Chapter 428: Pepper Potts in Tony's mouth

Tony is willing to take the initiative to let Stark Industries undertake the promotion of the global virtual network system, and Leo is very satisfied.

But Tony wants Leo to give the global virtual network system a nice name, that's embarrassing him...

Leo pondered for a while, and found that he could not come up with a satisfactory name after racking his brains, so he waved his hand: "The agency and promotion rights of the virtual network system have been handed over to you Stark Industries. Let's settle it together."

Leo didn't want to dwell on the issue of the name, and the topic changed, "Although Stark Industries will spend a lot of energy on the agency and promotion of the virtual network system in the future, you, Tony, you can't put yourself too much I have a lot of time to invest in the virtual network, and I still have a lot of tasks waiting for you to do.”

Tony nodded: "No."

Although the virtual network is important, Tony only uses it as a tool to maintain his wealth. What he cares most about is how to improve his Mark series armor.

After a few days of baptism of knowledge of destroying the three views, he already had a rough design drawing for the latest generation of Mark armor.

He is going to use nanotechnology in the Mark armor, and upgrade the Mark 4 generation to a level that is enough to match the current level of cosmic technology.

Although Tony knew that Leo had extraordinary battle armor manufacturing technology, and even had a black armor that far surpassed his own Mark 3 generation, and even that armor seemed to be more tyrannical than the Mark 4 generation he envisioned.

But Tony wasn't going to buy a set directly from Leo.

Because, there is only one voice telling him that he is a complete person only when he is with the battle armor he made himself!

"The military product industry originally operated by Stark Industries cannot be abandoned all at once, so I am going to recruit some people again to set up an agent and promotion team for the virtual network system."

Tony told Leo about his plan, "I don't need to spend too much personal space on the formation of this new team because I have a great secretary who is very capable.

Leave these things to her, and she will be able to complete them smoothly.

By the way, she can also give her a nice name for the virtual network system. She is very good at naming it.

In the later stage, an independent network operation company can be set up specifically for the virtual network system and let her be the executive president. Her professional ability is excellent and she is absolutely competent..."

Tony counted the merits of his secretary one by one. Leo listened patiently to him, and then asked with great interest, "What's her name?"

"Pepper, Captain, her name is Virginia Pepper Potts," Tony introduced. "I'm used to calling her Pepper because I like spicy food."

Leo nodded with a smile, and his heart was sure.

Leo has never heard about Pepper, and once thought that Pepper was playing an insignificant role in Stark Industries at this time, or that he hadn't joined Stark Industries at all!

In the past, Leo had even thought of "finding Pepper in advance and letting her come to Erwin Technology as a secretary".

But later, the secretary's job was assigned to Natasha who suddenly came to New York, and Leo's search for Pepper was over.

Now listening to Tony's meaning, it seems that Pepper has been working in Stark Industries for a long time - and it is because of Pepper's hard work that Tony has the opportunity to be a hands-off shopkeeper and make waves all over the world.

Taking back his thoughts, Leo said with a smile: "Okay, since you have recommended it, I can safely hand it over to her.

When I have the opportunity in the future, I will take her to our headquarters for a walk. As the actual person in charge of the virtual network system, she is qualified to know some secrets. If she wants, I can even allow her to join the Marvel Legion. "

Tony nodded excitedly: "I will definitely bring her to see you before the virtual network system is actually commercialized."

Speaking of this, Tony the Iron Man with two panda eyes finally felt tired, he looked at Leo: "Captain, it's already dark, if there is nothing else, I'm going to go back to rest.

ah~ ah~"

After he finished speaking, he gave a long yawn.

Leo knew that Tony was really tired these three days and needed to rest, but now is not the time to let him go: "Don't worry, I'll delay you for a few minutes."

Tony cheered up and looked at Leo: "What else is there?"

"Tomorrow is the day of the emergency meeting of the United Nations, you know?"

"Yes," Tony nodded, "it's said to be an emergency response to the alien invasion a week ago."

Leo nodded lightly: "Follow me to the United Nations Building tomorrow. Our Marvel Legion will participate in this global event as the guardian of the earth."

"Participate in the meeting? As the guardian of the earth?" Tony was a little sluggish because he was too sleepy, but after thinking about it, he immediately remembered the news that was circulating on the Internet a few days ago.

——A story about the guardian of the earth from Asgard against alien invasion and guarding the earth.

It is because Tony has been immersed in all kinds of high-tech recently and cannot extricate himself, so he subconsciously ignored Leo and others, which was the only force to repel the aliens at the beginning.

After thinking of these things, Tony looked up at Leo suspiciously, "So, our legion is really the guardian of the earth, and you are a warrior from the legendary place of 'Asgard'?"

"It's inconvenient for me to say more about the specific details, but that's basically what it is." Leo didn't want to lie, so he vaguely mentioned it.

With the relationship of the ancient one, Leo claimed to be the guardian of Asgard, and he could barely have a little relationship.

Tony: "However, in the past few days, I found that our legion has been busy with construction, and I haven't seen anything to protect the earth..."

"In your opinion, what should be done to protect the earth?" Leo suddenly spoke, interrupting Tony's words.

Tony subconsciously wanted to speak, but after hesitating for a long time, he still didn't say why.

He would like to say: Fighting terrorism, maintaining the stability of the earth, and making the earth rich and prosperous are the protection of the earth.

But these things are too superficial and superficial, and it makes no sense that the head of the regiment can't think of it, so... he is afraid of being slapped in the face after saying it.

Leo was not prepared to let Tony analyze this matter in simple terms, and he began to explain on his own:

"On Earth, there has been a mysterious group of guardians since ancient times. The legion I founded was not the first, nor was it the last - the water here is deep.

The previous guardians, including the god-king Odin who ruled over the Nine Realms, all adhered to the principle of not interfering too much in the specific affairs of the earth and allowing them to develop freely.

But now the accident has appeared, and the Kree people have come to the earth and launched an indiscriminate attack on the earth. Because Asgard is currently in a special period, the God King Odin has no time to come to the earth to save the suffering as he did a thousand years ago, and the Lord of the Nine Realms cannot take care of the earth, so I choose to come forward.

By repelling the invading Cree people, I am protecting the earth; I have created a virtual network system to try to improve the overall environment of the earth, and I am protecting the earth; Tucker Industries, out of high-tech science and technology, is protecting the earth.

The environment of the earth is very complex. There are many countries, and no one obeys the other. Therefore, I cannot resort to force to conquer everyone. I can only change it little by little in this way.

The virtual network system that you and Naurox worked so hard to create for three days is a tool that can very well change the world.

Through the virtual network system, we can distribute the cosmology, world view, various new concepts, new technologies and new forces through new methods such as entertainment, communication, and learning, and gradually penetrate into everyone's common sense.

Only in this way can the status quo of the earth be changed in an orderly manner and help people on earth find a new development direction.

It is important to know that people’s hearts are the most difficult to conquer, so it will take a lot of effort to make the whole earth change in a healthy way, and this should not be urgent. "

Tony is a smart man, and he understands everything Leo said.

He didn't understand it at first, just because he didn't take the time to think about it.

After listening to Leo's explanation, Tony nodded: "That's it, let's go to the United Nations Building tomorrow."

After saying this, Tony suddenly put on a look of interest, got close to Leo, and asked mysteriously: "If I say, I will always follow you in the future, can I meet someone like Odin? , is it a character who lives in myths and legends?"

Leo glanced at Tony unexpectedly. He didn't expect Tony to have this kind of curious gossip, but it's a good thing to have such curiosity, which helps to improve Tony's sense of belonging to the Marvel Legion.

So, Leo smiled mysteriously: "It will, and even the people you meet in the future will surprise you than Odin!"

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