The woman looked up and down at me, shook her head and said, "you must not be the leader. Look at your young age, which has a leader like son, at most is a small soldier! Who is the leader? Let the leader speak... "

I was hit hard for a while. I didn't wear military uniform today, and I was relatively young. It's not surprising that I was misunderstood as a soldier by women.

Director Qi took the opportunity to move forward and said, "I am. I am the leader here. If you have any conditions, I will try my best to satisfy you. "

The woman looked at director Qi again, frowned slightly, and murmured, "you look very young, but you have many stars on your shoulders, so you should be a big leader."

Director Qi quickly echoed: "yes, yes, I'm the biggest leader in this area, so if you can tell me something, I'll help you, I'll solve it for you, and I'll try my best to solve it for you..."

The woman looked at director Qi and said: "now, I want you to give me an order to let these soldiers and police go back! So many people I look dizzy Besides, you have to send someone to call out chief x, preferably with chief u. I want to talk to them, and I want to ask them... " It's another nonsense.

But director Qi can only nod his head and say to the leader of the guard area, "take your people in, hurry up, take them in!"

The captain of the guard area hesitated for a moment, but still gave a command to bring the emergency personnel ready to go and armed into the gate.

The woman pointed to the police officers again and said, "these people should go, too. I'm most tired of the police. Let's go. "

director Qi looks at the head of the police team of the Public Security Bureau. Captain Cheng sighs helplessly and orders the policemen to retreat ten meters away with a wave of his hand.

In this way, there are only a few leaders of the Bureau and Youmeng and I on the whole scene.

Maybe we were all dressed in plain clothes and let women think of us as passing masses, so director Qi didn't drive us away. Maybe it was her negligence.

Director Qi is also a veteran of the battlefield. He has seen a lot about this kind of incident, so he will never use excessive language to provoke women, but further try to let women relax their vigilance in the way of superficial compromise, so as to wait for the opportunity.

At this time, kaiseff and marishia also came back. It was amazing to see this scene. Of course, they could see what happened at the scene, so they came close to me.

Kaiseff took the opportunity to say with a hint of irony: "hum, it seems that the situation in your country is not optimistic. The military civilian relationship is not so harmonious!"

Marishia glanced at kaiseff and indicated that he would stop pouring oil on the fire without any reason, but kaiseff seemed to like to belittle others with these sarcasm, so he still seemed to be a little contemptuous.

I didn't have time to pay any attention to kaiseff, so I didn't pay any attention to him. I just closely watched the words and deeds of the woman who caused the accident and looked for the right opportunities.

The woman was still looking left and right vigilantly. After another three minutes, she rushed to the director and said, "why hasn't the central director come yet? Did you not send for it? "

Women's words sound ridiculous and childish. She wants to see the chief, but she wants to create a higher level of unrest, but she thinks everything is too simple.

In other words, she is only the victim of the cult, so desperate, in exchange for self destruction.

Looking at the stern but not evil eyes of women, I felt a sense of sympathy in my heart. Maybe, she is also an ordinary housewife. Maybe, she was once an ordinary citizen of the people's Republic of China. She lived a quiet and ordinary life, but she was suddenly absorbed by FL Kung Fu and was brainwashed, poisoned and used by cult step by step. She is innocent and she is a victim. But such a disturbance, waiting for her, may be the severe punishment of the law. When she understood, it was too late.

What a terrible and childish act she was carrying on!

Director Qi showed a great compliment to women's words. Director Qi began to try to let women gradually relax their vigilance in an amiable tone.

But the only regret is that although director Qi has the ability to stabilize women, he does not have three heads and six arms, and gradually accepts women. After all, she is full of explosives now. If she is not controlled in time, the consequences are still unimaginable.

As time went by, the emotion of the woman who caused the accident changed from excitement to calmness, and then from calmness to excitement, such as alternation.

Her goal seems very simple, that is, she wants the central head to come out and meet her. As for what she will do when the head comes, it can only be imagined.

But we can also guess one or two.

Yumeng and I also dare not act rashly. Although we were left out of the door by chance and didn't let women be cleaned up as soldiers or policemen, we are undoubtedly the best candidates to break the deadlock.

Because no one can be found at the scene to subdue the women.

Marissa also looked worried. She looked at the women with twinkling eyes. She seemed to want to help, but she didn't know how to intervene.

But marishia said to the woman in familiar Chinese: "elder sister, why are you doing this? Your family will not be able to rest assured. Let's sit down and talk about it. If there is any condition we can discuss, don't do anything impulsive..."

The woman glanced at marishia and scolded, "you are a golden girl. You can't interrupt here. It's not a good woman to see you like this. Don't affect my mood."

"It doesn't matter if you call me golden hair," she said with a wry smile. "I just don't think it's worth it. You should put down the burden and talk to the soldiers. That's the way you should choose."

The woman scolded: "don't underestimate my intelligence, you golden goblin. It's no use, it will only make me more anxious. I'm anxious but I can do anything! "

Although malishia was sarcastic by the female, she did not worry about it, and continued to carry out a linguistic circle with her.

And my side by the dream, suddenly close to my ear whispered two, I slightly nodded to express approval.

From dream to a "plan to break the enemy", although it is not a brilliant plan, it can be used in this critical situation.

Director Qi and marishia cooperated quite tacitly, and they began to talk to women in turn, although the woman didn't like to listen to them. At this time, the dream suddenly shouted: "the chief is coming, the chief is coming, and the U chief is coming!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's eyes could not help scanning the past.

Including the woman, she also cast her eyes in the past with interest.

Perhaps she had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and a figure, like lightning, rushed towards the woman.

This man is no other than me.

Maybe at this moment, I have no other choice, I am just a firm belief. That is to take advantage of its distracted time, quickly control the provocative woman.

I am ready to kill and take justice at any time. If I can get close to her as soon as possible and control her, then I may control a violent terrorist attack, and I will become a hero of the Swat Bureau and even China. On the contrary, I will be buried in the gunpowder explosion together with women, smashed to pieces.

Even so, I have made all the psychological preparations. At least, the sacrifice I made alone can save so many people. Maybe I was too fast, and the woman was held tightly by me before she could react. I controlled her hands and limbs in an instant and couldn't move.

This woman is biting me, abusing me, trying to break away from the shackles. She even uses her footwork and kicks me down. I quickly don't have a leg to tie the woman tightly.

The woman is like a hungry and crazy lion. She gnaws on my shoulder. I feel the pain of a tear in my muscles, and my back seems to be stuck with a sticky layer.

It's bleeding. It must be bleeding

Although the woman is now under my control, the situation is still extremely dangerous, because as long as she breaks free, she will quickly pull the fuse and burn everything. These FL activists will not take their lives seriously. Of course, they will not take the lives of the Communists seriously. They have been completely poisoned by the cult into a murderous devil

She neighs and struggles;

my hands and feet hold her tightly, dare not relax a little bit.

Director Qi and you dreamed of this scene, and quickly came to help, the police of the public security bureau also rushed to come at the speed of 100 meters.

Outside, I was gradually relieved by the control of women's hands and feet.

When the police arrived and completely controlled the women, I was already sweating.

Perhaps, just in the control of women's tens of seconds, too much physical and mental energy, I bear the extreme physical and mental tension, dare not have a bit of slack and relaxation. Although it's only a short time, I think it's extremely long, as long as an hour.

A conflict was finally stopped. The women had been taken away by the police, and I was already exhausted physically and mentally.

The most irritating thing is that when I came back to Youmeng, kaisefu even laughed at me and said in a special tone: "Zhao long, you are so lucky. How do you feel when a good woman has been held by you for so long?"

I really don't know how kaiseff thought that he could say such words to me in such a serious occasion and such a tense situation.

How can it not be annoying?

I swore to kaiseff, "get out!"

Kaisefu scolded me again: "what's the matter with you? I've just photographed your camera with my mobile phone. When I see someone, I'll show him that the most powerful guard in Zhongnanhai is such a virtue. Holding a woman, it's like... "

He's just making fun of nothing. It's too much.

Marishia and from the dream began to condemn him, but kaiseff seems to be deliberately angry with me, still unbridled to make sarcastic remarks to me.

I know that the contradictions between us have been irreconcilable. He thinks I'm different now