After finishing his rap, there was a brief moment of silence. Su Yuyin straightened up, supporting his old waist, and asked the question on everyone’s mind, “What was that you just did?”

Without changing his expression, Rong Yuheng quickly shifted the blame, “It’s a song called ‘Song of the Little Pets’ created by Bian Chen. It just rolled out of my mind when I fell.”

Everyone in the room thought he was making up stories, but knowing that further questioning would only lead to more absurd answers, they all tacitly skipped over this topic and shifted their focus back to the steep slope ahead.

Calculating with her fingers, Wen Ying estimated, “If we stack on top of each other, the person on top should be able to climb up, right?”

Su Yuyin’s eyes lit up, “That makes sense! Rongbao, do you remember when we recorded the trial version? Once one person cleared it, the rest could follow. If it follows the same pattern, we only need one person to get up.”

Rong Yuheng suggested, “Then the three of us guys will be at the bottom, and Wen Ying and Zhixu will be on top.”

Zhixu immediately rubbed her hands, “Ah, but I don’t have much strength.”

Wen Ying, accustomed to her ways, said, “Then you can be on top.”

Among the five, Ji Yanchu had the strongest physique and volunteered to take the bottom position. Rong Yuheng and Su Yuyin exchanged glances, and Su Yuyin said, “I’m the elder brother, so I’ll be at the bottom.”

Rong Yuheng glanced at his waist, “Brother, you can’t do it.”

Su Yuyin, determined, said, “How do you know I can’t do it?”

Worried that the conversation might take a strange turn and lead to another rap, Rong Yuheng quickly intervened, “Alright, alright. You can be at the bottom, and I’ll hold Wen Ying.”

After finalizing their positions, they began to stack up like “LEGO” blocks, trying to climb up the slope.

Su Yuyin and Ji Yanchu were already stacked up, and Rong Yuheng was about to climb up between them. Su Yuyin was about to give him a boost, but unexpectedly, Rong Yuheng suddenly burst into sharp laughter. His body trembled as if electrified, and he almost rolled down the slope.

“Kekekeke Su-ge, don’t grab my leg, it tickles! Kekekeke…!”

Rong Yuheng’s infectious laughter quickly spread, and everyone couldn’t help but laugh uncontrollably.

In a moment, the “LEGO” trio on the slope was laughing so hard they were about to collapse.

Rong Yuheng, at the top, was wobbling the most. He stopped laughing, realizing he might fall off the platform. “Stop, stop, I’m going to fall!”

Finally, the five of them managed to build the human ladder, and at the top, Fang Zhixu stretched out her arm to grab onto the edge.

Fang Zhixu complained in a weak voice, “I can’t get up…”

Wen Ying pushed up her shoulder and helped her, “Use a bit more force with your arms!”

“That won’t work. My arms are sore…”

Rong Yuheng, sandwiched in the middle, felt like he was suffocating. “Zhixu, if you can’t do it, you can go down first and come back with fins to increase your height.”

Fang Zhixu’s weak voice paused, then she reluctantly said, “I… I’ll try again.”

Rong Yuheng praised her, “You’re such a hardworking and brave little mermaid.”

Everyone fell silent.

With this unique encouragement, Fang Zhixu finally managed to climb up to the top of the slope.

Su Yuyin shouted, “Zhixu, see if there are any clues or mechanisms up there!”

“There’s a rope.” Fang Zhixu let the rope down, and the remaining four used it to climb up bit by bit.

Once Rong Yuheng got up, he collapsed.

He turned back into Rong Jelly, lying limply on the ground, not wanting to move.

Seeing this, Su Yuyin closed his eyes for a moment! He picked Rong Yuheng up and quietly reminded him, “Little Rongbao, pay attention to your image…”

Rong Yuheng wheezed, shaking his head, “I can’t do it anymore. I’m done.”

Su Yuyin, “…”

Su Yuyin, “Aren’t you good at tango? I thought you had enough arm strength.”

Rong Yuheng replied, “That’s irrelevant. I’m just tired from laughing.”

Su Yuyin couldn’t help but silently admire, “Impressive.”

Above the platform was a passage with several oil barrels and batteries piled together on both sides. The group searched around but couldn’t find any useful clues, so they decided to proceed through the passage to the next room.

Wen Ying walked at the front, and Rong Yuheng followed from behind. Before they could reach the end, they heard Wen Ying scream, “Wow!”

“What’s wrong?” Ji Yanchu hurried over and saw that Wen Ying was all wet.

The front room looked like a cabin with wooden planks on the floor, unevenly spread, and holes in the ceiling. It seemed that Wen Ying might have stepped on some mechanism, causing water to suddenly pour down from above.

Even though the weather had turned cool, the room was heated, and the guests were dressed lightly. With the drenching, Wen Ying’s thin clothes became see-through.

Ji Yanchu quickly handed her his jacket to wear, and the rest of the group huddled near the door, peering inside like a group of secretly observing orange cats.

However, just looking wouldn’t solve their problem. After half a minute, Rong Yuheng couldn’t resist extending a probing little foot and gently stepped on the wooden planks.

Su Yuyin was behind, holding him like a yo-yo, ready to pull him back if anything went wrong.

Rong Yuheng took a step and looked up, but nothing happened.

Su Yuyin reminded him, “Don’t face upward; otherwise, the water might…”

Before Su Yuyin could finish, a large amount of water poured down with a “swoosh”!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, pulling Rong Yuheng back just in time. Otherwise, he would have been soaked, turning into a true water-filled hamster.

“Wow!” Rong Yuheng’s face narrowly avoided the water, but his clothes were soaked, clinging to his body, outlining his figure.

At a glance, it was evident that he had a waist and hips.

Su Yuyin glanced twice, “…Do you want my jacket?”

Rong Yuheng showed determination, “As a grown man, why would I need a man’s jacket?”


Every part of that sentence was a point for ridicule, and Su Yuyin’s mouth opened and closed before he decided to change the subject. “We need to find the pattern of the leaks. Otherwise, we’ll keep getting soaked.”

The holes in the ceiling were almost alternating in front, back, left, and right, making it hard to know where to hide.

After pondering for a while, the group couldn’t find any clues. Ji Yanchu, who had attempted to explore, had already been soaked three times and had no choice but to return disappointedly.

He weakly hugged his sturdy self, “I’m so cold and exhausted…”

Rong Yuheng comforted him, “You look like a peeled boiled egg now—smooth, moist, and pitiable.”

Ji Yanchu put an end to his performance in one second, “Thanks, but no need.”

Rong Yuheng regretfully ceased the flattery.

But the mention of boiled eggs reminded him of Zhou Shubai.

Since the end of the audition, they hadn’t seen each other. Rong Yuheng planned to find time to visit the young master and maintain the relationship between the employer and the collector’s edition household kitchen utensils.

Lost in thought, Su Yuyin suddenly patted his head, “What are you daydreaming about? If there’s no other way, we can only tough it out and pass through.”

Rong Yuheng’s head was struck with a resounding “thud.”

For a moment, he felt like an old-fashioned TV from the previous era, and a slap on the head would bring back the signal when the frequency couldn’t be tuned.

Rong Yuheng looked at the holes in the ceiling and fell silent for two seconds, “I thought of something.”

“What?” Everyone turned to him.

Rong Yuheng said, “As long as I run fast enough, the mechanism won’t catch up with me.”

Behind the surveillance screen, Yang Wen’s pupils contracted: Rong Yuheng found another bug!

This mechanism indeed had a response time of just over a second. By abandoning defense and running straight to the other side at the fastest speed, theoretically, they could avoid getting soaked.

Having a theory meant putting it into practice.

Wen Ying was the first to dash over. Her clothes were only slightly damp, and she safely reached the other side. Su Yuyin took off his jacket and let Fang Zhixu use it to run over without getting wet.

Soon, everyone used speed to defeat intelligence and passed through the room together.

After reaching the other side, Wen Ying looked at Rong Yuheng admiringly, “How did you catch this bug?”

Sometimes, a method was like Columbus balancing an egg. It sounded simple when said out loud, but it was hard to think of in the inertia of conventional thinking.

At Wen Ying’s words, Rong Yuheng lowered his gaze deeply and smiled.

“Hesitation leads to defeat.”


After realizing that they were on the wrong topic, the team members quickly averted their gazes and refocused on discussing the plot. Su Yuyin said, “These scenes must not appear here without reason. The oil barrels, batteries, and the broken ship cabin are all hints. The paper that Ji Laoshi found earlier depicted an oil tanker and oil barrels. Do you think there might be a connection?”

Fang Zhixu stuck to her speculation, “Could it be a treasure ship that hit a reef, causing all the treasures on board to sink to the seabed?”

“It’s possible.”

“But with so many treasures, how do we know which one to find? And what do the oil barrels and fish bones refer to?”


The discussion yielded no results, so they continued walking forward.

The last door opened, revealing a room with a cross-shaped rotating fan spinning at a not slow pace in the middle. Below, three meters high, was a pool filled with ocean balls, something Rong Yuheng and Su Yuyin were familiar with—it promised excitement to fall into.

Except for the wall they entered through, the other three sides had grooves with treasure chests placed inside. Su Yuyin surveyed the area and said, “It seems we have to jump onto the rotating fan first, then go for the treasure chests, and finally determine which chest holds the treasure we are looking for.”

Ji Yanchu suggested, “Three of us are enough to go up.”

Su Yuyin was already recognized as having poor agility and was directly excluded. Fang Zhixu still clung to her high heels and idol burdens. Thus, the three of them took turns jumping onto the rotating fan, carefully balancing on the edge, and when it turned to a groove, they would grab the chest.

The entire process was undoubtedly perilous, and at one point, Wen Ying even hugged the treasure box and stayed in the groove until the next rotation to climb ashore again.

Rong Yuheng found Wen Ying’s maneuvers fascinating. Could she also be aiming to become a “treasure girl”?

Returning to the platform, the three of them hugged the chests as if they were carrying three grandchildren.

They opened the chests one by one: gold coins, pearls, and an engine model.

“Both gold coins and pearls are too common. I feel like it should be the engine. Maybe the ship hit a reef, and the engine broke before sinking,” Su Yuyin suggested.

“Possible, but this engine seems too out of place. There’s no difference in choosing between gold coins and pearls,” Rong Yuheng said, staring at the paper Ji Yanchu had first found and furrowing his brow.

“In this drawing, the oil tanker is still in operation, isn’t it? It doesn’t show any signs of hitting a reef,” he pointed to the fish bones in the sea, “And these bones have no connection with a reef either.”

Everyone uttered a collective “emmm…”

Su Yuyin said, “I can’t figure this part out either, but I can’t find any other explanation.”

After pondering for two seconds, Rong Yuheng suddenly raised both hands above his head and formed a circular shape, “I thought of a treasure.”

Ji Yanchu looked at the “circular shape” and raised an eyebrow, “Ingot?”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, “Environmental protection.”

Everyone, “…”

They suspected Rong Yuheng was playing with a pun again.

After ignoring Rong Yuheng’s pun, the team members reported their final answer to the program group, “We choose the engine.”

Yang Wen’s voice came through the loudspeaker into the arena, “Are you sure?”

Su Yuyin looked complicated, “Do we look like we are sure?”

“…” Yang Wen was speechless for a moment, “So, you choose the engine, right?”

Su Yuyin exchanged glances with his teammates and nodded, “Yes.”

In a tense atmosphere, Yang Wen announced loudly, “Alright, your choice is—”

Everyone took a deep breath.

“Unfortunately, it’s the wrong answer!”

“Ah ah ah!!? Why?!”

After wailing, the five guests were asked to return to the stage.

The previous positive energy segment was originally a separately recorded video, but it was now changed to have them come up on stage to share their thoughts.

The five returned to the center of the stage, where Liu Wanjing was holding a microphone, ready to reveal the correct answer for this episode’s theme. “Welcome back, five guests. Now I will announce the correct answer to this episode’s theme! Actually, the theme was meant to raise awareness about marine pollution. The oil barrels and batteries sinking into the ocean would cause serious harm to marine life. The three treasure chests were only misleading answers. Therefore, the real answer is—environmental awareness!”

Holy cow! The people on stage instantly turned their gazes towards Rong Yuheng: He actually got the answer right with such an abstract response!!

Rong Yuheng was momentarily dumbfounded, but then happily applauded himself, “I’m not ‘Rong Bu Xing’ (incapable), I’m ‘Rong Hen Bang’ (really awesome)!”

Liu Wanjing said, “Now that the answer is revealed, what are your thoughts, everyone?” He handed the microphone to Su Yuyin and said, “Su Laoshi, why don’t you start?”

However, Su Yuyin waved his hand and said, “Among us, only Rong Bao got it right. I suggest he starts.”

A hint of embarrassment briefly appeared on Liu Wanjing’s face. Even he didn’t know the theme of this episode before the program group announced it. If he had known, he wouldn’t have mentioned “coal stoves” and “firewood” at the beginning, but unfortunately, the ending was about environmental conservation!

Liu Wanjing felt like he had been slapped in the face, and the aftertaste was still strong.

He tried to pass the microphone to Rong Yuheng naturally and said, “So, Rong Yuheng, do you have any thoughts?”

Rong Yuheng glanced at him, and Liu Wanjing suddenly felt a profound meaning in those eyes, causing his heart to skip a beat.

But Rong Yuheng quickly looked away.

The camera zoomed in, capturing his clear and bright eyes, his resolute spirit between his eyebrows, and his rosy lips moving as he spoke with a steady and eloquent tone through the microphone, “I’ve said it before—we need green, we need environmental protection, and we need to respond to the country’s call!”

Author’s note: Rong Yuheng is using wordplay again, yay!