Chapter 371: Confident Carroll will be invincible

The sky is already fully bright at this time.

Peter and Mary Jane were happily photographing the battlefield, but the dazzling fire above their heads caught their attention.

So, Mary Jane put out another camera and aimed it at the missile flying in the sky.

Although Leo had warned them about this beforehand, in the face of the flying missile, Mary Jane couldn't help but feel a little scared, and couldn't help shrinking into her husband's arms.




Stim's voice was relayed through the Mechanical Force communication skills, and it kept ringing in Leo's mind.

Stim has already sent it to Leo to collect all the military activities in the world at this moment.

"Sure enough." Leo snorted lightly after reading the news quickly, and said to himself naturally, "The nerves of Earthlings in the Marvel Universe are not ordinary!"

The reason for Leo's complaints is very simple. After watching the "Captain Marvel" movie in his previous life, Leo had a problem that he couldn't understand.

Ronan fired more than a dozen missiles towards the earth at one time, and Yong Rogge could clearly see the trajectory of the missiles in the sky while standing on the ground.

Not to mention that in a short while, Carroll directly set off a huge firework with the equivalent of tens of millions of tons in the atmosphere.

With such a loud voice, it is absolutely impossible to hide it!

Since then, high-level and wealthy, powerful and high-tech individuals from all over the world have definitely been aware of the existence of aliens.

But how did the earth develop in the following ten years?

The global response is too bland!

Knowing that there are powerful enemies in space, Wakanda chose to continue to close the country.

Tony Stark still chose to continue to eat and wait to die. It was not until 2008 that he was kidnapped and exploded on the spot, and invented the steel armor.

Moreover, with the small size of Fury's third-level agent at the time, he was really able to continue to be a SHIELD agent, instead of being investigated by the government even what his underwear looked like?

The fax machine that Carroll gave him would not be confiscated by S.H.I.E.L.D. and then researched?

Carol was strutting up and down the streets of the earth before, but she was really not caught by the camera, and then someone found out her true identity?

Can the planes she and Fury drive away from the Pegasus Project Base really be free of air traffic control and take off at will without being traced to their whereabouts?

Are the Hydras who have already infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. into Snake and Shield, really don't know this important information?

Before Leo crossed over, he watched the movie and complained about the director's foolishness with his friends.

My friend said that watching this kind of popcorn movie, don’t worry about it, it’s cool, Marvel’s combat power and plot logic have long since collapsed, and it’s meaningless to go deeper.

But after Leo crosses over, there is no director to complain about, then all this can only be attributed to the weakness of the earth's own weapons and power, as well as the nerves of Marvel's earthlings.

Otherwise, what else can we do? !

Therefore, such a neurotic person needs the wise Leo to guide him!

Thinking of this, Leo appeared out of nowhere, suddenly appeared behind the strong Kree, wrapped his arms around his neck and twisted it hard.


The Kree's neck snapped, but his vitality was so strong that he didn't even die.

Leo cruelly and ruthlessly inserted a vibranium sword into his heart, which stopped the brawny Kree from struggling.

At this cruel scene, Yong Rogge, who was not far away, felt a chill in his heart.

"Lorina, when we've got the missiles out of the way, you'll come out with someone to help Bucky and Natasha get rid of the rest of the Kree and kill them all."

"Carol, come with me, let's deal with the missile overhead."

After Leo arranged things, his whole body immediately radiated light that was no weaker than the missiles overhead. He took the lead in soaring into the sky, and Carroll also glowed, followed closely behind.

The two of them soared into the sky with bright light, which shocked Coulson and others who were peeking at close range. Colson said:

"Sir Fury, the guardian just now seemed to be flying with another guardian, heading for the missile."

"What do they want? Do they want to stop the missile?" Before Fury could speak, a young Agent A exclaimed.

Agent B is older, and he slaps Agent A on the head:

"Don't talk nonsense, what do they use to stop them? Do you use your hands?! Do you think you're putting this on for a movie!"

"Maybe they can really stop them. The two of them are superheroes, superheroes like Captain America," Coulson laughed.

Agent A who was beaten was not annoyed, but winked at Agent B:

"That's right, that is, even Chief Coulson said that, you know a ball! Watch the Guardians perform empty-handed catching missiles!"

The scene of Leo and Carroll flying towards the missile without hesitation is so amazing that these agents temporarily forget the desperate situation that they will be killed by the missile in a minute, and they are joking with each other. .

They knew that they were unable to escape the range of the missile bombing. In this mortal situation, seeing someone rushing towards the missile, even if the guess was outrageous and the possibility was low, they would still be extravagantly holding such a trace of surviving in their hearts. hope.

This is human nature. In this desperate situation, in fact, everyone is looking forward to a miracle happening around them all the time.

Perhaps Coulson, Agent A and B, and the tens of millions of people who are looking up at the sky at this moment have not noticed, and they have unknowingly given the two beams of light rising into the sky. Great trust.

This is the innate emotion, or worship, of the weak to seek protection from the strong when danger occurs.

More simply, it is called faith.

In the sky, the front and rear positions of the two beams have changed.

At the beginning, it was Leo who was flying with Carol.

But less than five seconds later, Carol's flight speed was getting faster and faster, and Leo had to turn on the power of the anti-gravity pulse detonator and reduce his size by half before he could keep up.

But after another five seconds, Leo had to hang on to Carroll in order to keep up with her speed.

At this time, Carroll was also very nervous.

She went through too many things in one day yesterday, and she is not quite used to her "new" abilities.

But what she cares more about is whether she can stop the missile overhead.

She knows the specific parameters of the Vulcan missile, and she naturally knows its power. A Vulcan missile can destroy at least half of the United States.

You must know that a day ago, she couldn't even hold ordinary firearms. Today, she was asked to block missiles with her bare hands, and she was also very panicked!

If she can't stop it, hundreds of millions of people will be turned into ashes. The pressure in her heart can be imagined.

But Carroll is the type of person under pressure.

The greater the pressure and the heavier the responsibility, the more she can exert her strength.

At this moment, she only wanted one thing in her mind, fly faster and stop the missile.

Very idealistic She thought like this, and then her speed became faster and faster, as if her strength had no limit.

So, in less than fifteen seconds, Carroll was in close contact with the missile.

She kept Leo's instructions in mind, and first used her own strength to protect the missile, so that it would not explode due to the huge impact.

Then she succeeded.

Then, she hugged the tip of the missile with her arms, pressed her chest and cheek against the missile, and started to exert force.

She wants to steer the missile, and then direct the missile to outer space.

Because Leo said, don't let this missile explode in the atmosphere.

Otherwise, through atmospheric circulation, the radiation in the missile will also cause devastating disasters to life on earth!

Carroll kept this in mind and struggled with missiles.

Leo, who used Carroll as a pendant, also had a serious expression.

He actually doesn't know whether Carroll can successfully stop the missile, after all, the plot has changed a long time ago.

That's why he followed, as a back-up.

Once he found that the situation was wrong, he would directly open a huge portal, and then guide the Vulcan missile through the portal and send it to outer space.

Solving missiles is not a problem, Leo actually wants to guide Carroll to fully develop her abilities and cultivate her unparalleled self-confidence.

Only when she is absolutely confident, she is invincible!

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