Leo is 90% sure that the Di Fan here is the scumbag in the movie universe. With the power gem, he can easily crush Di Fan.

Just as Thanos beat Di Fan to the point of crying and forcing him to hand over the Reality Gem, Leo can also force Di Fan to hand over the strange duck king.

But Leo is not a villain, he can't do the crazy behavior of Thanos, and more importantly, once he does, the superheroes may rebel...

So Leo can only think of ways from other aspects.

According to the original setting of the comics, Di Fan realized that Thanos was going to destroy the universe, and began to collect members of various races in the universe to prevent some races in the universe from being exterminated. It can be said that he was heartbroken for the civilization of the universe.

This is also consistent with his identity as the elder of the universe.

Leo believes that Difan in the movie universe should have a similar purpose.

"Di Fan, I understand what you mean, and the reason why you collect so many species in the collection room," Leo said as if you understand me, without explaining too much in this regard, but continued,

"But you got one thing wrong, the duck that looks like a human is not a creature from other universes. In fact, he is just some kind of intelligent creature on the planet I control, and their population is tens of thousands. Only, the reason I asked you for him is just to take him home, his friends and relatives miss him very much."

Di Fan naturally didn't believe it, so Leo took out the evidence, which was a video.

In the video, hundreds of strange ducks flew in the sky and then landed on the grass, dyeing the green grass a golden color.

Di Fan's eyes widened: You are kidding me!

He looked at Leo: "That duck that looks like a human and can still talk, has gray fur, you tell me he is the same race as the golden ducks in the video??"

To be honest, the strange duck king, who has not been nourished by the essence of fire rock for a long time, really looks bad, but Leo can continue to prove it.

"That was caused by his long-term malnutrition. I have here the food that he likes to eat. It is rich in nutrients. As long as he eats it, the effect will be immediate."

Di Fan naturally didn't believe it, and he had a more sincere personality, so he had to let Leo try it.

Di Fan brought Leo six to the strange duck king again. Leo fished out a fist-sized piece of fire rock essence from his waist and threw it into the cage where the strange duck king was being held.

The whole body of the Fire Rock Essence was golden yellow, which immediately attracted the attention of the strange duck king. His eyes lit up, and with one move, the evil dog swooped down on the Fire Rock Essence and gnawed on it.

The evil dog Pu Shi was learned by the Duck King from the space dog. I didn't expect it to be so easy to use, and even snatched the dog in the same cage.

"Ah, it's so delicious, I haven't eaten this for a long time!" The King of the Duck was intoxicated and muttered to himself.

As he swallowed the Fire Rock Essence, the grayish hair on his body began to fall off, the golden feathers rose up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a pair of wings slowly took shape.

After a while, the original ugly strange duck king became exactly the same as the group of ducks in the video.

Di Fan watched the strange duck king change like a conjuration, covered his chest, and his face was ashen.

He lost a lot!

Back then, he spent a lot of money to buy this duck, but he did not expect to make a loss.

The strange duck king had already finished eating, and it was only then that he remembered Leo who fed him.

The Fire Rock Essence is a special product of Aioux. The Duck King felt that he had found his relatives and was so excited that his eyes filled with tears!

But when he raised his head, he found that Leo and Di Fan had already left.

Leo and Di Fan walked and chatted, looking like a businessman, making the strange duck king chill, secretly thinking that Leo wouldn't want to buy him for meat...

On the other side, Di Fan laughed along and asked, "Mr. Erwin, what do you want to exchange for that duck and that dog?"

The strange duck king is no longer unique in the universe. Di Fan very much wants to exchange that duck for a valuable item from Leo to make up for his huge loss a hundred years ago.

Leo chuckled: "Di Fan, have you heard of dark elves?"

"Dark elf?" Di Fan recalled for a moment, then said, "I heard that a race living on the planet Walter Alheim was later beaten by Bol so that they could not take care of themselves, and I heard that the only remaining clansmen escaped.

That guy Bol was so cruel that he almost wiped out the dark elves in one fell swoop. When I wanted to collect them, not even a corpse was left, and they were all burned by Bol. "

Di Fan shook his head regretfully, then suddenly raised his head to look at Leo, and asked with hindsight, "Do you have the whereabouts of the dark elves?"

"I have living dark elves!" Leo replied lightly.

Di Fan's eyes lit up: "Take me to see it!"

Leo rubbed his fingers: "Then that duck and that dog..."

"I'll go back and pack it, as long as the dark elves are real, our business will be done, haha." Di Fan laughed happily.

Soon, Difan's servants put the box containing the strange duck king and the space dog on a small spaceship, and he personally sailed the ship and took Leo six to Star Harbor.

In the land of nothingness, Di Fan can drive around in a small spaceship, and no one else has that power.


In the outer space of the Void Land, the golden Asgard spaceship is approaching.

"This head is really big!" Thor exclaimed.

Loki didn't say anything, he thought more.

It is as strong as the ancient gods, and it is also the share of death in the end, which shows that there are countless dangers in the universe, and if you are not careful, you will die.

So Loki once again determined his own path: to create a new world, to be able to talk to kill people, and never to do anything!

Asgard's spaceship slowly entered the star port. After following the directions to stabilize, Thor and Loki walked off the spaceship with two pairs of Asgardian guards.

"I'm here to call Leo." Sol thought he had a good relationship with Leo, and quickly took out his communicator.


It was also in Xinggang, but after a block, Leo opened the Marvel and led Di Fan to the cabin to see the goods.

"Mr. Erwin, to be honest, I fell in love with your spaceship just by looking at it." Di Fan looked left and right, and couldn't put it down.

Leo rejected Di Fan while walking: "Marvel is not for sale, you can't be loved."

"Oh, of course not."

While talking and laughing, Leo took Di Fan to see the sturdy dark elf who was bound.

Di Fan saw that there were hundreds of dark elves here, his face sank, he rubbed his hands, and said in a businessman's tone, "Mr. Erwin, if there are too many dark elves, they are worthless..."



Di Fan: "..."

I saw Leo spit and directly spit out a dark elf closest to him, breaking his heart.

The dark elf screamed and died.

Leo took out a tissue and wiped his mouth gracefully, and said, "To be honest, Difan, I am from Asgard, and these remaining dark elves are going to be pressed back to death, and now I can leave them to you. You have a collection, and it will definitely be the only collection in the universe in the future, you should think about it carefully."

Di Fan swallowed, not to mention that Leo Asgard's identity is awesome, but Leo's method of spitting to kill a dark elf, which scared Di Fan.

In other words, Leo is too strong, and Di Fan can't beat him...


At this moment, Leo's communicator suddenly rang. Leo took a look and found that it was a communication from Asgard.

He was connected, and Thor's voice came over: "Leo, I'm Thor, I'm in the star port of the void, Odin sent me to take over the dark elf you captured..."

After Leo replied two sentences, he hung up the communication, and then looked at Di Fan with a smile.

"Buy, I'll definitely buy it!" Difan's ears were very good, he heard the conversation between Leo and Sol, and affirmed, "Except for the duck and the dog, the one you played in the collection room just now. Stick, I count as a head lick!"

Leo was stunned for a second before realizing what the stick was, and then:

( ̄┏Д┓ ̄°*)
