Chapter 608: make your own money

The Marvel left the Sapu atmosphere, flew into space, and entered a sub-light speed sailing mode.

On the spaceship, a few people were talking and laughing, and they abused the dark sect for a meal. They were in a good mood.

At this moment, Stim suddenly said, "Om~ Master, there is a video communication request from Mr. Quill."

Leo connected with the communication and asked curiously, "Quier, what's the matter? Could it be that you have already reached a place of nothingness?"

"No, I still need more than a day's journey," Quill said at the same time, his eyes were strange, and he kept looking at Leo's face, as if there were flowers on Leo's face, and he still seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter? Say something straight." Leo intensified his tone and pretended to be serious.

Quill swallowed his spit and said cautiously, "Captain Erwin, just now, a bounty quest has been released on both the Marauder Bounty Platform and the Mercenary Platform, which is worth 100,000 Units."

"Oh? This is a lot of money. What kind of bounty is it? Do you want to accept it?" Leo asked curiously.

"Don't dare, how dare I take it." Quill thought that Leo was speaking the opposite, and quickly denied it, for fear of Leo's misunderstanding.

But Leo had already misunderstood: "What? The task is too difficult? You contacted me because you want to cooperate with me? How much is the reward? Let me tell you, if the points are less, I won't do it!"

Leo is neither a predator nor a mercenary, and he is not short of money. He has never been used to browsing bounty platforms. At this time, he didn't even know that Thanos had offered him a bounty.

But a long time ago, Leo had a dream of a cosmic mercenary, and even the old name of the Marvel Corps was called the Marvel Mercenary Corps.

At this time, Leo finally got some free time, and when he heard about such a large reward by chance, he was actually moved.

The 100,000 Unites is actually less than one-tenth of the original compensation of the Kerry Empire, but the money received from compensation is different from the money earned by oneself, which represents a sense of achievement.

So Leo was very serious and serious when he talked with Quill about the amount of money.

But it was Leo's seriousness that left Quill at a loss. He suddenly thought of a possibility and asked, "Captain Erwin, you really don't know the content of the reward mission?"

"I don't rely on tasks to make money, how can I know?" Leo became impatient and urged, "Don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up and say what the task is."

Quill suddenly realized, but he didn't dare to tell the content of the mission in front of Leo, but said, "I'll send you a screenshot of the mission details."

Leo quickly received a screenshot from Quill, and then there was a black line...

This Nima, I want to complete the task of rewarding myself, but also want to share money with others, so embarrassing!

On the other end of the communication, Quill watched Leo's complexion change and felt very amused, but for fear of Leo's blame, his face turned red.

"Hahahaha!" x5

But the five Natasha girls were not afraid of Leo. After listening to the conversation between Leo and Quill, they burst out laughing when they saw the details of the mission sent by Quill.

"What are you laughing at?" Leo glared at them and let out the words, "I'm really going to earn this money today for the water splashed out of my words!"

When the girls saw Leo's serious tone, they stopped laughing and asked Leo what he wanted to do. Quill also asked out of curiosity.

"I have a plan of my own." Leo chuckled, "Quier, I need your cooperation in this matter. When I arrange it, I will give you 10% when it's done."

Ten percent is 10,000 Unil, which is a huge sum of money for Quill, so Quill naturally nodded.

Leo hung up Quill's communication and took out another communicator.

This communicator belongs to the black dwarf star, and there is Thanos' contact information in it. Originally, Leo carried this communicator because he was afraid that if Thanos couldn't find him, he could still "tell him".

But seeing this bounty mission at this time, Leo decided to call Thanos first, maybe... the bounty can still be mentioned above.


Leo dialed out a video communication request.

In the void of the universe, the battleship of the Dark Order is sailing fast, rushing to Sap Star, and Thanos is still sitting on his metal throne.

Suddenly, Thanos frowned, raised his hand and waved a screen of light, with the black dwarf's communication number shining brightly.

The black dwarf is already dead, so it is self-evident who the person who dialed the communication request at this time!

Thanos tapped lightly and connected the communication. He was very curious about what the other party was doing by dialing the video communication at this time.

threaten? provocative? Or... beg for mercy?

The communication was connected, and Thanos saw Leo's face again, but it was slanted because Leo deliberately held the communicator crookedly.

Thanos tilted his head subconsciously. He had never experienced such a strange video call. When his subordinates reported to him, every one of them was well behaved.

Suddenly, he saw a crooked head on the light screen. He was not used to it.


Leo took the opportunity to take a screenshot.

Thanos didn't know that Leo took a screenshot. He was expecting Leo to speak and reveal the purpose of this communication, so he waited quietly.

Thanos didn't speak, and Leo didn't speak either.

Thanos is very uncomfortable with this kind of weird silence. He has never experienced such a dialogue, especially when the other party is an enemy who has insulted the face of the Dark Order.

Anger naturally surged in Thanos' heart, and he said sharply, "Who are you? What's the matter with the communication?"

"Ah? Where did you get such a big piece of purple potato? Has it become fine?" Leo suddenly realized, "Cough... I'm sorry I made a mistake and hung up the phone.

Thanos' anger froze on his face. He wanted to say mmp to Leo, but Leo had disappeared.

This is like when you read a novel at a certain point, you scolded "dog author, what did you write?!" Someone (maybe the author's trumpet) came back, and you worked hard to write hundreds of Words, reply back in an orderly manner.

It turns out that - you have been taken forever! Long! ban! Word!

Are you angry?

Thanos is like this right now!

He understood that Leo didn't want to threaten or beg for mercy when he dialed the communication this time, just to make fun of him!

Thinking of this, the anger in Thanos' heart was even stronger.

But Thanos was good at cultivating his qi, he was angry in his heart, and his face remained calm.

He only needs to screw Leo's head off with his own hands at the end, and then he can let out the bad anger in his heart.

On the other side, Leo hung up the phone, quickly called up the mercenary reward interface, found his reward, and stared at the value above.

However, after waiting for five minutes, the value of 100,000 Units did not move.

Leo was immediately unhappy. When he called Thanos just now, he had a lot of hope... ah no, he was under a lot of pressure!

At this time, Thanos didn't raise the reward amount, he was totally sorry for his hard performance just now.

Thinking of this, Leo sneered and opened the address book of the black dwarf communicator again.

" Thanos, if you are so stingy, don't blame me for being unkind!"
