Perhaps, from the medical point of view, Yumeng, taking her toes as an example, explained to me the common sense of toenail trimming. We are old partners. She would like to help me improve every detail of life. But in my opinion, it's like seeing the most perfect and holy picture in the world. I will never forget it in this life.

I'm not a rascal, I'm not a coyote, but I'm a man!

For the beauty of the opposite sex, I still have consciousness!

After that, I began to look at the pretty face from dream, as if it had been carved, with beautiful features and extraordinary vitality. Youmeng is very careful when she is on duty, but she is a lovely fairy in her daily life. She reclined on the bed, spitting bubbles from the ground. Except for the beauty of life, she was no different from an ordinary girl.

I patted her on the shoulder and said, "socks are broken. Can I help you?"

From dream shake head: "no help, resolutely not help!"

I said, "that's it?"

By dream firm nod: "must."

I pretended to stand up angrily, walked to the door, and made a gesture to go. Only then did Yumeng anxiously shout from the back: "come on, I've really convinced you. I'll send you the socks later to mend them for you. I owe you in my last life!"

I immediately rushed to my bedroom like a flying fairy out of the sky, took the broken socks and came back. With a frown, dream made a face at me and scolded: "I don't care if I break next time. I never sew socks for any man! It's a girl's creation to meet your partner! " With a sigh, Yumeng found out the stitches and began to sew them lightly.

I look and smile at one side, thinking that from the dream is a knife mouth tofu heart, good hearted!

I really want to ask about the doubts hidden in my heart by taking these opportunities to get along alone, but I haven't spoken after brewing for a long time. She sews very seriously, how can I bear to disturb her?

However, for the dream, there are too many doubts, entangled in my heart, unable to let go.

On the second day, Secretary Zhang, accompanied by staff members Meng and Huang, accompanied by chief C, continued his state friendly visit to state y under the reception of President kaiben lane and relevant staff. But I have fulfilled the original agreement, at the invitation of Lord itaffin, went to the Red Mansion villa.

As soon as I met, Princess itafini gave me a hug and took me to the villa gym with a smile on her face.

Itafini was wearing a red tights, full of youth and vitality. She spread out her beautiful blonde hair, removed all her accessories, and put on a pair of white sneakers, which was particularly sexy and beautiful. It seems that she has a unique taste in sports and regards sports as an important required course. Her beautiful figure may be shaped by long-term fitness exercise!

In the gym, itafinli sits next to a large-scale comprehensive fitness equipment, and invites me to sit down and let me explain Chinese Kung Fu to her.

While listening to my talk about Chinese martial arts, itafini stretched her arms and began to move her body. Her blue eyes blinked and her verve was crystal clear. She listened very carefully. I took this opportunity to talk about the history of Chinese martial arts to itafenli. He sold his melon and boasted. Since itafenli likes Chinese Kung Fu, what I have to do is not to let this beautiful Chinese Kung Fu lose sight of.