City C was two districts away from City Q where Rong Yuheng resided. Following the principle of saving whenever possible, Lu Mingxuan was successfully promoted to be a passenger transport driver, and carried Rong Yuheng and his small luggage all the way to the west. 

The journey took approximately four hours.

Rong Yuheng couldn’t smell the smell inside the car. As soon as he got in, he held his breath and opened his mouth, panting like a tropical fish next to Lu Mingxuan.

Lu Mingxuan couldn’t stand him and opened the window to let him breathe. “Anyone who doesn’t know would think I’m transporting a critically ill patient.”

Rong Yuheng quickly pressed the window back up. “Don’t open the window! If the wind blows in, it will blow all the smells into my nostrils!”


Lu Mingxuan expressionlessly shifted gears manually, increasing the speed to the maximum allowed.

The dazzling Ferrari 488 raced on the wide asphalt road, its fiery red figure passing by in a flash, as if rushing to deliver the plague.

The small cabin was as quiet as a chicken. Rong Yuheng scratched himself for a while and couldn’t help breaking the silence.

“Brother, how much is the market price of this car?”

“Over three million. Why?”

Rong Yuheng thought for a moment and looked around. “You better take good care of it. It has great potential for appreciation in the future.”

Lu Mingxuan finally gave him a glance. “Where did you get that information? Even if this model holds its value, mine is already a second-hand car. What appreciation can it have?”

“You don’t understand.” Rong Yuheng leaned against the car window, his pupils reflecting a wise and cold light. “This is where the dreams of a generation of superstars began.”

The high-performance Ferrari 488 made a slight turn on the smooth road, narrowly brushing past the greenery.

Lu Mingxuan held the slippery steering wheel and wiped off his cold sweat. He warned the main culprit with a stern look. “I advise you to think twice before saying such things. Otherwise, this might become the place where a generation of superstars fall.”


They arrived at the training location in City C at half past one in the afternoon, half an hour before the scheduled time.

“I’m leaving.”

Rong Yuheng took his luggage and got off the car. He waved to Lu Mingxuan inside the car. “Thanks for the ride, bro. I won’t forget you when I become rich and famous.”

“Idiot, take care of yourself.”

The cool luxury car drifted away, leaving behind a trail of dazzling colors.

Rong Yuheng grabbed his luggage and walked towards the meeting point, only to find that there were already five or six participants waiting there.

Upon seeing Rong Yuheng, they nodded their head.

One of them, a guy wearing a loose pink T-shirt, was the first to greet him. “Hey, I’m Pu Zaixi!”

“Hello, I’m Rong Yuheng.”

Pu Zaixi glanced in the direction of the car. “Was that your parents who dropped you off?”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, but before he could speak, another person next to him interrupted, “Of course not. Didn’t Rong Yuheng mention during the auditions that his family isn’t well off?”

The guy speaking seemed like a precious peacock, with his tone rising and falling like a European aristocrat.

Rong Yuheng didn’t quite understand why Chinese had to have such melodious ups and downs…

As the guy spoke, an air of arrogance continuously emanated from his brows. He glanced at Rong Yuheng and said, 

“My family is pretty wealthy. If you become my friend, I can provide assistance to you in the future.”

Rong Yuheng, “…”

He felt like he should be grateful, so he sincerely thanked him, “You’re really kind.”

The guy raised an eyebrow and smirked, a devilish and arrogant smile appearing on his face, reminiscent of the male lead Long Aotian1龙傲天 an Internet slang used to satirize some novels, comics or animations that are very strong at the beginning of the scene, do things without common sense, and can easily take out powerful enemies without thinking. in Ba-Zong novels.

Pu Zaixi’s lips twitched, and he couldn’t help but speak up, “Shubai, Yuheng hasn’t even answered yet.”

Zhou Shubai made an “Oh” sound, lifted his hand to adjust the valuable sunglasses on his nose, and said, “Then go ahead and answer.”

Rong Yuheng honestly replied, “Indeed, it wasn’t my family’s car.”

The car at home was a different model.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Shubai revealed a look of “as expected” and raised his arm to rest it on Rong Yuheng’s shoulder.

“It’s alright. If you catch my interest, feel free to ask for anything in the future~ My family has plenty of money. We have eight properties in City C, and our company is a nationwide chain. That Ferrari 488 earlier is nothing special to me. My garage… it’s quite big. But there’s still not enough space for all the cars. The most annoying thing every day is taking the cars out to find parking spots and then going around to inspect the properties…”

Rong Yuheng, “…”

It seemed that his story of being an invisible rich second generation was worthless.

The other participants around him all had a unified expression of “not listening, not interested.” Seeing this, Rong Yuheng had to interrupt him.

“Well, now that you’re participating in the training, you won’t have to worry about finding parking spots and inspecting properties.”

Zhou Shubai’s never-ending voice suddenly came to a halt.

Pu Zaixi lowered his head and chuckled quietly.

Seeing Zhou Shubai looking embarrassed, Rong Yuheng felt that the flower peacock had failed to open the screen. Inexplicably,  a strange sense of cuteness came from this rich second generation. He opened his arms and gave him a hug.

“Alright, alright. Thankyou, Brother Shubai.”

Zhou Shubai was caught off guard by the hug. “…”

He remained stunned for a while before regaining his senses. “Oh, no thanks.”

The rest of the participants gradually arrived, and Zou Yi, who also passed the preliminary round, ran over and hugged Rong Yuheng tightly.

“Wow, Yuheng! Let’s work hard together!”

Zhou Shubai looked at the two of them and once again became dumbfounded.

He muttered to himself, “What’s going on? Can people hug each other the first time they meet now?”

Pu Zaixi saw this and couldn’t help but laugh as he went to pull Rong Yuheng.

“You’re impressive. One hug and Shubai shuts up. Before you came, he was constantly talking about how rich his family is.”

Rong Yuheng looked at Zhou Shubai with the eyes of someone observing the foolish son of a landlord. He was accepting and affectionate. “Shubai may be foolish and rich, but his heart is good.”

Pu Zaixi nodded. “I know. If he had a bad heart and still flaunted his wealth, I would have punched him in the head a long time ago.”

Rong Yuheng, “…”

This child looks so well-behaved, how can he be so fierce…

It was two o’clock, the assembly time.

Qiao Tan, Song Tang, and Jin Zhiyao also arrived at the meeting point.

Qiao Tan held a cup of coffee in one hand, looking relaxed. He looked around and paused when his gaze fell on Rong Yuheng, followed by a faint smile.

Although Jin Zhiyao was the champion of last year’s singing competition with millions of fans, she was still a level below Qiao Tan and Song Tang. After politely greeting the two teachers, she stood aside.

It was noon, and the scorching sun was overhead. Many people were already sweating. Song Tang waved his hand, indicating everyone to listen to him.

“My dear students, from today onwards, the three of us will be both your examiners and your mentors. You will be undergoing a two-month training here—in the building behind me.”

“There are thirty of you students, three rounds of qualifying matches, with five eliminations in each round. Fifteen will remain for the final, competing for six spots in the debut group. This means that there will be constant departures along the way. I hope you can stay until the end based on your abilities!”

“Alright, it seems like everyone is feeling hot. Let’s head inside the hall first.”

As Song Tang finished speaking, the students breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t just about the heat; the main issue was the sunburn! They were all delicate boys aspiring to debut, so what would they do if their skin got sunburned?

The dormitory arrangements were self-selected, with four people in each room. As soon as Zou Yi entered the building, he found Rong Yuheng. “Shall we sleep together?”

Rong Yuheng stared at him warily and shook his head repeatedly. “I don’t have such a hobby, thank you, thank you, thank you…”

Zou Yi, “…”

Zou Yi, “Don’t talk dirty. You know what I mean.”

Zhou Shubai, who was eavesdropping, was once again stunned. Holy… Can people make such jokes when they first meet?

Pu Zaixi was very accustomed to this atmosphere. He grabbed Rong Yuheng with one hand and his luggage with the other, heading upstairs. “Then let’s sleep together, the four of us.”

Rong Yuheng agreed, “Sure.”

Zhou Shubai looked around in panic. “…?” Four? Which four? What about him?

As if to confirm his suspicion, Zou Yi rested his arm on the shoulder of this young master, nearly causing him to drop the heavy suitcase he was carrying.

Rong Yuheng, with sharp eyes and keen senses, grabbed the handle of the suitcase and lifted it up with one hand, while supporting himself against the railing. “Shubai, be careful.”

Zhou Shubai was startled and quickly held onto the luggage, still frightened. “Thank you.” Then he muttered quietly, “Can I treat you all to Georgian cuisine…”

Zou Yi and Pu Zaixi didn’t quite catch it. “What is it?”

Rong Yuheng, “…”

He silently pleaded for this young master to say something that ordinary people can understand.

But Pu Zaixi’s attention quickly shifted. He freed one hand and pinched Rong Yuheng’s arm. “Yuheng, your arm strength is impressive. You just grabbed the suitcase like that.”

Zou Yi, “After all, Yuheng is a tango dancer. He must often lift people and fly around. Wow… Can you get close to girls too? I’m envious.”

Rong Yuheng recalled the scene of being lifted and flown around… He remained silent.

Zou Yi suddenly realized, “Wait, during the preliminaries, you danced with Teacher Wen, and you danced the female steps, right?”

Rong Yuheng was suddenly exposed and felt flustered for a moment. Then he calmly shifted the blame, shamelessly saying, “Should I make Brother Cheng dance the female steps? I was being considerate to him.”

Zou Yi, “…”

Zhou Shubai believed it naively, “That’s true, otherwise, you’d have to hold onto Teacher Wen’s waist and make him fly in the air.”

Rong Yuheng imagined the scene and his eyes gradually lit up…

Pu Zaixi casually turned his head to the side and instantly felt a chill down his spine.

“Yuheng, your eyes is so scary…”

Hearing the words, Rong Yuheng quickly concealed his expression and pretended to ask calmly, “What’s wrong?”

Pu Zaixi replied, “In the TV drama I was watching a few days ago, there was a treacherous minister who wanted to seize the throne…”

“Okay, I get it.”

The four of them arrived at the dormitory and pushed open the door, finding it beautifully arranged.

There were four beds arranged in pairs, facing each other with a central aisle. There was also a spacious area on the inner side, with a coffee table, sofa, tables, chairs, and storage cabinets.

Indeed, it was Fan Yu Entertainment, providing the highest standard dormitories for future artists.

Once they entered the room, Zhou Shubai’s habit resurfaced. He looked around and revealed a picky yet accommodating expression.

“Although it’s not as big as the bathroom in my bedroom, it can still accommodate people.”

The tone of “Ba-zong”2The idiom, CEO character in common chinese novel was so melodious and his voice so light, as if a heavenly deity was showing mercy to the world, sprinkling sporadic drops of sweet dew.

Rong Yuheng felt that Pu Zaixi was about to go crazy. The latter picked up a pillow from the bed and went to smash Zhou Shubai, saying, “I know you’re rich, so stop saying that! It’s annoying, aaaaah!”

Caught off guard, Zhou Shubai was hit and fell into a daze again, “…”

After causing a commotion in the dormitory and unpacking their things, the announcement came over the building’s speakers.

Qiao Tan’s voice came from inside, saying, “Please gather in the music room on the third floor, students.”

On the third-floor music room, Qiao Tan and the other two mentors were already waiting inside. The students pushed open the door and greeted the three mentors with nods and bows.

When Rong Yuheng entered, he happened to see a tall male student talking to Qiao Tan.

The student had long and well-proportioned limbs, and his handsome side profile exuded a sense of charm. Qiao Tan, facing him, had a smile in his eyes and even patted the student’s shoulder.

Rong Yuheng couldn’t help but feel curious. He turned to Pu Zaixi and asked, “Who is that handsome guy?”

Pu Zaixi, with slight nearsightedness, squinted his eyes and recognized him after a few seconds. “Oh, that’s Shan Qi, a trainee from Fan Yu Entertainment. I heard he has some connections with the higher-ups at Fan Yu.”

Rong Yuheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

He had never set foot in the entertainment industry before and was unaware of its intricacies. The relationship between Shan Qi and Fan Yu Entertainment still needed to be verified, but he trusted the fairness of the three mentors, including Qiao Tan.

However, even rumors that Pu Zaixi knew, not everyone present was aware of them. It was likely that Shan Qi would receive more attention than himself after this.

Soon, all the students gathered together, and Qiao Tan clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

“Let me explain first. The first qualifying round will take place in half a month. It will be in the form of a solo performance, live-streamed on the internet, and the audience will vote. Therefore, you not only need to improve your talents but also enhance your on-camera presence. Remember, the ultimate goal you need to conquer is the audience!”

“Teacher Jin will be in charge of your vocal training, I will be responsible for your lyrics and composition, and Teacher Song Tang will oversee your stage performance.”

“Lastly, for dance, Teacher Ke Ting is quite busy. He is preparing for a national tour, and initially, we invited him to be a mentor for this selection, but unfortunately… Teacher Ke couldn’t make it today. So, moving forward—”

As Qiao Tan spoke, his gaze suddenly froze, and he looked towards the entrance of the classroom behind the students.

He paused for a moment, then laughed in astonishment.

“Teacher Wen, are you here to bring me another phone?”

Rong Yuheng’s heart inexplicably skipped a beat. He turned his head along with the others and saw a tall figure standing at the classroom entrance.

The man had a handsome and cold face, exuding an aura of invincibility. His gaze didn’t linger on anyone and his voice carried a matter-of-fact tone.

“Teacher Ke asked me to substitute for him.”


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