repost it in advance?”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “Not exactly. I mentioned you to him, and he reposted it on his own. But I did like the post for you.”

Damn. Rong Yuheng felt like there was a lot of information in that sentence. He was now a little question mark, and there were still many more mysteries!

Wen Zhecheng left it at that and lowered his head to type away on his phone. After a while, Rong Yuheng was still feeling perplexed, and he turned to see Wen Zhecheng chatting with someone else on Weibo. He raised his hand to poke him, asking, “What are you doing?”

Being with someone else while they were together… “Xe Cheng Yi Yu” didn’t seem so real!

Wen Zhecheng didn’t even lift his head. “Going to catch a hamster.” He ordered his good hamster not to eat melons indiscriminately and to ensure the well-being of the little sweet melon fans.

Rong Yuheng: …He retracted his previous thoughts.

It was getting late, and there was a shoot scheduled for the next day. After eating his fill of melon, Rong Yuheng was ready to return to his room to freshen up and rest.

Wen Zhecheng seemed a little disappointed. He hooked a finger toward Rong Yuheng. “Send me a message before bed.”

Rong Yuheng said, “Alright, got it.”

Just as he was about to leave, he had a sudden idea. He turned back to Wen Zhecheng and said, “What if the media catches me coming out of your room late at night? Wouldn’t our ‘CP’ seem even more real then?”

Before Wen Zhecheng could reply, Rong Yuheng continued with his wild imagination, “But the timing would be too short. I’m worried about your reputation being tarnished~”

Rong Yuheng said this and slipped away with a smooth “Khekekekekeke…” as he left.

The door clicked shut, leaving Wen Zhecheng alone in the room, silently contemplating.

He stared at the tightly closed door for a long time, his gaze deep:

To act this audacious right after eating melon, next time you dare to be any more audacious, I’ll make you personally assess it.

Author’s Note: Rong Yuheng: Eat melon! Talk dirty! Two of life’s greatest pleasures, never to be deprived of! Wen Zhecheng (deep in thought): How do I make this guy remember…

[Note: “Eating melon” in this context refers to enjoying gossip or drama, not actual melons.]