Wen Zhecheng remained silent for a while.

Qu Youhe became worried and glanced back at him. In the dimly lit backseat, the soft glow of the phone screen reflected on Wen Zhecheng’s face. He was hunched over, resembling an illuminated statue.

Qu Youhe’s pupils contracted. “He was just fine a moment ago!”

“Zhecheng, what’s wrong?” Qu Youhe asked.

Gradually regaining his senses after the impact, Wen Zhecheng shook his head bitterly. “It’s nothing.”

Qu Youhe didn’t believe him. “Your outward expression doesn’t match your words.”

Wen Zhecheng stayed silent for two seconds, then turned his head towards the window.

It was late at night, and outside the window was pitch black. The scenery along the way blurred as they quickly retreated. Only his tired, handsome face reflected clearly on the car window.

“I want to wrap up the script…” he muttered bitterly.

“Wrap up?” Qu Youhe tried to recall the scenes they had filmed earlier that day. 

“The shoot was going smoothly, and everyone got along well. Zhecheng, don’t you like this script?”

Wen Zhecheng couldn’t focus on the conversation right now. His ears echoed with the surround sound of “getting stronger and stronger,” and images of sea otters calling out “Grandma, Grandma” kept popping up in his mind!

Suddenly, Wen Zhecheng’s voice raised, “I don’t like it at all! I want to finish script quickly!”

Qu Youhe felt exhausted. “We’ve been shooting for so long, and everything has been going well. If you have any concerns, just speak up, and we can all work it out together.”

Wen Zhecheng said, “Then I don’t want to play the kind and gentle old grandma anymore.”

Qu Youhe paused. “…??”

After a while, he reached out and turned off the car’s music, coaxing, “You should get some sleep, Zhecheng. You’re not thinking clearly right now.”

Wen Zhecheng decided not to contact Rong Yuheng until he figured out a way to change the script, to prevent the latter from getting too deep into the role.

Fortunately, Rong Yuheng, the heartless little devil, was considerate enough not to disturb Wen Zhecheng actively.

The days went by with both of them keeping their distance from each other. The night of the final battle for the Ace Star was approaching.

On the eve of the final, the training room at the training center was brightly lit. The members of the three teams were having their final closed-door practice. The next day, they would go to the television station for an on-site rehearsal.

Shan Qi hadn’t given up on the “lifting” move, but fortunately, after observing dozens of airborne postures, Rong Yuheng finally figured out how to use his strength. Their coordination was becoming more seamless.

After finishing his own dance routine, Pu Zaixi stopped and watched their rehearsal.

After watching for a couple of seconds, he couldn’t help but fix his gaze on Rong Yuheng’s waist—when Rong Yuheng was being lifted up, the exposed waist appeared flexible and powerful.

It gave the impression of being able to withstand all sorts of movements.

Next second, Pu Zaixi saw Shan Qi put Rong Yuheng down and lifted his shirt, “I just noticed, you actually have some abs.”

Rong Yuheng proudly exposed his belly for inspection. “Yes, six-pack. It’s more noticeable when I flex.”

Then the two of them started poking each other’s stomachs with joy.

Pu Zaixi broke out in a cold sweat, “…”

For some reason, his first reaction was, this segment must never be aired…

The next day, they had rehearsals and the finals, so the trainees returned to rest around ten o’clock.

Before going to sleep, Rong Yuheng finally remembered Wen Zhecheng, who was thousands of miles away. After all, he was one of his mentors, so he should inform him.

【Rong Yuheng】: It’s the finals tomorrow, let’s go for it!

He sent the message, but Wen Zhecheng didn’t reply until he closed his eyes. Rong Yuheng felt sleepy and turned off his phone, falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight shone into the dormitory, Rong Yuheng was awakened by his roommates’ commotion.

Pu Zaixi and Zou Yi were particularly nervous, waking up early to apply face masks and stretch their legs.

Zhou Shubai was fine. He probably knew that he had no hope of debuting, so he was still lying in bed, exchanging sleepy glances with Rong Yuheng across the aisle.

“…” Rong Yuheng paused for two seconds. “Morning.”

Zhou Shubai nodded. “Morning. Shall we go back to sleep for a bit?”

Rong Yuheng responded with an “Hmm.” He was still a bit tired and wanted to catch a few more winks. As he reached for his phone, he saw Wen Zhecheng’s reply.

Wen Zhecheng’s reply had been sent at 2 AM, indicating that the crew had been filming until very late.

【Wen Zhecheng】: Don’t be nervous. If you need anything, come find me. Good luck.

Rong Yuheng stared at the phrase “come find me” for a while, feeling his sleepiness dissipate.

He guessed that Wen Zhecheng probably meant to say “come to me” but made a mistake due to fatigue.

After thinking about it, he felt moved. Even when Wen Zhecheng was so tired, he still remembered to reply to his message. It showed that Wen Zhecheng truly cared about him.

【Rong Yuheng】: Let’s skip the “finding” part. I’m afraid it’s illegal. I’ll do my best, mwah~ [Sea Otter with Cheeks Supported.jpg]

After sending the message, he got up and joined the line of applying face masks and stretching legs.

Zhou Shubai, who had just closed his eyes, abruptly opened them— he felt betrayed by the egg peeler!

Morning time passed quickly, and at 9:30 am, all the trainees gathered in front of the bus and headed to the TV station for rehearsal.

The three main mentors set off separately and arrived at the venue to provide guidance to the trainees during the rehearsal.

After the trainees arrived at the TV station, they went directly to the dressing room to change into their performance costumes. Rong Yuheng’s group had more elaborate outfits, with long robes and armor.

Rong Yuheng was struggling to fasten his straps when the host Xi Lin walked over from the other end and stood in front of him, taking the initiative to help him fasten them. “Let me help you.”

Rong Yuheng was surprised for a moment and then thanked him, “Thank you, Brother Xi Lin.”

Xi Lin lowered his head to fasten the straps and smiled when he heard Rong Yuheng’s words. “No problem, and thank you for taking care of my sister.”

Rong Yuheng was momentarily stunned, then reacted, “Xi Tao?”

Xi Lin nodded, “Yes, I watched your variety show. You took care of her so well when you first met, and I’m grateful for that. Xiaotao speaks highly of you. When she heard that I would be hosting your competition, she specifically asked me to take care of you.”

Rong Yuheng bowed like a sea otter to Xi Lin, “Thank you both~”

Xi Lin smiled, “You’re welcome. If you need anything, you can find me. I’ll be in Restroom 306.”


Their conversation didn’t deliberately avoid the other members of their group. After Xi Lin left, Pu Zaixi approached, “Wasn’t it the treasure hunt show you recorded last time? Wow, the world is small. You participated in two programs and even met a sibling pair!”

Rong Yuheng clasped his hands together and looked up to the sky, “It’s all fate.”


In the morning, the trainees rehearsed their positions twice. After lunch, they started full rehearsals in the afternoon.

When it wasn’t their turn, Rong Yuheng and his group practiced in an empty room. Yu Fu’s dance moves were still somewhat strained, and Nan Minshan from the same group couldn’t help but worry for him. “Your moves, It’s quite awkward.”

Yu Fu sighed, “I can only rely on some of our CP fans to vote for me.”

Nan Minshan was hearing this kind of talk for the first time and was puzzled. “What CP fans?”

Yu Fu replied, “Me and Bian Chen, our CP is called ‘Submission.’ CP fans should vote for me.”

“…” The other four remained silent for a moment, unsure whether to condemn his behavior or pity his situation.

Yu Fu was completely unaware and had an accommodating attitude. “Although Bian Chen and I don’t have that kind of relationship, I don’t really mind this CP thing either.”

Rong Yuheng sucked in a breath of cold air – such thick-skinned audacity!

He looked at Yu Fu with a gaze as if he were looking at a brave warrior facing death: It’s best if you don’t let Bian Chen hear those words, or not even Buddha can save you.

In the afternoon, the rehearsal proceeded smoothly under the guidance of the mentors.

When Song Tang saw Rong Yuheng, he lovingly patted his head and said, “I received your blessings, thank you.”

Rong Yuheng’s mind momentarily went blank at the unexpected gesture. “What?”

Song Tang continued patting him, saying, “May you live a long and prosperous life.”

Rong Yuheng, “…”

This insignificant incident was quickly forgotten. After two rounds of rehearsal for all three teams, it was approaching five o’clock.

They had dinner and then went to do their makeup and hairstyling.

The live broadcast of the finals would officially begin at 7:30 pm, and although there was still plenty of time, the contestants were filled with nervousness.

Rong Yuheng was also affected by the tension, feeling restless. He planned to “grab” Wen Zhecheng for a moment to relieve stress.

【Rong Yuheng】: I’m so nervous!

It was dinner time, and Wen Zhecheng’s drama crew was probably eating as well. The reply arrived quickly.

【Wen Zhecheng】: What time does it start?

【Rong Yuheng】: 7:30 pm. I’m in the second group. [Crying loudly]

【Wen Zhecheng】: We start in ten minutes. Do you want me to call you for ten minutes?

【Rong Yuheng】: No need, you’re busy. I’ll watch some skits to relax.

【Wen Zhecheng】: Oh.

Wen Zhecheng closed the chat box, telling himself he wasn’t disappointed. He wasn’t busy, after all. There were still ten minutes before they started. But how much could they talk in ten minutes?

However, Rong Yuheng found watching skits more relaxing, and he couldn’t persist.

Wen Zhecheng lowered his eyes, holding his phone. It seemed that he wasn’t interesting enough, so Rong Yuheng wasn’t interested either.

Director Long Zheng had just finished his meal and wanted to check if Wen Zhecheng had eaten enough. He noticed that Wen Zhecheng had no appetite.

He was taken aback and wondered if the food didn’t suit the temperamental actor.

“Wen Laoshi, is the food not good?”

Wen Zhecheng shook his head. “It’s because I’m not interesting enough.”

Long Zheng’s lips moved, momentarily unsure how to respond.

The connection between these two statements seemed illogical.

After the meal break, the crew resumed work.

Wen Zhecheng stood on the platform, holding a large wooden box.

In this scene, he had to protect the box and jump down from the platform, running along the tracks for a distance. The platform from the Republican era was as high as a grown man. Wen Zhecheng rarely used a stunt double, and he had tested it earlier and knew he could jump, so he went straight to the set.

Long Zheng waved his hand. “Action!”

Wen Zhecheng sprinted with the box to the edge of the platform, bent his knee, and then leaped down—the wide coat billowed behind him, making a swooshing sound, mixed with the distant sound of a train whistle.

During the descent, the clock on the platform struck, indicating that it was exactly 7 o’clock.

Usually, Wen Zecheng was deeply immersed in his role and rarely got distracted.

But at that moment, as he heard the chiming of the clock, a subconscious thought flashed through his mind—there was only half an hour left until the live broadcast of the finals.


Qu Youhe’s exclamation from the sidelines brought back Wen Zhecheng’s scattered attention. He quickly snapped back to reality, adjusting his posture and preparing for a cushioned landing just a second before his feet touched the ground.


Wen Zhecheng’s hands braced against the ground, and his palms were scraped, far from the perfect landing he had envisioned. He had actually gotten distracted.


“Cheng-ge, are you okay?” The crew quickly gathered around him.

“I’m sorry, I got distracted. Let me do it again,” Wen Zhecheng apologized.

“This scene was already difficult to shoot, so having multiple takes is expected. The most important thing is your safety,” Long Zheng said. 

“I know you’re precise in your acting, but don’t push yourself too hard. Xiao Le, take Wen Laoshi to clean and disinfect the wound.”

“I’m sorry for causing trouble,” Wen Zhecheng said.

He followed Xiao Le from the crew to the side for first aid, while Qu Youhe anxiously followed along. “You actually got distracted and almost fell. You scared me! What were you thinking, Cheng-ge?”

Wen Zhecheng buried his head, letting Xiao Le tend to his wound, resembling a well-behaved student following instructions.

Qu Youhe said, “No, just tell me, Cheng-ge, what were you thinking?”

Wen Zhecheng buried his head even deeper, his voice as soft as a mosquito, “…I wanted to watch TV.”


Both Xiao Le and Qu Youhe froze for a solid five seconds.

Qu Youhe was the first to thaw, incredulously asking, “What do you want to do?”

Wen Zhecheng replied meekly, “Watch TV.”

Qu Youhe, “…”

After a while, he stared at Wen Zhecheng’s hair bun and let out a long sigh, “Cheng-ge, you’re becoming more interesting.”

Wen Zhecheng perked up at his words and there was a barely perceptible hint of joy in his tone. “Really? Do you think I can be even more interesting?”

Qu Youhe’s emotions were complicated. “…well, that’s not necessary.”

Author’s note: Wen Zhecheng: I can be the way you like.