Chapter 521: Leo runs the earth

Tony shook his head, rubbed his face with his hands, breathed a sigh of relief, discarded the mixed thoughts in his heart, and watched the video left by his father again.

He has already realized that the new energy drawings are hidden in the videotape, between the lines of Howard's words.

Over and over again, Tony took the trouble and couldn't remember how many times he watched the video.

Suddenly, he remembered what the architectural model in the video was. It was the model of the 1974 Stark Industry Fair.

This model has a physical body, and Howard has been hanging in the CEO's office in New York's Stark Tower during his lifetime.

After Howard passed away, Tony didn't touch the furniture in the office, and the model was still hanging in the old place.

An expression of joy appeared on Tony's face immediately. He patted his chest. Countless nanoparticles poured out of the nano vest, forming the Mark armor in a blink of an eye.

Since this month, his own nano armor has been designed.

If the energy consumption of the weapon is not considered, and it is only used for long-distance flight, the energy of the miniaturized arc reactor can be fully supported, and there is absolutely no problem.

The nanoparticles that make up Mark's armor are very heavy, but these weights, given his physique strengthened by the Goddess's Blessing Potion, can easily bear.

The armor ignited, and Tony flew into the sky toward New York.

He didn't choose to take the convenient portal to New York, because he needed to let the armor fly for a while to give himself some time to think.

More than an hour later, Tony flew to the Stark Tower in New York.

Landed directly on the roof, and through the special elevator, Tony went straight to his CEO's office.

On the wall behind the office door, Tony finds exposition models plastered all over the wall.

After a little search, Tony found a small nameplate at the corner of the exposition model, with the words "Key to the Future" written on it.

"You can't go wrong, the structure diagram of new energy particles must be hidden in this model!"

Tony has certainty in his heart.

"Jarvis, scan the 3D map of the exposition model." Putting on Mark's armor again, Tony gave orders to his artificial intelligence.

A blue beam shot out from the eyes of Mark's armor and quickly scanned the exposition model.

"Sir, the model has been established."

Tony nodded, looked around again, and found that this was not his usual laboratory, and many key analytical instruments were missing.

So he soared into the sky again, quickly flew to the Erwin Building not far away, and returned to his home through the portal of the building.

At home, Tony put away his armor and instructed, "Jarvis, project the model and let me take a closer look."

An illusory 3D holographic projection appeared, and Tony's smart brain began to analyze.

If there is no accident, he will soon crack the secret left by Howard and discover the isotope of the Rubik's Cube, which is the new energy particle.

While Tony was busy, at 3:00 p.m., on the 36th floor of the Erwin Building, Leo, Natasha, Master Hamill, and a group of high-level officials from various countries were having a meeting.

This meeting is a remote meeting. Representatives from various countries participate in the meeting through Skynet in a holographic simulation mode, which is convenient and efficient.

The meeting, led by Leo, aims to improve the lagging traffic conditions in countries around the world.

Meetings with similar themes have been held many times in the past month.

"Everyone, the earth is about to enter a new era. What kind of transportation mode do you think can adapt to the next wave of globalization?" Leo looked at the high-level officials of the various countries present and said lightly.

As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, build roads first.

If the countries of the earth want to completely transform into globalization, and then enter the development of the universe, then the transportation will usher in a subversive change.

For the future of the earth, Leo was really heartbroken.

The representative of the United States was the first to speak:

"Dear head, my country believes that the earth is working hard towards the interstellar age, so the traffic on the earth must match the speed that the interstellar age should have.

Therefore, it is imperative to abandon traditional cars and manufacture nuclear-powered low-altitude aircraft with faster speed, better stability and intelligent driving. "

This is how it is played in science fiction films. The traffic routes on the earth are no longer limited to the two-dimensional surface, but become three-dimensional air routes.

Wanting to go out, beckon for a drone, and arrive at the destination in a while.

"It's very well said," Leo affirmed the words of the American representative, "I have many kinds of design drawings of this kind of aircraft, and they are very mature. After the meeting, I will upload these drawings to Skynet for verification by various countries. Download after permission.

At the same time, I will also provide supporting flight route design rules, and also provide resources for everyone to use. Everyone can write an application according to their actual situation and go through the approval process. But still the old rule, these things have to be put on the account. "

Representatives from various countries nodded in agreement.

They were already surprised that Leo had so much technology and resources.

At the same time, every country is also familiar with Leo's support method. After several previous meetings, all countries have owed Leo a lot of debt.

Leo's compensation resources from the Kree Empire are huge, enough to support the large-scale consumption of dozens of earths for hundreds of years.

Those things are useless in his hands, so they can only be used to support the construction of various countries on the earth.

But Leo would not give resources in vain, every funding turned into a debt that was placed on the heads of various countries.

Write down the debt, Leo is not for the countries to repay later.

Leo doesn't like the annual output of each country.

He just kept his hand out of habit. Once there is a country that is not familiar with the white-eyed wolf in the future, he will be considered a famous teacher when he fights it.

Leo likes to stand on the side of justice and does not like to be poked in the spine.

No country is willing to refuse Leo's help, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is the eternal truth.

No country dared to deny the account, but the Marvel Legion slaughtered the existence of the Kerry Empire, and slaughtered the small country that occupied an acre of land in the earth, is it not a matter of minutes?

In this way, the more countries owe Leo, the more they respect Leo.

Leo has truly surpassed all countries in the Marvel universe, and the whole world is waiting for Leo to eat.

Leo is also very dedicated to the construction of the world. After all, the growth of the world tree is there. Building the earth is like playing a farming game. As long as Leo builds the earth better, he can become more and more the stronger.

Leo has no interest in ruling the earth or being the Supreme Emperor. He just wants to build a strong rear camp for himself. UU Reading

The character of his previous life is still affecting him. As a member of Great Eastern, Leo, like everyone else, is very obsessed with the house.

In the past life, I couldn't afford to buy a house, so how can I live with a house addiction in this life?

When Leo goes to the universe, the earth will be Leo's house. Of course, he wants to make his house more tidy, comfortable and convenient.

The transportation plan proposed by the representative of the United States is very good. Small low-altitude aircraft are very important to the future transportation of the earth, but this is not the focus of Leo's discussion today.

Small low-altitude aircraft can solve the transportation capacity within the city and between adjacent cities, but it cannot change the transportation situation between countries.

When other countries spoke, they didn't know when they would mention the point, so Leo simply said it straight.

Raising his hand to open a space door, Leo said, "You are all in low status, so you must have seen this door. This is a space door, which can achieve global transmission without delay."

Leo pointed to Hamill again,

"This is Mage Hamill, he is a member of the Marvel Legion, an expert in portal magic, he can solidify the portal and achieve fixed-point teleportation.

You are all very smart. You should have understood what I meant when you heard this. I am going to set up portals in major cities around the world as a pilot for a new mode of transportation.

If all goes well, this model will be popularized in the future and become the main mode of transportation on earth. "

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