I nodded slightly, and said, "in fact, Li is my comrade in arms and a fellow townsman. We were all picked up by dreams. "

The director said, "Oh? And this relationship? "

I said: "Li Zheng's family background is very good. His father's influence is very strong in the local area, and he is a rich man. When he first joined the army, Li was very mischievous, often mischievous and often made mistakes, so he was criticized and punished by the leaders. But later, with the growth of military age, Li Zheng's thought began to mature and determined to make a difference in the army. His way of promotion was not as peaceful as mine. At that time, there were so many obstacles that he almost lost his future several times. But he's lucky. "

The director said: "my impression of him is pretty good. On the surface, the soldier is a ghost, but he is an able and practical cadre. It's worth training. But you two "

I asked with a smile," we? "

Read by the dream by the director's concerns, said: "you two are about the same age, and are fellow villagers. But the rank is much lower. He's a lieutenant. You're a colonel. It's four levels short. He must call you chief. "

I am embarrassed to smile: "there is no such exaggeration."

"By the way," in addition to Li Zheng and several of them, I also want to arrange a person

I asked, "who?"

The director said: "Lu Xiangjun. After all, it's the veteran! "

I said, "can Lu Xiangjun do this? He's the history of the Swat Bureau. I heard that he didn't have a conflict with Li Zheng, and he was killed by Li Zheng's three fists? "

The director nodded thoughtfully: "yes. It is because of this that we boldly opened Li Zheng's participation in the conference this year. But Lu Xiangjun impressed me deeply. Although he said that his brilliance no longer exists, it is undeniable that he once won a lot of glory for SWAT. "

I added: "yes, he is the old one. But it's too easy for him to be satisfied and ignore his later self-cultivation. "

From dream smile Ask: "who is that new version of one special guard?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

The dream shook his head, patted me on the shoulder and said: "of course, it's Zhao long! The whole SWAT Bureau, who has your great credit and good skill? The old version of one special guard, Lu Xiangjun, has long been forgotten. It's him who lies on the merit list and sleeps. Many people have surpassed him. "

The director gave a slight cough and said, "don't rank our cadres. Only when the division of labor is different and the contribution is different, no one is more important than others. "

"You dream retorts:" words say so, but that also depends on pay, see honor

The director didn't talk about this topic any more. After all, he is the director. It's impossible for him to take the lead in ranking his subordinates. Though, he knew it.

After chatting with the director for more than an hour, at half past ten, we rushed back to the guest house together.

When I went back to the house, I suddenly met sun Yumin.

I was shocked: why didn't the director arrange captain sun to go with me?

In this way, I went to sun Yumin. Sun Yumin glanced at me and said, "Zhao long is back? I haven't had time to drink your wedding wine yet. Please make it up! "

I said with a smile, "it must be. By the director, by the director did not arrange your entry? Why are you still living in the hostel? "

Sun Yumin said with a smile: "it's been more than a month. Not only are you busy, but I'm also busy. I'm writing the coaching syllabus. This is the task assigned by the director. "

I was stunned for a moment: "how to write a coaching outline? What's the matter? You abandoned martial arts and followed the culture? "

Sun Yumin said, "No. That's what happened. Not long ago, at the request of ZF of L country, we sent two instructors to l country to train the presidential guard team for them. ZF, the director attaches great importance to this matter, so before I go, I need to prepare the outline of the training. "

I said, "really? Isn't state l always turning to state y for help? Kaiseff also trained bodyguards in state y. It's a beautiful job. There's money in it

Sun Yumin said with a smile, "can I take the oil and water for myself? I have to give it up."

I said: "on the public side, I'm sure l and ZF have negotiated openly. On the private side, it belongs to you."

Sun Yumin said, "come on, don't induce me to make mistakes. You have accumulated so much property in Tianlong company, haven't you handed it over? I will tell you that in addition to the normal salary and bonus, all other gains in the army have to be handed over to the public and belong to public property. "

I said with a smile, "you have high consciousness! But you are obviously avoiding the heavy and ignoring the light. You dare to say that it's no good for you to be a teacher in L country? "

Sun Yumin scratched his head and said with a embarrassed smile, "yes, of course. Not much, 8000 a month! "

I give him a thumbs up: "old captain, you are developed! Every month 8000 subsidies, plus salary bonus, monthly salary over 10000! In society, you belong to the high wage class! "

Captain sun patted me on the shoulder kindly: "don't make fun of me. You go to the exchange meeting this time, but there are millions of bonus waiting for you. By the way, it's still US dollars! "

I said, "everything is still unknown."

Team leader Sun said with a smile: "I believe you! This time, you are the champion! "

I said, "I'm sorry."

That night, by dream and Qiao Ling live in a room, I and sun Yumin live in a room.

The next morning, I came to director Qi's office with you Meng.

Director Qi printed out a document of the itinerary and specific details of the trip to the United States and handed it to me and Youmeng.

Then inform other participants and cheerleaders to come to the Swat for a meeting.

Dream naturally took the role of cheerleader.

Almost like last year, everything is being prepared and carried out in an orderly way.

The night before I left, a special secret was suddenly told to me by dream. After hearing it, I was shocked.

From dream to me, director Qi is about to change his career!

The news is like bad news to me. In recent years, director Qi has always been a mentor, which has helped me a lot. Although there have been some unpleasant things between us. For example, he once actively pursued the dream and became the third party between us. But compared with Zhang dengqiang's persistence, director Qi seems to be a lot more mature. At last, he left bravely in the torrent and played a good role in the love between me and Youmeng.

So, from my heart, I don't want him to change careers. However, this is a problem that most soldiers have to face. No matter how high your position, the so-called iron barracks and flowing water soldiers will face a turnaround one day. This is the law and the reality that no one can change.

It is reasonable to say that director Qi is in the top position and can enjoy retirement treatment. But he is still young. He has a long way to go.

I asked Youmeng, "why didn't you say that earlier?"

"I've always wanted to tell you, but director Qi won't let it go around. This is not conducive to stability. "

I deliberately put her in the first army: "it seems that you are still close to each other. Out of reach, out of reach. "

From the dream gently twist my ear to carry out domestic violence: "let you give me another charge! You dare not! "

I've been begging for mercy.

The next day, we arrived at the airport on time as agreed.

My cell phone rings suddenly.

Open a look, unexpectedly is Qi mengyan.

After answering, Qi mengyan anxiously said: we are going to the United States, why not tell me?

I said: you take care of your injury.

Qi mengyan said: the injury is better! You go to America, and I'll go with you. I've got the tickets, too. I'll fly with you.

I was shocked: what? Are you at the airport now?

Qi mengyan said: Yes. You look back, within 30 seconds, I will appear in front of you.

I wry smile way: nonsense! How do you know we're boarding today?

But the phone has been hung up.

I turned to see, did not find Qi mengyan figure.

Looking at me with a bad smile from the dream, he was full of vinegar and said: "it seems that no matter where we go, Comrade Zhao long will have flowers and grass to actively follow. What a charm! "

I said to myself anxiously, "who on earth leaked our itinerary? Qi mengyan has no reason to know! "

From dream to my army: "you must have planned it! Isn't it? "

I shook my head: "really not. I didn't tell her. "

I suddenly thought of Jolin, but I didn't feel like it. Jolin can't keep this secret, can he?

Just when I was in doubt, a familiar figure came into my vision from afar, closer and closer.

It's Qi mengyan. She's really here!

Qi mengyan quickly approached. She was wearing a very fashionable sportswear. Her face was innocent and had no morbid appearance. It seems that she has really recovered completely.

What I didn't expect was that Qi mengyan didn't rush to say hello to me, but went to Yumeng and smiled at her and said, "thank you."

"You are welcome," he said. It's just that I don't have a cheerleader like you! "

I suddenly understood the original reason of the matter: it was the girl named dream who recruited Qi mengyan!

Women are strange. Sometimes they do things that are strange.

Qi mengyan just smiled at me: "go to be your cheerleader. How?

I turned my head and looked at Youmeng. I said with a wry smile, "the cheerleaders all agree. What else can I say?"

Qi mengyan blustered and said, "Oh, you don't know. I'm choking in the hospital during this period, all of them. Take a breath of fresh American air. "

I put her in the first place: "the air in America is not as fresh as that in China."

In such a case, of course, I have to report to director Qi, the leader of the team, but I didn't expect that dream had already passed the long ditch with Qi in advance, and I was alone in the dark.

I don't understand. What's up with the girl dream! Did she forget that Qi mengyan was her rival? Besides, she's been calculated?