Chapter 397: Preparing for the first mission assigned to Tony Stark

Leo's request for Naorox was not an impromptu intention, but had already been planned.

Who is Norox? The only existing scientist of the Skrulls, according to the plot of "Captain Marvel", he is a person who can create an aviation spaceship alone, empty-handed, and based on the original ordinary fighter in just half a day.

According to Taros, that is a rare technical talent.

It was Leo who took a fancy to Naurux's expertise.

He wanted Naoroks to be responsible for the construction of the Earth Internet. According to Leo's idea, it was to let Naoroks abandon the current prototype of the Earth Internet and build a wide-range, high-precision, high-speed, high-virtual network from scratch. worth the global wireless internet system.

Leo, on the other hand, must have the highest control over the Internet.

Think about those "Internet slaves" ten or twenty years later. It can be said that at that time, people's clothing, food, housing and transportation will be inseparable from the Internet. Even a lot of military supplies can't work properly without the Internet.

This is equivalent to, if Leo takes advantage of the backwardness of the times and uses advanced technological advantages to build Internet technology far beyond this era for decades from scratch, then he is equivalent to controlling the entire planet in disguise .

Although after Leo has finished analyzing and studying all the technologies on the Kree battleship, he will definitely have a technological knowledge far beyond that of Naurux.

However, Leo has a lot to do, and it is impossible for him to devote all his energy to such a big project.

Therefore, it would be the best thing to find Naurux as an assistant, and train Tony Stark by the way, and let Tony be the general director of this Internet construction project.

Yes, this is a good job Leo arranged for Tony.

The idea is good, but according to Talos, it seems that the Skrulls can't do without Naurux for the time being.

"Taros, I understand the importance of Nooroks to you, so I'm not trying to make Noroks my permanent subordinate. I will build a portal between Earth and the planet you're going to. , then Naurox can easily commute between the two places.”

Leo tried his best to explain clearly to Talos, so that Narux would do his best to do things for himself, instead of doing things perfunctory,

"And when you arrive at the new planet, everything starts from scratch. In fact, the pioneering action that needs to be done at the beginning does not require much superb technology, and the time I use Naoroks will not exceed half a year at most. Naorok It is perfectly possible to have two jobs at the same time.

In addition, I can offer a high salary to Naorox, and Naorox's salary can be exchanged for food, machinery and other materials on the earth, and used in your pioneering land. Humanly speaking, it's a good deal. "

Leo said that it took only half a year for Naurux to not talk big, and here he took into account Tony Stark's learning ability.

Give Tony half a year, it is estimated that Tony's knowledge reserve should crush Naurux! ?

With this explanation, Taros was a little moved.

Leo struck while the iron was hot, and after finding several justifiable reasons, plus Leo's power bonus, Talos finally agreed.

"Okay, the matter is settled like this." Leo stood up. "The time is almost up, so let's not delay, I will take you to the new planet now."

A few minutes later, Leo and Carol came to the outer space of the spacecraft, and Talos and Naurux stayed in the cockpit of the spacecraft to control the direction.

"Mr. Erwin, I'm ready here." Talos' voice sounded in the communicator.

Leo nodded slightly, and then he incited the mechanical force. The continuous magic power was generated through the mechanical force conversion furnace. It took a full thirty seconds to open a portal that was enough for the cruise ship to pass through.

The cruise ship passed through the portal silently, and appeared in an unfamiliar starry sky.

Leo and Carol also flew over and closed the portal smoothly.

Without rushing back to the spaceship, Leo and Carol stopped in space to watch this new galaxy.

When he and Gu Yi came here in the morning, they fell directly into the planet's atmosphere through the portal. The scenery they saw at that time was completely different from this time.

The various detectors built into the Viper 10th-generation armor quickly detected the various basic parameters of the new galaxy.

This is a galaxy similar to the solar system, and the blue-green planet at the foot, like the earth, is the third largest distance from the star at the center of the galaxy.

Seeing this, Leo was slightly startled.

Gu Yi only gave him a planet, it gave him the resources of the entire solar-like galaxy!

With space navigation technology, Leo can develop mineral resources on other planets at will.

For example, if Leo drives a spacecraft to go to Mars for mining now, it will definitely not cause any property rights disputes.

Gu Yi is really big!

However, thinking of this, Leo suddenly understands a truth that has been somewhat unclear for the past few days:

In the universe, as long as you have the ability to occupy and mine all unowned things, then you are its master, just like the pioneering era.

Of course, just like wars and plunder between lords, if one party has the ability to defeat the original owner, then all property rights will change.

This is also the fundamental reason why the Kree Empire aggressively invaded and tried to rule many civilizations, including the Skrulls.

The law of the jungle is the law of the jungle.

There is no right or wrong in war, because only the victors are qualified to reason.

The universe, especially the universe in Marvel, which has not been completely unified or divided, is just like the Middle Ages when countries are constantly fighting, but it is actually so cruel!

Fortunately, there are still Gu Yi, Carol, and many superheroes on the earth, so that they will not be destroyed by the Kree like a small border country.

As for Odin, the titular lord of Earth?

Forget it, don't mention him, relying on him is almost the same as relying on God's will.

Leo vaguely had these concepts a few days ago, so he had a temporary idea, thinking about using this opportunity to quickly promote the overall progress of the earth.

This will be Leo's base camp in the future, but it can't be destroyed by the Kerry Empire or other forces After suppressing the many thoughts that popped up in a moment, Leo turned his attention back to the one under his feet. on the planet.

Leo is not far from the planet under his feet at this time. After a while, the detector that comes with the battle armor has measured the size of the planet.

This planet, with a diameter of about 30,000 kilometers, is more than twice the diameter of Earth.

Then its area is more than four times that of the earth, and its volume is more than eight times that of the earth. Naturally, the resources contained in it have increased exponentially. In addition, the land area and the ocean area are close to one to one, which is much larger than the proportion of the earth's land and sea.

All in all, this is a place richer than the earth.

Carol's body doesn't know what structure it is now, but she obviously has a way to probe the state of the planet under her feet, only to hear her sigh:

"This is really a rich planet. If this planet is given hundreds of millions of years, it will definitely evolve an advanced civilization similar to humans on Earth."

"Yeah! But now that I'm here, it actually saves the planet hundreds of millions of years of time. It is estimated that it will be very grateful, and then show sincerity to me." Leo joked casually, laughing very bright.

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