Egg organized the language: "About five million years ago, before I had the ability to condense my incarnation, I was infected with a virus.

At the beginning, in order to strengthen myself faster, I frantically captured and devoured everything that passed by me. I had a good appetite, and whatever I swallowed, whether it was metal or stone, could be easily digested, until... I devoured a special Meteorite fragments.

There is a very unique creature on that piece of meteorite. I call it a virus. I tried my best to digest it, but the digestion speed was very slow. Based on the digestion speed at the time, it was estimated that it would take at least a million years.

Of course, even if it is a million years, I can still afford it. The bad thing is that it has a strong parasitic ability. After swallowing a lot of ability in my body, it became stronger and broke through my immune system. Finally, Invaded my brain and wanted to achieve symbiosis with my brain.

I had no choice. In the end, I had to take the initiative to peel off a part of the brain tissue, wrap it tightly with a rock, and get rid of the virus together with the virus. "

Little Lilith quickly replied, "So you suspect that the bodies of me and Big Lilith are actually the brain tissue you excreted?"

Egg nodded: "It's possible."

However, Leo shook his head: "No!"

Because the system did not prompt the task to be completed!

But Egg is now controlled by Leo with the Mind Stone, and it is impossible to lie, so the results of Egg's careful analysis should be somewhat credible.

Leo pondered for a few seconds, and said to Egg, "Cooperate with me, and bring out the part of your memory before and after you contracted the virus, and I'll see it for myself."

After speaking, Leo activated the Soul Gem, and the orange energy gathered in his hand and placed it on Egg's head.

In the Marvel universe, memory is stored in the soul - otherwise, those soul bodies would not have memory at all!

Leo can use soul gems to easily retrieve other people's soul fragments, and then he can view other people's memories from a third perspective.

Egg did not resist, and cooperated with Leo to transfer some of the relevant memories.

Leo looked at the soul energy materialized in front of his eyes, orange light flashed in his eyes, and the picture suddenly changed.

This is a strange universe, a universe millions of years ago!

The background is a starry sky, and a lot of cosmic garbage gathers together and slowly rotates around the center, and the center is the core that wraps Egg's brain.

"It turns out that Egg started from scratch by picking up trash!" Leo muttered silently, and finally grew into a god, which is really an inspirational story.

Because of Egg's active assistance, the meteorite with the virus was marked red by Egg, and Leo easily located it.

Leo manipulated the soul gem, gradually zooming in, and then his eyes froze suddenly, and he was amazed.

The rock was not big, and on the surface of the rock, there was a black liquid wriggling, like a living thing.

Leo was surprised because he knew this black liquid - it was indeed a parasite called Venom!

As far as Leo knows, all Venom symbiotes live together on a planet, and some versions say that they live together on a huge wandering meteorite.

But no matter which statement it is, there is evidence that venom can stray from its parent star by chance and wander alone in the universe.

It's just that Leo didn't expect that it would be such a coincidence in reality that Egg actually swallowed a venom wandering alone in the universe!

Sure enough, people who pick up trash can easily pick up treasures...

But the venom did not become Egg's baby, but was expelled by Egg as a virus that would invade the brain.

Thinking of this, Leo suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered what Lilith said when he first met Lilith.

She said: She often has dreams, and can occasionally recall some vague ancient memories. She remembers that she seems to be from a very large planet, and there are many of her kind on the planet, and they are all friendly. In addition, she has another memory about the origin, that is, she came from a very large and full of endless life planet, but there is only one kind, and it is very unfriendly, Lilith was expelled.

Thinking back at this time, Leo suddenly thought: Could Lilith be a fusion of part of Egg's brain tissue and venom?

It's not the fusion of venom parasitizing into Egg's form, but the fusion of Venom and Egg at the genetic level, becoming a unique individual life!

Leo thought about it for a while, and felt that this guess is very reliable, and it is very likely to be the truth!

Thinking of this, Leo got out of the state of checking his memories through his soul, and looked at Lilith, big and small: "I have guesses about your origins. I will confirm it for you next time when I have a chance."

The so-called next chance is that the next time you ask Gu Yi to borrow the time gem, you can trace the origin and see the past and future of the venom that was accidentally swallowed by Egg.

In the past, Leo could only go back millions of years at a time through the Eye of Agamotto, because the energy in his body could not support the huge consumption of the Eye of Agamotto.

But at this time, Leo had the other three Infinity Stones as his backing, his energy was endless, and he could definitely find out Lilith's past.

Big and small Lilith nodded, as if letting Leo call the shots.

They used to be very concerned about their origins because they had been alone in the ground for millions of years, so lonely and very homesick and homesick.

But when they were influenced by Leo's Mechanical Force and regarded Leo as the closest person, and after Leo had lifted the ban and could communicate with others, the pursuit of their origin... was not so urgent.

The search for the origin of Lilith has temporarily come to an end. Although the system task has not yet been completed, at least there are clear clues, and the task is almost complete.

Leo called back all those who went out to play, and everyone gathered in the hall.

Leo is about to leave Egg and return to Earth, but there are some things Leo wants to explain to Quill.

"Quier, I don't recommend that you rush to the universe now, you stay on this planet and learn how to borrow the power of this planet from Egg." Leo said seriously, "You carry the **** factor, you can Completely control the energy of this planet, when the time comes, the universe is huge, and your strength can definitely be ranked in the first echelon!"

However, Quill looked embarrassed, turned his head and glanced at Egg, with a constipated look on his face.

Leo waved his hand, turned Egg's avatar into powder, and then looked at Quill: "I know what you're struggling with~ Egg is your mother-killing enemy, and you really want to kill him with your own hands. , but now he's my slave, you can't do it, can you?

But although you can't start, let's hold your nose and admit that Egg can continue to live, but you don't want to continue to stay on this planet, right? "

Quill shrugged and spread his hands.

You have finished speaking, and I have nothing to say.

Leo smiled slightly and blinked at Quill: "Don't worry, I have already made arrangements for your future. You stay here to familiarize yourself with Egg Star's abilities, and when the time is right, Egg Star will become Star Quill."

Quill immediately understood what Leo meant, his eyes lit up, and then he was grateful to Leo.

Mr. Erwin is such a good man!

Thinking of this, Quill took advantage of the opportunity to make the original request again: "Mr. Erwin, I want to apply to join the Marvel Legion again."

"I will formally consider your application when you turn Star of Egg into Star of Quill."

After finishing speaking, Leo raised his hand and opened a portal, and brought the others back to Earth, leaving Mantis and Quill on Planet Egg.

As for the Marvel spaceship... Leo had long since reduced it to the size of a toy plane and stuffed it into the storage belt.

Leo took the girls directly back to the Erwin Laboratory Building at the Marvel Base. After letting the girls move around at will, Leo walked to the storage room on the eighth floor of the Erwin Laboratory Building.

There is a fat cat lying there. Leo will cook it well today and try to make it spit out the universe cube!
