Talos and his clansmen chatted for a while, and Leo saw that there was nothing wrong with the spaceship, and urged:

"We have to deal with the Cree next, so hurry back to Earth."

Back on Earth, Leo has other things he just planned to do.

Carroll asked:

"What about these Skrulls? Bring them back to Earth, or stay on the spaceship temporarily?"

Leo looked at Talos, the leader of the Skrulls:

"Taros, you follow us back, and the rest of your clansmen will stay on the spaceship temporarily, including Naurux. Is that okay?"

"Ok, Ok."

Now that he is back on Earth to fight a war, not to have a big meal, Taros is naturally unwilling to let his wife and children take risks in the past.

Leo nodded:

"Carol, you reactivate the stealth function of the spaceship, and then drive the spaceship to another place to park."

This is to be safe. No one present is sure whether the Cree can detect the position of the spacecraft after the invisibility function of the spacecraft is cancelled.

After all, this ship was originally a Kree cruise ship, so be careful.

Carroll came to the cockpit and skillfully operated the control panel. The stealth function of the spacecraft was reactivated, and then the spacecraft quickly turned its head and flew towards the moon for ten minutes.

Then the spacecraft stopped over the moon.

The speed is so fast.

And taking advantage of this time, Leo also quietly tucked the plane he drove over into the storage belt.

When everyone was ready and ready to return to Earth, Talos was stunned when he looked at the place where the plane was originally placed:

"Where's our plane? What about such a big plane?"

"Could it be that there are other people in the spaceship?!"

Carroll's whole body glowed, her eyes were piercing, and she had a strong fighting spirit.

Flaken, who had been lying in her arms, was awakened by her fighting spirit. After finding that nothing was wrong, he stretched comfortably, then lay down and continued to sleep.

"The plane was taken away by my teammates, let's go back directly through the portal."

Leo's friend from nothing made Talos and Carol feel the power of Leo and the organization behind him again.

Mechanical force poured into the magic ring, a portal opened steadily, and golden light splashed:

"Go in."

A group of four people and a cat crossed the portal and appeared at the door of Maria's house.

"Mom, mom, Aunt Carol is back!"

Monica was sitting at the door playing, and immediately saw Aunt Carol, whom she admired, and ran over quickly,

"Ah! The kitty is back too! Where did you go just now? I searched the house and couldn't find you!"

Monica saw the kitten in Carol's arms and immediately turned her attention.

Carol smiled and patted Monica's head, then handed Flaken to her.

Monica took Flaken from Carroll and rubbed the cat's head. Flaken let out a purring sound, looking very comfortable.

When Maria heard her daughter's call, she quickly walked out wearing an apron.

She was also very surprised when she saw Leo and the others, and asked a series of questions:

"Ah? How did you come back so quickly? Did you go well on the way? By the way, what about Naurux?"

"Very well, we have found Lawson's laboratory, and Nooroks stayed there to guard it."

Carol smiled and explained to her friend.

"That's good."

Maria looked very happy, but she was suddenly apologetic,

"You guys came back so fast, I haven't cooked yet."

With the portal and the fast plane provided by Leo, everyone basically did not waste time on the road, and the natural speed was fast, and it only took about half an hour to go back and forth.

"No hurry, do it slowly, let's sit in the living room and discuss other things." Leo said with a smile.

It's not even 1:00 pm local time, there are still at least ten hours before Yong Rogge and the others come to Earth, and there is plenty of time.

Leo said again,

"Also, Lorena, go to Maria's place to help out and try to have dinner quickly. I'm really hungry."

Luo Linna was very happy after hearing this. She was an orphan and grew up with her brother. She naturally knew how to cook, and it was delicious.

Today, she will give Leo Lu a hand.

So Lorena happily rushed into the kitchen.

Leo led Carol and Talos to the living room, and the three of them took their seats:

"Thank you for your trust in me. Everything is going well. We still have plenty of time to deal with the next Kree crisis."

"Mr. Erwin doesn't need to say thank you, I should say thank you, all thanks to your selfless help."

Talos smiled and thanked him, completely ignoring the fact that Leo threatened his life at the beginning.

Carroll also thanked Leo and asked:

"The Kree will be here in about half a day. Do we need to do anything else to prepare?"

Since Carol has awakened, Leo has no regrets in his heart, and has no worries:

"Choose a suitable battlefield. It's best to find a place with few people in America."

Why in America? This can be very important.

Not only because the story of the Marvel Universe mainly takes place in the United States, but also because it is related to Nicholas' future promotion!

Now that Fury is dead, Fury, played by Nicholas, completely obeys Leo's orders, and Leo has to find a way to gain more status for the current Fury.

Because Fury's status is equivalent to Leo's status!

Leo is not like the real Fury, in order not to cause people's panic, he will hide everything by himself.

He even prepared to take this opportunity to publicize the existence of aliens with advanced civilizations in the universe!

At least, he is not going to hide from the great powers and high-level officials on the earth.

Because, about the existence of aliens in the universe, even if Leo wanted to hide it, how long could he hide it?

After Thor 1, the upper echelons of the earth already knew that in addition to the earth, there is another divine domain called Asgard, and the prince of Asgard is still in love with the earthlings!

After Avengers 1, the whole world knows that there are Chitauris in the universe!

What's the point of hiding it for sixteen or seven years? ?

Might as well take this opportunity to give Fury some extra benefits.

Leo was ready to eat after a while, so he took Fury from the hospital.

In the future, Fury will definitely be able to rise to the sky with this, and quickly master S.H.I.E.L.D.

At that time, with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., Leo secretly controls the entire United States without any effort!

Talos and Carol naturally had no objection to Leo's proposal.

The United States is vast and sparsely populated, and it is easy to find a place that is nearly a hundred miles away.

So after a brief discussion, the three of them settled on a wilderness in California.

It's not too far from Los Angeles, and it can find a good reason for Fury's presence.

After confirming the battle location, Leo thought for a while and said:

"There is plenty of time left. After we finish eating, I will take you to meet someone. She is the leader of the organization behind me, the most powerful person on earth, and the most knowledgeable person on earth at the same time. ."

After listening, Carol nodded vigorously. Leo had told her before that she wanted to take her to meet the leader of the organization, and she had long wanted to go.

Talos didn't refuse either.

Since that leader is the most powerful and most knowledgeable on earth, he should be the person who speaks for the human race.

Talos wanted to discuss with that person whether he could find a place for the Skrulls on Earth.

Because of the Kree's pressing step by step, the Skrulls really can't survive in the known universe.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Leo just mentioned Gu Yi, and Gu Yi's phone number came over Not to mention, Leo didn't feel anything wrong when he called Gu Yi at the Pegasus Project Base earlier.

But now, looking at the caller ID on the phone with the words "Kuyi Venerable" written on it, Leo always felt a bit inconsistent.

If you are making a video call now...

Emmmm, that picture is quite emotional when you think about it!


Leo pressed the answer button and put the rice phone to his ear.

Gu Yi's slightly neutral voice came from the phone's microphone:

"Mr. Erwin, I calculated with my fingers and found that the little friend named Carol Danvers already has the power to protect the earth."

"Then, do you still need manpower support from Kama Taj's side?"

The gods made some calculations with his fingers, obviously you were peeping with the Eye of Agamotto again!

Leo complained in his heart, and then said:

"Venerable Gu Yi, I still have a big plan, and I need to discuss it with you."

"But please wait for a while. I'm here to catch up with my friends. It'll be fine soon. After it's over, I'll go to Kama Taj to find you right away."

What a **** to catch up with your friends, you obviously want to have lunch, right? !

Gu Yi, who was peeping with the Eye of Agama while on the phone, got an old slot stuck in his mouth and didn't spit out unpleasantly.

: . :