Chapter 358: Flower Q, Flaken


Leo thought the name sounded surprisingly good, but putting such a nice name on such a small plane was a bit underpowered.

But Leo naturally wouldn't refuse Monica's good intentions, and nodded lightly.

Because no one has stipulated that a name can only be used by one person!

The success of naming her favorite plane made Monica clapped and shouted excitedly.

Leo also had a smile at the corner of his mouth, Mechanical Force agitated, and sent a message to the plane using Mechanical Force communication.

A slight mechanical sound came, the cabin door slowly opened, and everyone was ready to board.

Maria pulled her daughter over, took a few steps back, and waved goodbye to the group:

"You guys remember to go and come back quickly. I hope you have a safe journey. Besides, if you don't mind, I will make lunch at home and wait for you to come back for dinner together."

Speaking of which, Maria is also a wonderful person.

She has seen so many things, and already knows that the group of people in front of her is not ordinary, and each of them is destroying the worldview she has built for decades.

But instead of being afraid and hesitant, she began to want to have a good relationship with these people.

She thinks that, even as Leo said, the end of the world has really come suddenly.

But the group of people in front of them are definitely the ones who will survive to the end!

She is not afraid of supernatural phenomena, and she began to think about her daughter.

And with Carol's relationship, maybe Monica can easily become an extraordinary person.

It's a coincidence that Monica looked at the Black Hawk aircraft named by herself at this time, and her heart was agitated, and she couldn't help thinking of Aunt Carol who was glowing just now.

She also yearns and worships such supernatural events.

It's not that the whole family doesn't enter the house. The two of them are really like mother and daughter.

No, people were originally mother and daughter.

It should be said, as expected of a mother and daughter!

Leo also felt that Maria was a woman with courage and methods, and he also liked Monica a little.

So he answered instead of everyone:

"Okay, remember to cook a rich lunch. After we come back and eat, we will have the strength to fight those aliens, haha~"

After speaking, Leo subconsciously laughed heartily. He had been holding back this smile for a long time.

Talos also smiled and said at this time:

"We Skrulls eat a lot, remember to cook more."


Maria readily agreed, and Monica waved vigorously to the people boarding the plane.

"Meow meow meow~"

But at this moment, a cat meowing sounded, and Flaken, who had been sleeping in the house, ran over quickly and ran to Carroll's feet in a flash.

She rubbed her cat's head on Carroll's trouser legs.

It seems that it also wants to go to space with it.


Leo directly lifted its neck, took a few quick steps, and handed it to Monica's arms.

In the "Captain Marvel" plot, the Cosmic Cube was swallowed by Flaken.

In the end, I don't know when it spit out the universe cube and returned it to Fury.

Leo didn't dare to bring such a cat with a "criminal record", or else the Cosmic Rubik's Cube would be swallowed by it again! ?

Flaken's desire to board the plane was quite strong. When he saw Leo turned his head and walked towards the plane, he broke free from Monica's arms and ran to Carol's legs.

Then he used his head to rub Carol's leg hard, trying to get away with being cute.

But now that Leo is in charge of the house, Flaken can only waste his efforts.

I saw Leo lifted it by the neck again, put it in Maria's arms, and instructed:

"Take care of it, don't let it run around."

After speaking, Leo turned his head to board the spaceship again.

Flaken still wanted to run, but Maria squeezed its head and comforted:

"My little cat, I'll make something delicious for you later. I have small dried fish in the refrigerator."

Flaken didn't know if he understood it, but he stopped running and meowed twice at Maria.

But when it turned to look at Leo and the others, there was a sly light in his eyes.

What everyone didn't notice was that Flaken quietly left two orange cat hairs on Carroll's boots.

The cat hair is very short, hidden in the gaps of the boots, barely visible.

After confirming that Flaken was not following, Leo closed the barn door.

The stealth function of the plane restarted, and gradually disappeared from the field of vision of Maria and Monica.

Leo controlled the plane to pull up, and quickly rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters:

"Carol, you control the plane and find the location of the last crash, and I'll be your co-pilot."

But Carol didn't come over in a hurry, but said:

"The battle armor I wear is still in the Cree style. I used to think it was an honor, but now I feel disgusted."

"So, I want to change the style of clothes, Mr. Erwin, do you have any recommendations? Or, does our organization have any badges?"

Leo was overjoyed, and sure enough, Carol wouldn't forget to change his clothes.

"Stim, send me the emblem of the Marvel mercenary group."

Leo used his Mechanical Force communication skills to contact Stim.

"Om~ OK, it has been sent."

Afterwards, Leo pressed the Rolex-shaped watch on his wrist, and a holographic image appeared.

It is a circular badge pattern with a big M shape composed of nine black six-pointed stars in the middle, which symbolizes the Marvel mercenary group and pays tribute to Marvel by the way.

The edge of the circle is an oriental dragon connected end to end, but it is black.

Black symbolizes dignity, and the Oriental Dragon is Leo to remind himself that he is from the ancient East.

In addition to black, the color of the team emblem is only gold.

Gold symbolizes wealth. Although it is tacky, no one should have trouble living with money.

At least Leo likes it.

Carol fell in love with the badge the first time she saw it.

She raised her hand and swiped on the operation panel on her left arm. Soon, the Kree badge on her chest became the group badge of the Marvel mercenary group.

The color of his armor also turned black with bright golden stripes.

Leo was very satisfied with Carroll's look and gave Carroll a thumbs up.

Others, including Lorina, who was jealous just now, also praised Carol's new outfit, saying that it looks good.

After changing his clothes, Carol sat in the other driver's seat, followed the memory in his mind, and with the cooperation of Leo, drove to the crash site.

This plane, which was obtained from Wakanda and was later modified by Leo, was very fast.

In less than ten minutes, Carol flew to the location in his memory:

", 8.768, 0.2."

"Mr. Erwin, please help me enter these state vectors."

Carroll was not familiar with the plane and asked Leo to help.

After Leo entered the coordinates with his mind, he stepped on the accelerator to the end:

"Sit tight, I want a spaceship!"


The speed of the spacecraft increased rapidly, and in just a few minutes, it left the atmosphere.

The gravity generator has been working normally, and no one feels any abnormality.

"It's almost there, according to the distance, it's near here!" Carroll said, and at the same time started to apply the brakes.

The plane stopped steadily and hovered in space.

Talos unbuckled his seat belt, leaned over, and looked out through the window:

"There's nothing here? Carol, are you sure?"

"Maybe it's invisible," Leo reminded.

Carol suddenly realized, and immediately operated the panel on her arm.

"Release invisibility."

As the voice announcement of the battle armor sounded, Leo saw a stream of light suddenly flashed across the void in front of him.

Then, the Cree cruiser , which he had been flying around for three days before, appeared!

And the Rubik's Cube of the universe that Leo was thinking of, is inside!

"Go, get into the spaceship."

The plane restarted and flew towards the cruiser's warehouse door.

Due to the existence of Carol, or the existence of the ""-type Kree standard space battle suit", this cruise ship is unobstructed for several people.

Leo suppressed his excitement and followed Carol to the control area of ​​the cruise ship.

Generally speaking, there is the most important place for the spacecraft, the universe cube, and it should also be there.

But at this moment, a wave of spatial fluctuations came, and Fleken, who was left on the earth, suddenly appeared at Carroll's feet for some unknown reason.


Flaken let out a strange cry, and the orange light flashed like lightning, running fast!

Leo felt a bad feeling in his heart, Mechanical Force immediately agitated, and the Mechanical Force communication skills communicated with the smart storage belt and the Viper armor, and completed the transformation in one second.


Leo shrunk in size, like a bullet out of the chamber, chasing towards Flaken.

But as we all know, bullets can't catch up with lightning.

So a moment later, a violent roar spread throughout the cruise ship:

"Flower Q!"

"Flaken, you **** spit it out for me!!!"

: . :