I took a cigarette in my mouth and said, "this half hour, it's going to be quite fast!"

Cheng Xinjie was stunned and immediately understood what I said.

However, just a few steps away, we found a beautiful girl squatting on the ground beside the green belt.

There are three or four fortune tellers on the roadside, each with a pair of eight diagrams to attract 'business'. And this girl, with her back to us and her face to Mr. diviner, is constantly drawing something with her hands, which seems to be very devoted.

Specifically speaking, from the back, the girl who is divining is very similar to Youmeng!

I was stunned for a moment, tentatively stroked Xinjie and asked, "look, is that your dream sister?"

Cheng Xinjie was also stunned for a while, and quickly smiled, "it's impossible! Sister Mengmeng hasn't come yet! She can't come now. It's nine o'clock..."

She said, and suddenly she froze.

But I saw the girl who was squatting on the ground to make a divination. She turned back consciously or unconsciously.

It is from dream!

it is my lover, from dream!

at this moment, a series of doubts appear in my mind, lingering.

To be exact, isn't it abnormal to see you dream in such a way at this time?

What's more, when did the dream fall in love with divination?

Cheng Xinjie and I went over.

From the dream of course also found us, the first to show a special smile.

Today, she is very beautiful. Her hair is tied high, and there is no extra ornament on her head. However, at a glance, she feels beautiful and bright.

She seldom wears high-heeled shoes, but today she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes about three or four centimeters high. Her little feet are beautiful in any shoes. A light blue tights beautifies the lines of her legs only. Her upper body is a brown women's windbreaker, with a vertical collar, and a pair of big divine eyes looking this way. Its brilliance can shine all over the city.

My heart can't help jumping up with a bang.

My love! She's really my love!

carry the brown Kun bag in her belly by dream, watch us approach, and smile frankly.

In front of my lover, I didn't speak. Just use eyes to communicate with her and look at each other. I think we have a strong telepathy, which conveys each other's concerns to the other's heart.

Cheng Xinjie comes forward and hugs Youmeng, holding hands with each other and confides in each other.

I stood aside, took a cigarette, and kept watching every move and even every part of Youmeng.

she remained the same, and she was familiar with the smell of Chanel No. 5. I found her face with a light make-up and a smooth, round face. It was slightly touched by the subtle foundation and released a special style.

Cheng Xinjie shook hands with Yu Meng and talked for a moment, then turned to look at me and said with a smile: "brother in law, it's your turn!"

I was stunned for a moment, and it took me a long time to understand Cheng Xinjie's words. I held back the excited mood, approached, and smiled at the dream lightly, asking, "didn't I say it's around 9:35, how could it be so early?"

Looking at me from dream's head askew, I still chewed a bubble gum and spit out a bubble lightly. After the bubble burst, I stretched out my little tongue to search for it in the import and chewed it for a while, then I said: "of course, I don't want you to wait for a long time, so I left in advance." With a lovely smile, she lowered her head slightly.

I said: "then you don't call when you arrive? If I had known this, I would have come earlier. How cold it is here. "

From dream Xi Xi tunnel: "it doesn't matter. It's better for me to arrive ahead of time and wait for you than to let you wait for me. I'm very happy! "Br >

I'm speechless. I don't know why, I am eager to rush up to hug my beloved, let her know how much I miss her and remember her. But after all, Cheng Xinjie was present, and many actions could not be implemented. I can only insinuate all my yearnings with my eyes, and show my heart with my eyes from the dream. Both eyes send and receive signals from each other, and their hearts have already become hot, reheated and collided.

But Cheng Xinjie looked at us playfully, smiled lovingly, took my arm and the arm of Youmeng, and said: "OK, don't pretend! You all think I don't exist. Don't be so reserved when you see each other. "

With a smile from dream, Cheng Xinjie taps her shoulder and says with a friendly smile: "Xinjie, what do you say?"

Cheng Xinjie raised her head and argued: "that's it! Alas, I unconsciously made your light bulb again. I knew that way, I shouldn't have come. I'm here. You've even omitted the hug when you met. Forget it. If you don't, get in the car and go back. " Cheng Xinjie looks at Youmeng jokingly, one hand is still connected with Youmeng, shaking lightly.

From the dream stretched out a thin finger and pinched it on Cheng Xinjie's forehead. He smiled and said, "you ghost spirit, when did your mouth become so hot?"

Cheng Xinjie said: "self-study becomes a talent."

From dream, he glanced back at the divinator behind him. He was slightly stunned, but he turned his head back quickly. He asked Cheng Xinjie and me tentatively, "calculate divination, this old man is quite accurate!"

The old gentleman, who was over sixty years old, also pointed to the eight diagrams in front of him, and added: "calculate, calculate love, calculate career, avoid disaster and seek happiness, and know his destiny in advance. No money, no money. " Mr. suagua repeated two sentences "no money", and then looked at me and Cheng Xinjie with profound eyes.

I'm not particularly interested in these feudal gossip. Although I believe some of them sometimes, I'm not superstitious.

But I have some doubts about Yumeng's actions. She has always been an atheist and seldom believes in these things. But what happened to her today? When she got off the city rail, she went to the stall to do some divination?

So I came close to Youmeng, patted her arm and asked with a smile, "Youmeng, when did you like gossip?"

While chewing the bubble gum, Yumeng sobbed: "I tell you, it's not good if you don't believe it. It's quite accurate! Just now he helped me to make a divination. Don't mention that it's accurate, even if there are several people in our family and what their parents do."

I was stunned for a moment, even more surprised. I don't believe that dreams can't see these fortune tellers' tricks.

Or is it true that we meet the divine operator today?

I was about to ask, and listen to Cheng Xinjie to ask from the dream side: "really so accurate? I don't believe that much. "

"If you don't believe me, try it! Accurate, super accurate!"

I chuckled in secret, and rushed to the dream and said: "come on, let's go back quickly. Don't forget, destiny is doomed, fortune telling, and longevity will be reduced!"

just at this time, the low-key fortune teller suddenly said: "young man, who told you that fortune telling will lead to longevity? Fortune telling is a kind of control of destiny. We can change the present if we know the future. Divination, I'm sure you will not regret it. "

I said, "I'm sorry, old man. I don't really believe that."

Mr. suagua smiled lightly, looked at me with a very profound eyes, and asked, "what do you believe? Believe in science? "

I have nothing to say. Cheng Xinjie pokes her head and says, "of course. Science is a proven truth. But you are all feudal superstitions! I read the post exposing fortune telling scams in the book. Hum, you are all opportunistic and good at looking at the complexion, so many people are cheated by you! "

Mr. divination is still not angry, just replied:" you only know one, don't know the other. There are real and false diviners, and there are counsellors for those who are able. It's not the same, it's not the same. "

Although the divination is so profound and obscure, I'm not interested in calculating fate. I tried to urge Youmeng and chengxinjie to leave again, but saw Youmeng say to Mr. suagua with interest: "old Sir, you said just now that I will have a disaster after the end of the year. What kind of disaster is it? Can you be frank? "

Cheng Xinjie and I looked at each other.

"From March to July next year, there will be a disaster to find you," said the divinator. If you can avoid it, you will have a smooth ride. If you can't avoid it, you may not even save your life! "

I am even stunned, and I can't help but click.

And listen to from dream frown ask: "not so serious, old gentleman, what is the solution?"

Mr. suagua shook his head and said: "some destinies can be solved. But some of them can't be cracked. Ordinary heart, ordinary heart. "

From dream Qiao eyebrow light wrinkly ponder the words of Mr. suagua, come up to me, seriously and say: "I didn't believe this before, just got off the subway, this old gentleman stopped me, said is to calculate a divination for me. I was a little impatient at the beginning, but the old man suddenly said, "please wait a moment, benefactor". I was stunned. How does he know my surname? I was quite puzzled, so I came here. The old man asked for my birthday and showed me my face. He calculated my parents, my career and my surname at one go. He said that at a glance, I am not the master of ordinary families. I was born in a famous family, my father, at least a general of the army. He pinched his fingers and calculated the location of our family. It was so accurate! I suspected that I was dreaming at that time. "

I listened to the fog, but still shook his head and said: "I don't believe it. I don't believe it. Is he an immortal? "

"I don't believe it," frowned the dream. "You know, I'm an atheist. But today's experience, let me have doubts about science, and I am excited about these eight trigrams. It seems that ancient legends are not legends. "

"What legend?" I asked

From the dream: "ZHUGE Liang, pinching his fingers can predict the future. I'll tell you what the old man said, which reshaped my outlook on life. I'm convinced! "