At this time, two security guards came and began to dissuade. But they couldn't be persuaded to call for help. Soon, a large number of security guards arrived. Moreover, aunt was also informed, accompanied by two security guards, came out.

"Stop!" cried his mother, and walked quickly towards us.

Of course, I will give face to my future mother-in-law. I will stop and push Zhang dengqiang. Zhang dengqiang gave a cold snort, reached out and patted his body, and came close to his mother. His villain first complained: "Auntie, why did you let him come here again! He is a man of great danger! "

You mother didn't reply, but said to me: "Zhao long, don't think of me as a training ground. Fight whenever you move, fight whenever you move. What is that? "

The tone of my mother's voice is full of the meaning of asking questions about my teachers. I can already hear her prejudices about me. I forced out a smile: "I'm sorry, auntie, I won't! It's just that Zhang dengqiang -- "

interrupted me by his mother:" it's not wrong that Secretary Zhang comes here to be a guest. You don't have to be paranoid all the time. "

I didn't say anything more, just thought it was useless to say more. It seems that you mother has been drawn to your side by Zhang dengqiang. This boy, I don't know what he said to you mother

I sighed in my heart and said goodbye to my mother: "I'll go first, auntie, go back!"

Instead of being held back by her mother, she said, "drive slower! Besides, don't drive around all the time. The oil price is so high now! "

With a wry smile, I couldn't bear to open the door and get into it. Start the car, I drove out of the gate crazily, and there was a storm in the driveway.

Many imagination, let me not calm down.

Driving to the north gate of Yuquan mountain, Meng is standing at the gate looking anxiously. She unexpectedly put on that set of straight military uniform, which gave me some happy memories in a flash.

I stopped the car and was greeted by a dream. I pushed the door to get out of the car. I scanned my eyes from my dream: "what are you doing in military uniform? Are you active?"

Carrying his clothes by dream hand: "you can't wear military uniform without activities? As a soldier, how can we not wear military uniform? I haven't worn military uniform for a long time. It's fresh and kind when I wear it! " From the dream squint looked at the silver shining star on the shoulder, the excitement is beyond expression.

Yes, she is a major! How time flies! I put a cigarette in my mouth and said, "I've been hit today! My mother-in-law -- "

looked anxiously at me from mengmianlu and interrupted me:" what's wrong with my mother? "

I frowned and said, "why do you always like to recruit wolves? Zhang dengqiang, the wolf, went to give gifts again! I suspect this kid impeached me in front of your mother! "

"You are the president, and impeach you! No, Secretary Zhang today. He went to the bureau to get the documents. How could he come to my house? "

"Why?" I snorted? This time I hit it. When I didn't hit it before, he didn't know how many times he went! I really want this guy to die. Do you know what your mother said to me today

From dream convergence smile, ask: "what did she say?"

I said: "she asked me how much my monthly salary was and how much my annual salary was. She also doubted my work and said that the security company I stayed in was a underworld!"

"From dream way:" that is to investigate you! My mother must know about your basic situation? Besides, she didn't know you were "she lowered her voice and whispered out the following words:" I don't know you are undercover. Tianlong company is not a good company, but a reactionary force. It's understandable that my mother thinks more about it. "

I said, "you know to defend her! You didn't see the situation. I can see it. It must be Zhang dengqiang who made us stumble in front of your mother. Otherwise, your mother won't embarrass me like this! "

"You can't put everything on Zhang dengqiang," said Yu! Don't be so sure if there's no real evidence! "

"I said:" you also protect Zhang dengqiang? Just now, I happened to meet Zhang dengqiang. I started, but your mother turned to Zhang dengqiang! Alas, Zhang dengqiang has gone to give your mother ecstasy again! Look, one day, your mother will strengthen the mandarin duck spectrum and betroth you to Zhang dengqiang! "

From the dream Qiao eyebrow light wrinkly tunnel: "what are you talking about! Why, did you fight with Zhang dengqiang again? "

I asked, "are there any other ways for us to communicate besides fighting?"

From dream complain: "the more violent means, the more can not solve the problem!"! Besides, Zhang dengqiang and I are comrades in arms and colleagues. You are always like this. How can we work together? "

"I said:" you just consult with your father, either you transfer, or emphasize Zhang Deng. I can't settle down when you work together. "

From dream way: "careful eye son!"

"I said:" Zhang dengqiang near the water, in case of a clamour, then I would not regret for a lifetime? What's more, your mother's attitude towards me now is obviously skeptical! I'm really afraid that Zhang dengqiang will brainwash her. Zhang dengqiang, this boy, has some means! "

My shoulder was patted by dream: "please, don't worry about the world, will you? Not at all confident! Can't believe in yourself or me? "

"I said:" born in trouble, died in ease

From the dream seems to be suddenly thought of what, eyes a turn, chase to ask: "your side son, how is the progress now?"

I gave her a "hush," took her by the arm, and got into the car. From the dream lost no time to take a bubble gum, I wanted to smoke, but I was afraid of second-hand smoke hurt by the dream body, so stop.

Youmeng now knows that I'm hiding, so I didn't mean to tell her about my upcoming private visit. After listening to this, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "is it going to be nationwide? How many days does that take? "

I shook my head. "I don't know. It is estimated that the time will not be too short. We have to prepare for a long-term operation. What should I do if I miss you in this period of time? "

From dream face a little red: "poor mouth! I really hope that by the time you come back, you will have the opportunity to eliminate TL organization. "

I said with emotion: "I want to, I think every day! But Chen Fusheng is too cunning. He has always been in power. I don't know where the other branches are except the organizational structure of the headquarters! This group of forces is too threatening. If we don't level them early, it will be a big hidden danger for ZF! "

"I will burn incense and pray for you every day, and wait for you to complete the task successfully!" said Yu

I said, "don't mediate! You are a soldier, you can't be superstitious! " I smiled with a bad smile: "you'd better hurry up to prepare the dowry, and we'll go to church as soon as I come back!"

From dream face Teng ground a red: "you monkey urgent what!"! Don't be ashamed! "

I put on a worried look: "I'm afraid of dreaming at night! There are internal and external troubles, and Zhang dengqiang is covetous to you. If I don't marry you one day, I won't feel at ease! "

From the dream to stretch out a hand, gently twisted my ear: "nothing!"

I took the opportunity to grasp the small hand of Yumeng, gently held it at the corner of my mouth and kissed it. The fragrance was fragrant. I just felt that I was passionate and eagerly looking forward to some good things. I asked Youmeng, "how is the situation of chief C now? And Jiaojiao, Huang staff them!"

"You finally know how to ask," said Meng Xingshi! I've been away for so long. I've never heard from you about the chief! "

I smiled and said, "I'm hanging in my heart, but in order to keep it secret, I have to restrain myself.". Anyway, you know my real identity. It's OK to ask you! "

"I really want to thank you for this illness. If it wasn't for the dying of life, I don't know now that our dragon dragon family is going deep into the tiger's lair. Maybe I still misunderstood you, misunderstood you go astray

I sighed and bluffed, "who will go to hell if I don't go to hell?"? It's nothing to sacrifice myself for my country! "

From the dream suddenly covered my mouth: "nonsense! Who killed you? You are honing in difficulty. When you finish the task, you will be successful! At that time, you will be more mature, more stable, more witty. Besides, maybe the Bureau will break the rules and add stars to you. At least, you should be a vice regiment, right

I disdain the way: "add a star, how much can you get?"

Frown from dream: "this is not constant with money! It's an honor! "

I pinched my nose and smiled: "I'm not interested in stars, honor or rewards now! I'm only interested in "

interrupting me by dreams and saying the following:" only interested in money? You money worship! "

I reached out and pinched her pretty little nose: "congratulations on your wrong answer! I mean, I'm only interested in you! " My hand took the opportunity to stop, touch her hair, touch her beautiful and familiar face.

From dream face Teng ground burst red, small struggled for a while, light voice way: "pay attention to influence pay attention to influence!"! This is at the north gate. If any soldier sees it, how can I look up at the Swat? " She said she took off my ambiguous hand with her hand, and her face was tense.

I smiled and said, "where is your courage? We can see outside in the car, but people outside can't see us clearly! " As I speak, I gather energy and probe past to leave a kiss on my dream cheek.

From the dream frowns at me: "too much! Hooligans! "

I pinched my nose and said with a smile, "quote one of my former comrades in arms: men are not hooligans, and their physiology is abnormal!"

From the dream to look at me in dismay, spit out a big bubble mercilessly, explode, stick in the corner of the mouth. I reached out to help her take it, smiled and said, "well, don't make trouble with you, I have to go!"

From dream relieved expression: "so urgent?"

I said, "I'm afraid to delay your work!"