Zai An and his uncle appeared visibly confused for a moment, as if they sensed something was amiss.

Xu Sun, however, acted as if he didn’t notice and cheerfully said, “That’s right! This is Mr. Zai!”

The look in Xun Guang’s eyes when she turned to Xu Sun instantly turned shocked.

The commotion on their side ended when the director’s team announced the start of auditions. Rong Yuheng, who was second in line, waited by the side, reviewing the script.

Initially, he had only received a synopsis of the script. The complete version would only be provided once he officially joined the cast.

The first person to audition came out after a while. Rong Yuheng handed the script to Shi Qiu, adjusted his clothes, and entered the room.

Inside the room, members of the director’s team encircled him. Director Qian Xinlei sat in the center, with the producer and screenwriter beside him.

After introducing himself, Rong Yuheng was examined by Qian Xinlei. “You have good looks, and your eyes are lively. However, I heard you haven’t acted before. Let’s start with a scene. You’ll play the part where Huai Qing leaves the gang.”

The script only had one line about this scene: “When Huai Qing leaves, there’s a heavy rain outside Fanghua Slope. He tosses his sleeves, doesn’t look back, and walks away.”

Rong Yuheng nodded and said, “Alright, I’ll begin.”

With those words, he straightened his back and looked in the direction of the gang, his hands behind his back.

Rong Yuheng imagined the cold and merciless raindrops hitting his face through the layers of flower leaves on Fanghua Slope. He felt like an immortal in exile, with his wings drenched in rain…

Rong Yuheng’s eyes revealed a hint of pity. “Mortals, you have lost me after all.”

He then swiftly waved his arm, creating an elegant breeze with his sleeves, before turning to walk towards the vast world.

Rong Yuheng’s gaze was fixed on the distant horizon, and a faint smile curled on his lips. His eyes radiated a bright glow. “From now on, this world has gained a celestial being who spreads love and peace.”


Even Qian Xinlei, a director with several years of experience, couldn’t help but exclaim, “Such rich inner emotions!”

He turned to look at Xun Guang and said, “No wonder you recommended him to me. He’s simply  just like you.”

Xun Guang disagreed, “Please let Rong Goose be unique.” Don’t cue her.

Qian Xinlei gave her a meaningful look, then turned to Rong Yuheng, who was waiting patiently. “Do you know how the person who auditioned before you performed this scene?”

Rong Yuheng leaned forward attentively to listen.

Qian Xinlei explained, “Resentment, sadness, determination, and despair.”

Rong Yuheng exclaimed in admiration, “Wow!”

“…?” Qian Xinlei was taken aback. Despite being competitors, Rong Yuheng displayed a strangely nonchalant attitude, as if he were just a bystander enjoying the show.

“You and him portrayed completely different feelings in the scene. Why did you choose to act it this way?”

Rong Yuheng looked at him indulgently, as if to say, “What’s the problem with that?”

“No matter the circumstances, a person’s essence won’t change.”

A fool will always be a fool, even if they leave their hometown. They would remain a proud and cold statue.

On the sidelines, Xun Guang proudly puffed out her chest. “Anyone can learn common sense, but the soul of a fool is not something everyone possesses!”

Qian Xinlei, who had worked with Xun Guang before, understood her temperament well. “Understood. You can let him wait for the good news.”

Xun Guang touched her heart emotionally. “I knew you were the wisest, Director Qian-chan!”

Qian Xinlei replied indifferently, “Please don’t use such second-dimensional terms to address me.” It sounded as if he were edible.


As they chatted, the next person for the audition entered the room, causing them to quickly change the topic. Xun Guang sat contentedly on a small stool, fidgeting and texting Rong Yuheng.

【Xun Guang】: The director and the team really like you. You’re almost guaranteed the role! [Excitedly rubbing hands.gif]

【Rong Yuheng】: That’s great! [Sea otter belly pat.gif]

After receiving the reply, Rong Yuheng felt much more at ease. However, Shi Qiu still maintained her usual caution, saying, “Don’t let your guard down until you’ve signed the official contract.”

Rong Yuheng responded, “I know.”

Once the auditions were over, they could leave. Both of them headed downstairs, but suddenly Rong Yuheng’s phone rang.

It was a call from Wen Zhecheng.

“Hello? Is this… ” Rong Yuheng paused for a moment and noticed Shi Qiu’s suspicious gaze. He quickly corrected himself, “It’s Teacher Wen.”

Wen Zhecheng responded with a simple “Hmm” and asked, “Is the audition over? I heard you were in front.”

“Yes, it just finished, and I was about to head back.”

“How did it go?”

“It went well. The screenwriter told me it’s almost a sure thing.”

“That’s great.” Wen Zhecheng paused for a moment and added, “Could you wait for me for a while before leaving?”

“You’re coming over?”

As soon as Rong Yuheng said this, Shi Qiu immediately turned around, her gaze becoming focused.

Rong Yuheng continued, “What’s the matter?”

Wen Zhecheng didn’t answer, and he hung up the phone without giving Rong Yuheng a chance to inquire further.

Shi Qiu was now on high alert regarding Wen Zhecheng’s intentions. “What’s Wen Zhecheng coming over for?”

“He didn’t say, he just hung up.”

Shi Qiu had a bad feeling about this.

Back in the waiting room for auditions, they chatted for a while, and by then, the auditions had reached the eighth person. It was now Zai An’s turn, and as soon as he entered the room, Wen Zhecheng arrived.

Wen Zhecheng’s arrival caused a commotion in the waiting room, and some people even started looking for paper and pens, preparing to ask for autographs.

Behind Wen Zhecheng, Qu Youhe looked utterly despondent. When Shi Qiu noticed her, her gaze became sharp.

Rong Yuheng quickly ran over and asked, “Hey, why are you here?”

Wen Zhecheng didn’t avoid the question and ruffled Rong Yuheng’s hair, saying, “I have something to discuss.”

“What is it?”

Wen Zhecheng didn’t answer. One of the staff members who had noticed him came over and asked, “Why did Teacher Wen come here? Do you need to talk to Director Qian? He’s still watching the actors’ auditions. Let me inform him.”

Wen Zhecheng nodded and said, “Yes, please.”

After a while, Zai An came out. He was followed by Qian Xinlei and Lei Shen, who walked directly toward Wen Zhecheng.

“Why did Teacher Wen come?”

Wen Zhecheng shook hands with them and said, “Director Qian, Producer Lei, I’m sorry to bother you. Could I join the audition at the end?”

This statement sent shockwaves through the entire waiting room, leaving everyone in stunned silence.

Qian Xinlei was stunned for a moment and then asked incredulously, “What?”

Wen Zhecheng maintained a humble attitude and said, “I hope Director Qian can give me a chance to audition for the role of the second male character.”

Zai An, who was also auditioning for the role of the second male character, suddenly felt like things had taken a bad turn. Why was Wen Zhecheng intruding on their audition?

Movies and television dramas were two different fields, and the filming techniques and actor requirements were quite different. Most actors specialized in one area.

Now, Wen Zhecheng, a renowned film actor, was asking to audition for a role in a TV drama? It was indeed quite surreal.

Wen Zhecheng continued to promote himself passionately, “I really like this character and would like to try more roles in the film and television industry. Money is not a problem; my main goal is to learn more in this industry.”

Even the battle-hardened Qu Youhe couldn’t listen to such an elaborate excuse any longer, let alone Qian Xinlei.

Furthermore, Wen Zhecheng’s acting skills and popularity were unquestionable, so what if he tried his hand at a different field?

While Qu Youhe couldn’t say much, Qian Xinlei couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He finally managed to say, “Of course, you can.”

The director and producer returned to their room, and the auditions continued. In the waiting room, the actors all cast curious glances at the famous film actor who had suddenly appeared to audition for a television role.

However, Wen Zhecheng’s attention was entirely focused on Rong Yuheng. “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

At this moment, Rong Yuheng’s feelings were somewhat complicated.

On one hand, Rong Yuheng was happy for Xun Guang since having Wen Zhecheng auditioning for the male supporting role made Zai An’s attempt to secure the role irrelevant. On the other hand, he was conflicted because he couldn’t understand why Wen Zhecheng would suddenly want to act in a television drama. It couldn’t be because of him, right? The mere thought of this possibility left Rong Yuheng feeling confused and unsettled.

He cleared his throat and turned to Wen Zhecheng with an interrogative tone, “You kept something from me again. When you auditioned for ‘Treasure Hunt,’ you didn’t tell me. Do you really not have me…” he hesitated, “…in your heart?” It sounded like he wanted to say, “Do you really not have me as your hamster?”

Wen Zhecheng quickly hushed him in a low voice, “How could that be? I just wanted to surprise you. My heart is filled with you…” he trailed off, sounding very much like he was talking about a hamster.

Their respective agents, who couldn’t hear their inner monologue, were itching to go over and shut their mouths. They were probably exchanging some cheesy lovey-dovey lines!

The two lovebirds continued their sweet talk while holding a script that others couldn’t read. When all the actors finished their auditions, Rong Yuheng accompanied Wen Zhecheng into a room.

Wen Zhecheng entered the room, and Rong Yuheng discreetly peeked inside. Her eyes widened as he saw the way Xun Guang looked at Wen Zhecheng, as if she had found her savior. She then proceeded to deliver a string of flowery compliments, “Indeed, you’re a film emperor. Your foundation is excellent! Your handsome face is unlike that of an ordinary person, your physique is like a walking clothes hanger, your temperament resembles a lofty pine tree, and your gaze is as sharp as a blade…”

Qian Xinlei cleared his throat, reminding her to tone it down a bit.

Afterward, the audition room’s door was closed by the staff, leaving Rong Yuheng standing outside, quietly waiting.

About eight minutes later, the door opened, and Qian Xinlei walked out with Wen Zhecheng. They shook hands, and Qian Xinlei said, “I look forward to our collaboration.”

Following them, Qu Youhe, who had been a silent bai tuanzi (white round figure), chimed in, “I’m also looking forward to our collaboration!”

Rong Yuheng’s eyes lit up. Wen Zhecheng had passed the audition.

Taking advantage of the situation, bai tuanzi (white round figure) moved closer to Rong Yuheng and suggested, “Since the main cast is set, how about having lunch together? Director Qian, would that be okay?”

Qian Xinlei, who was aware of her ulterior motives, didn’t object. Her calculations were clear as day, she wanted to secure Rong Yuheng. The sound of her scheming mind reverberated throughout the audition waiting room.

After all the auditions, it was clear that Rong Yuheng was the best fit visually, and Qian Xinlei didn’t resist the idea of having a meal together.

Many directors prioritize the visual chemistry between the actors when casting. Acting skills could be polished as long as they were not terrible, but visual chemistry was something that couldn’t be forced, and once lost, it could be a thorn in the side during filming.

They all headed to a nearby hotel for a meal. At the dining table, the director, producer, screenwriter, lead actors, and their agents sat together. Qian Xinlei was genuinely pleased that Wen Zhecheng had joined the project and started to drink one glass after another.

Wen Zhecheng also had a few drinks, and with the warm atmosphere and the crowded room, his face started to turn a little red.

Rong Yuheng sat next to Wen Zhecheng, watching him with flushed cheeks. He felt an inexplicable sense of excitement.

Oh no… He turned his head away and focused on his food, but Wen Zhecheng was exuding that damned yet enchanting pheromone again!

As the dinner conversation continued, Qian Xinlei began reminiscing about the past. “Don’t underestimate Xun Guang’s attitude towards me. When she was working on her first IP, it was me who bought the rights. Later, she joined the production team and became a screenwriter.”

Xun Guang, with a wine glass in her hand, had also been drinking. She responded to Qian Xinlei, “Your only merit is having a good eye.”

Qian Xinlei smirked, “Forget it; you were not good in the beginning either. I bought the rights because your style was unique and the selling points were enough. But your first book, I didn’t even want to talk about it. I only bought it because your style was too distinct.”

Xun Guang didn’t argue with that. “I used to write fanfiction, and there are some differences between original works and fanfiction. I admit my first book had flaws.”

After Xun Guang finished speaking, Wen Zhecheng turned his head to look at her. At the dining table, everyone was engrossed in listening to the director and screenwriter’s stories, so Wen Zhecheng’s subtle gesture went unnoticed.

However, Rong Yuheng, sitting next to him, noticed something was amiss. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt that something unusual had emanated from Wen Zhecheng.

After a few rounds of drinks, bai tuanzi’s weak bladder protested, and she left the room.

About half a minute later, Wen Zhecheng also made a move. He turned to Qu Youhe, exchanged a few words, and then got up, heading for the door.

Rong Yuheng’s animal instincts were tingling. He stared at the closed door of the private room for a moment, then decided to follow Wen Zhecheng.

In the corridor outside the restroom, a tall figure stood upright. Facing him was a small, round figure, and they were standing face to face.

Rong Yuheng crouched in the corner of the corridor, observing discreetly. He didn’t know why he was lurking like a spy, but he felt somewhat guilty.

Suddenly, Wen Zhecheng took out his phone and said, “Let’s exchange WeChat.”

Bai tuanzi agreed, “Sure.”

Rong Yuheng’s pupils constricted, and his claws nearly pierced the wall. What on earth was happening? Was Wen Zhecheng secretly keeping other pets behind his back? Even though the round figure seemed easy to take care of, he couldn’t allow it!

Before Rong Yuheng could process this new development, Wen Zhecheng asked politely, “Thank you, Teacher Xun Guang. Can I pay an advance? Eighty yuan per 1,000 words, is that acceptable?”

Xun Guang raised her hand in a generous gesture, “Although it wasn’t your intention, you did help me out of a big trouble. Let’s just remove one zero and make it eight yuan per 1,000 words!”

Wen Zhecheng frowned, “That’s too low.”

Xun Guang responded with a smile, “Think of it as me generating love for you.”

Wen Zhecheng expressed his gratitude, “Thank you. I’ll leave ‘Choose a city to Encounters’ in your capable hands.”

Rong Yuheng, who was eavesdropping, felt a mix of emotions, “…” What in the world was going on?

The transaction was completed, and Xun Guang headed back to the private room, while Wen Zhecheng went into the restroom. Rong Yuheng emerged from the corner, appearing nonchalant as he greeted Xun Guang.

To Rong Yuheng’s surprise, there was excitement in Xun Guang’s eyes, along with an unmistakable smile. Even her tail seemed to be swaying with joy. “Hey, you’re going to the restroom too? Mr. Wen is in there as well.”

Rong Yuheng tried to maintain his composure. “Oh.” What’s with the ‘oh’?

After Xun Guang left, Rong Yuheng didn’t enter the restroom. Instead, he waited at the entrance.

Soon, Wen Zhecheng came out with droplets of water still on his face, suggesting he had washed it. When he saw Rong Yuheng, he suddenly froze. “Little one?”

Rong Yuheng gave a soft “hmph” and raised his chin, saying, “Come over here.”

Wen Zhecheng was tickled by this mix of obedient and stern expression, so he quickly approached. “What’s up?”

Rong Yuheng asked, “What did you say to Xun Guang?”

Wen Zhecheng was taken aback, and his earlobes turned slightly red. “Nothing.”

Rong Yuheng deliberately teased, “Are you trying to find a companion for me?”

Wen Zhecheng reacted after a moment and then reached out to grab Rong Yuheng’s arm gently, guiding it closer to himself. He whispered, “How could that be? I only raise one little pet, and that’s enough for us to be each other’s companions.”

Rong Yuheng felt his mouth wanting to curl into a smile. He tried hard to control the rising and exuberant feeling. “So, what were you two talking about?”

Wen Zhecheng’s lips twitched. With droplets still on his face, damp eyelashes, dark pupils, and a hint of blush on his cheeks, he gave off an inexplicable charm. Wen Zhecheng replied, “I wanted to… invite her to write fanfiction.”

“What fanfiction?”

“For ‘Choose a city to encounter ‘…” Wen Zhecheng glanced at Rong Yuheng with a slightly tipsy gaze and bright, passionate eyes. “Isn’t she originally from the fanfiction world?”

Although Rong Yuheng already knew, hearing it firsthand made him feel a bit shy. He gently pushed Wen Zhecheng away. “Hey, what are you doing? Why are you asking someone to write that kind of stuff?”

Wen Zhecheng took advantage of Rong Yuheng’s proximity and slid down his arm to gently grip his fingers, giving them a slight squeeze. “It’s just to buy milk powder for Crystal.”

The author has a message to share:

Wen Zhecheng: Little Jie Jing (Crystal), grow up quickly~

Rong Yuheng: … (Sweet but troublesome)

P.S. Regarding commissioning fanfiction:

In general, screenwriters who can sell IPs are rarely seen going back to write fanfiction, unless they genuinely enjoy it. So, initially, Wen Zhecheng offered 80 yuan per 1,000 words, totaling around 2,000 yuan for the two pieces. Xun Guang reduced it to 8 yuan per 1,000 words, symbolically, and it was a small amount for both parties.

In reality, the payment for fanfiction by regular writers is much lower…

‘Ze cheng yi yu-Choose a city to encounter ‘