Chen Fusheng said: "not bad! When fishing in the sea or in large rivers, ordinary fishing rods and lines will not work! It's a long line. But in such a big environment, it's easy to catch big fish! At that time, when I was fishing for Zhao long, I also put a long line. "

I don't know why. I'm very sick to hear that. Chen Fusheng once and again compared me to the fish he caught. I always felt that there was an invisible murderous spirit approaching.

But I agreed: "yes, yes! However, only when caught did we know that there was a wider world on the water. The fisherman gave me a better platform. I'm glad I'm blessed with misfortune! "

Chen Fusheng laughed: "the mouth is fierce! No wonder I didn't bite at first, ha ha. How to say, I'd like to ask you out to fish today, not only to relax, but also to communicate with you. "

I said, "Mr. Chen, just talk."

Chen Fusheng thought a little and said, "to be honest, sun Yumin, your mentor, is also the fish I want to fish. But it's a dramatic bite. It's just that I didn't dare to take up the pole, although I also gave him a lot of baits. "

"Why?" I asked tentatively

Chen Fusheng said, "because sun Yumin can't make a big deal!"

I was stunned for a moment: "No. Although I don't like sun Yumin very much, he has some abilities! "

Chen Fusheng shook his head: "ability and future are two concepts. His character is not suitable for big things, but for small things. Just like Zhou Yu of the Three Kingdoms, he was full of talent, but he died young because of his narrow mind. So was Guan Yu, who had excellent martial arts and was worshipped as a martial saint, but finally he was killed. Zhou Yu died of jealousy, Guan Yu died of arrogance and contempt. Sun Yumin obviously combines the two shortcomings of Zhou Yu and Guan Yu. He is narrow-minded and arrogant. It is not conducive to internal management, though it can add to the strength of the tiger. Moreover, his character determines his life and cannot achieve great achievements! "

I jokingly said: "Mr. Chen is responsible for employing people. Does Sun Yumin make great achievements? Doesn't it seem that there is any extra involvement?"

Chen Fusheng shook his head: "wrong! I use people to give you a good platform and a chance to achieve great business. I have a plan for everyone, including you! Follow me, you will be able to step on and control the country in the future. Do you think I will make you a lifelong instructor? Captain? Joke! Now, just the transition! When our plan is launched one by one, your overlord will become stronger and stronger, and will shine all over China! "

Such a vast word, said from Chen Fusheng's mouth, turned out to be so magnificent, which made people excited and swore to Chen Fusheng to conspire.

I said, "Mr. Chen, I think I can learn a lot by mixing with you."

Chen Fusheng said: "mix? We're not gangsters. We're serious about our business! We are totally different from those gangsters. "

I said, "a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue. Mr. Chen, I'd like to know if our ultimate goal is really to subvert China? "

Chen Fusheng was shocked: "subversion? It's not subversion, it's a total muddle up. Just like catching fish in the water, make the water muddy first, and then the fish will be choked to surface, so that we can catch the fish easily! "

I said with a smile, "yes."

We began to walk back, Chen Fusheng hands back, very chic spit cigarette into the ditch, the surface of the water issued a subtle Zizi sound.

Back to where she was, the female secretary was counting fish with a net in her hand. When she saw us coming back, she stood up with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you are really good at catching so many fish!"

Chen Fusheng said with a smile, "these fish are really wild. Take them back, kill and eat half of them, and keep half of them in my soft fish to reproduce for me."

"I see Mr. Chen," said the secretary

Then we continued to sit down and fish. He was still smartly throwing his hook into the water and watching the water like a sculpture.

I then dropped the hook and waited for the fish to bite.

I don't know why, after listening to Chen Fusheng's so many words, I even calmed down my heart, waiting for the fish to float and move gently, but my heart was as still as water. Until the fish bites the hook, the fish floats to the top and comes across, I resolutely close the pole.

A jins of crucian carp, born in the air, in the air across a beautiful trace.

The female secretary happily took off the fish and praised: "finally, she caught a relatively large one! Captain Zhao, you've finally learned to fish! "

I can't help but feel a little unhappy: "my fishing skills have always been good, only compared with Mr. Chen."

In this way, we fished until noon. Chen Fusheng said after catching a grass carp with a weight of more than one Jin: "harvest the rod and prepare to eat!"

I also followed to collect the pole, after finishing in place, Chen Fusheng clapped his hands and winked at the female secretary.

The female secretary didn't mean to succeed. She asked Chen Fusheng, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Fusheng frowned slightly: "it's noon, and he's going to eat! Fire up, let's have a picnic! "

A picnic? What is Chen Fusheng doing?

The female secretary suddenly opened the trunk of the car and took out a bag of salt and a few bricks.

I couldn't help but wonder: I didn't know what it was put in.

Then there was the fire. The Secretary built a temporary stove with bricks. Then she found some dead branches and weeds to fuel it. With a few wires, put a fish on each and bake it on the fire.


Chen Fusheng took out a cigarette, and I took out a lighter to light it, but he waved and signaled not to use it.

He put the end of the cigarette on the edge of the flame, took the fire and caught it. Then he said to himself, "wild fire and lighter fire are not a kind of taste."

I can't penetrate the subtext of his words, just a smile.

In the process of roasting fish, Chen Fusheng asked me, "have you ever had a picnic before? You've been a soldier. You should have had this experience! "

I nodded, "go wild! When we were in the guard, we would organize a camping training every month. We did not send water or food. We relied on ourselves to find things in nature. I remember eating frogs, snakes and roasted grasshoppers. Ha ha.

Chen Fusheng suddenly realized: "snake, grasshopper, good idea! This noon, our picnic is also more abundant. Go and get two snakes! There must be snakes around the ditch. "

I wish I could just smack myself. Isn't that what I asked for?

But now that Chen Fusheng has given the order, I can't disobey it. So with an extremely rebellious mood, I began to look for snakes in the grass around the ditch.

At last, heaven helps me. I don't know who lost a tennis stick somewhere. I picked it up and carefully plucked the grass. But in fact, most of the time, the snake can't be found. The more you look for it, the more secure it is. If you don't look for it, you will be shocked by it.

In the end, I came back without success. Chen Fusheng seemed to be a little unhappy: "I can't find a snake. What can you do?"

I blushed and said, "I've looked for it, but I haven't. There are no snakes here. Maybe. "

Chen Fusheng said, "maybe? I don't like the word "maybe"! Or I told you, you are too impetuous, too impetuous, difficult to become a major event! "

I thought to myself, what happened to Chen Fusheng? Did he bring me out to train me on purpose?

However, I can only start again and continue to find the trace of the snake. I really have no way to deal with a strange boss.

Chen Fusheng glanced at the whole river and said to me, "maybe there is a snake beside that poplar tree!"

I perfunctorily "Oh" a, thought you are not God down, where to fight where! I don't believe it. How powerful are you? Can you peep at the hidden creatures with the eyes of heaven?

But I approached the poplar tree with a try attitude. After a round of observation, no snake was found.

He is not a saint, how can he say everything? I continued to look forward, Chen Fusheng didn't say anything, just looked at me and snickered.

Twenty minutes later, I finally caught a reasonable snake in a grassy place 200 meters away. When I grabbed the seven inch position of the snake and appeared in place, the female secretary couldn't help but "ah ah", shivering with fear.

Chen Fusheng stretched out his hand lightly: "give up the near and seek the far! It's clear that there is one nearby. You must run so far! "

I didn't argue. I thought that Chen Fusheng's face was in the way. I didn't get a word just now. I can only use this way to save my face.

Chen Fusheng took a look at the fish that had been roasted in the hands of the female secretary, and said: "add some more salt. It seems that it still owes some salt."

The female secretary nodded and continued to roast the fish on the fire. The sizzling burning sound indicated the birth of a kind of delicious food.

Think about it. Actually, there is something interesting about the picnic. Under the hand-made barbecue, the fish is delicious and the meat is fat. It's scorched outside and tender inside. Looking at the barbecue fish in the hands of the female secretary, I can't help being a little greedy!

With a special mentality, he took the snake to the head and viscera, tied it up with wire, and roasted it on the fire. In fact, I am not so cruel in reality, but in the face of Chen Fusheng, I have to show a cruel and barbaric appearance to please him.

What he said, what I did. This is the most basic principle of a subordinate.

When the snake is about three times cooked, Chen Fusheng bluntly praises "Zhenxiang". Then he takes out his mobile phone and calls Meijie.

Chen Fusheng is going to call sister Mei here?

Sure enough, he called sister Mei and came to have a picnic together.

We roasted two more black fish, put the roasted fish and snake in plastic bags, and waited for sister Mei's arrival while roasting the fish.

Ten minutes later, a beautiful Lamborghini stopped by the river, and a fashionable lady in sunglasses came out of the car. It was Mei Jie.

From the driver's seat, sun Yumin came down.

At the sight of sun Yumin, my mood plummeted. I sighed abruptly, and the Secretary stood up to welcome me. Chen Fusheng smiled faintly and asked, "why, you don't want to see sun Yumin?"