Chapter 426: Global Virtual Network System

The sun rose and set, and three days passed quickly.

I don't know if it's because the Skrulls don't need to sleep, or because Naurox is a workaholic.

Anyway, three days have passed, not only has the chip in Bucky's head been successfully solved by Naorox, but the processing host and supporting signal transmitter of the global virtual network have also been taken out by Naorox.

Of course, Tony also played a big role in it and provided a great help.

But Tony the Iron Man is also exhausted from assisting Naurax's crazy work.

However, the results were gratifying. Tony looked at the remarkable results he had achieved after three days of hard work. Although he was still in a state of excessive cultivation, his eyes showed excitement.

Of course, hidden behind the excitement is a strong sense of inconceivable.

Tony expressed incomprehension and distrust when Naurux made the schedule.

In Tony's impression,

To complete the huge-scale aircraft group in the design drawings, there is no elite team of about five people who spend a week designing and planning.

There is no mature assembly line that spends more than two months around the clock to produce the chips needed for processing.

No skilled installation workers spend ten days and a half months to carry and assemble,

No skilled programmer team spends half a month or even a month for debugging and trial

——This crew group is simply impossible to complete!

——It is impossible to work normally after it is completed!

But the fact gave Tony a blow to the head. Naruox's working method not only ruined the three views, but also was extremely efficient.

Leo was not surprised, because he saw that the Skrulls spent three days building a small city covering an area of ​​10,000 square meters

——It would be reasonable to spend three days to build a unit that covers an area of ​​less than 100 square meters.

Leo also took the time to help a lot in the construction of the crew: he mainly provided all kinds of raw materials according to the requirements of Naurux.

Some of the raw materials are available on earth, such as the basic iron shell, and there are many raw materials that are not available on Earth, but the Kree warships have ample reserves.

Even, in order to allow Naoroks to find more suitable materials, Leo handed over a lot of precious materials with unknown functions that he had obtained from the Black Heart Devil to Naoroks for analysis and use.

——Of course, most of those things were on the magic side, and Naorox couldn’t use them.

Having the support of enough raw materials is also the key to Naurux's ability to complete the task quickly.

At this time, Leo was standing on the fifth floor of the Erwin Laboratory Building, listening to Naoroks explaining to him the huge cabinet group covering an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters:

"Mr. Erwin, this entire cluster of cabinets is the processing host of the virtual network system.

Its functions can not only realize the basic communication and data broadband transmission requirements you put forward, but also form a virtual simulation world without delay in the whole earth. You can build in the virtual world according to the operation manual. anything.

Users can access and log in to the virtual world through the support of specialized hardware devices, and enjoy various conveniences provided by the virtual world..."

Leo has seen the design drawings of this group of hosts, and has also learned with the Mechanical Force analysis skills, so he naturally understands that what Naurux is telling the truth.

In fact, due to material and time constraints, this finished console is only the simplest version.

According to Naurox, the basic version of the virtual network system can cover nearly a thousand solar systems without delay.

The luxury version of the virtual network system, which is jointly operated by the major forces in the universe, is used for profit-making infrastructure - the coverage area is almost no delay throughout the entire galaxy.

This is also the most fundamental reason why in Marvel movies, such as "Guardians of the Galaxy", Star-Lord can receive calls from distant planets in space, and can also view various employment tasks and reward information through signal receiving terminals.

Leo knows this is no exaggeration, Captain Marvel's gadgets, BB machines, can cover several galaxies.

The communication instruments made by others with their hearts naturally cover a wider range.

Leo didn't expect to be able to build a successful luxury version of the virtual network system on his own, and he couldn't even build the basic version of the system - because of the lack of raw materials.

In fact, he doesn't need to think about that kind of trouble now.

The simplest version of the virtual network system has been ahead of the earth for many years, enough for Leo to use one-third of this acre of the earth.

However, the simplest version is the easiest version, and it is troublesome to use. Even the signal transmitter is equipped with three, which needs to be hung on the synchronous orbit of the earth in a three-legged situation, so as to cover the world without delay.

"Is this the three signal transmitters?" Leo pointed to the three round iron bumps of equal height piled up in the corner of the wall, and looked at Naurux knowingly.

Naoroks nodded: "This requires you to send them to the designated location. You can use a spaceship to help carry them. I can design a launch program to ensure that the location and initial velocity are accurate..."

"You don't need to be so troublesome." Leo waved his hand to interrupt Naurux's words, and took two steps forward, the mechanical force in his hand surged, and he grabbed an iron lump with one hand.

Good guy, it's really heavy, a signal transmitter is a full two tons.

However, with Leo's current system and the assistance of Mechanical Force, it was easy to lift two tons of iron lumps with one hand.

Leo raised the signal transmitter above his head with one hand, and under the unexplained gazes of Naurux and Tony, he gently waved his free left hand, and a golden portal opened.

Outside the door is space, and the air inside the house rushed towards the portal, bringing a howling wind.

Leo stood stably in the gust of wind, his waist was slightly heavy, and he threw the signal transmitter in his hand towards the portal: "Let's go!"

Then Leo immediately closed the portal, and the room returned to silence.

In space, in synchronous orbit, the signal transmitter starts to move synchronously around the earth with a suitable initial velocity and angle.

Tony understood Leo's rude operation, and suddenly became stunned.

Empty-handed launch of orbital geostationary satellites, have you seen it? ? Dare not to think about it!

The Marvel Legion is really a magical place; Leo, the head of the team, is really a cheater!

After getting the first signal transmitter, Leo followed suit and helped the other two signal transmitters find their positions on the synchronous orbit.

Although the process was beyond Naorox's expectations, Naorox quickly calmed down and started the host of the virtual network system.

The next moment, the entire earth is surrounded by invisible high-frequency electromagnetic waves. Under the action of the special hyperspace signal transmitter, the electromagnetic waves break through the limitations of space, and the transmission speed exceeds the speed of light, realizing the real signal without delay.

After waiting for two minutes, Leo saw that the parameters displayed on the panel of the host were all normal, and looked at Naurux with a smile: "It's been really hard for you these three days, you don't have to come to Earth every day to work, go back and have a good rest. Bar.

The various food supplies I promised you will be purchased soon and delivered to you. "

Naorox bowed his head slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Erwin, all of this is what we Skrulls should do."

After that, he walked to the elevator, preparing to take the portal of the downstairs teleportation hall to return to Ioxing.

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