Chapter 209 - The Making of a Saint

"For God's Sake! Leave Alexa alone! What do you want, anyway? Make a saint out of her?" The Prince Regent raised his voice, to show his annoyance at how Reuben was pushing the boundaries.

"Princess Cordelia claims that Princess Alexa is very special. She reported that the Princess has Christ's wounds in her hands. The Stigmata. And that she is capable of working miracles. Some people remember seeing her touch Your Highness with her bare hand, when Your Highness had been presumed dead. And days later ... there is Your Highness, totally healed from your mysterious illness... These are intriguing reports, Your Highness. Don't blame the Church for wanting to investigate further."

All of that was said with a smile, but Lex struggled not to cringe in terror. Narses looked at the Second Prince with a serious face, unable to say anything.

Alexa had erased these complicated facts from memory, but now she realized it would be hard to explain all that, and what happened at the Ashgraufelsen gates,

"I will make my report in due time, officially."

The Prior nodded, having nothing else to do but accept the Prince Regent's statement.

But Lex gave a big smile, instead of being unpleasant as she wished,

"Forgive me, but when they talk about Alexa, I get somewhat annoyed. She has been very misunderstood, and even offended, since she arrived. She feels drained by the court's judgement, scared by the events, and frightened that Holstein's commoners are thinking she's more than she is. And all what happened took a toll on her. She's quite confused, actually. Alexa just needs time. And I would like to speak to her brother Narses about it." Tilting his head a little, the Prince questioned, as if intrigued, "Do you always go together? Is there an official reason for it?"

"The Prior has used his time to teach me many wonderful things, Your Highness. I couldn't thank you enough for his willingness to help me. Even if I'm only a Brother in a Tertiary order, and he's a Prior," Narses said, smiling. His eyes, however, were cold, Alexa could recognize it from afar.

"Your Highness," Balbo's voice was heard, "Father Agnello asks if he can join the Prince and his guests."

That was so opportune! Agnello Borghesi wouldn't leave his pupils abandoned near the Prior!

As soon as he got the authorization, Blue Eyes arrived, accompanied by Balbo. Although he still used his cane to get around, he looked healthier and kept a serene gaze on his face.

Lex thought that maybe that priest was the only one she would trust as long as she lived!

"Prior Reuben, Brother Narses, how nice to meet you in His Highness' company," he said after greeting the Prince. "Your Highness, I have already prepared for your weekly confession, as you requested."

Lex just managed a smirk, blinking over and over. Weekly confession? That was unexpected!

'Is he talking about me or you?' Alexa asked her soulmate.

'I am a good Christian, at most I am sometimes jealous and angry. Have you been committing any sin lately?'

'He will find one to frame us, I'm sure,' she replied.

But Father Agnello turned to the Prior, and suggested,

"While His Highness has the family affairs he needs to talk with his brother-in-law, perhaps, Prior Reuben and I have a friendly game of chess? Does Prior play chess?"

"Oh! Of course. It is an exciting pastime. I accept the challenge."

With Prior immobilized for a while, at least Lex could finally speak to Narses.

As the priests sat under the gazebo for their chess game, The Prince signaled to Narses,

"Why don't we sit on the lawn, in the sun?" They would be out of the priests' ears, but in plain sight. A bit of sunlight would be comforting, for a change, too.

"It's hard to get rid of this bastard," Narses grunted as he sat down on the grass next to the Prince. "The local Bishop is obsessed with the idea of turning you, Alexa, into a saint, Holstein's first saint. It would bring a good renown for the kingdom, among other benefits, according to him."

"I thought that only the dead martyrs, and the blessed, could become saints ..."

"Me too... And he and his minions started to hypothesize you are in fact long dead. They believe the Princess was murdered at some point, and that information has not yet been revealed as it's not interesting to the Sovereign Prince. You know it was the first thing I learned when I first arrived. This place has a shady backstory, I'm shocked to learn."

"I know this rumor is being whispered for a while, and it has a basis..." replied Lex. "As for the fact that they want a saint ... This is ridiculous! How could I become a saint?"

'I'd be afraid in your place, Alexa,' said Alexander.

"Actually, there is a rumor among the 'thieves' guild'... that an assassin is looking for Princess Alexa, and it's even offering a share for information… Of course, disclosing the assassin's identity isn't possible without some influence in the guild… I'm far from getting it from my position right now."

"Meh, this is nothing new. They tried to kill me a few times when I arrived. And they won't find me."

"It's not an old rumor. This time they really want to produce a saint, Alexa. They don't wish this place to be known as a lair of witches and demons. Even if they have to kill to have one. And if they discover the actual events and the real Alexa aren't as they picture in their heads, they will feel betrayed and furious, and they will burn you like a witch!"

"That is why the annulment of the wedding was so readily accepted!" Lex exclaimed, remembering how helpful the bishop was in writing all the letters and reports, missing only Alexa's account and some witnesses of the non-consummation.

"Annulment of marriage?" Narses moved uncomfortably, and spoke to his brother-in-law,

"Your Highness, listen to me. At the very least, to lessen the Church's interest in my sister, you should say exactly the opposite! You should announce she's expecting a baby!"