Chapter 355: Leo: I'm going to make Carol what I like

Carol ran out of the house because she was in a bad mood, and Maria chased after him.

But Leo didn't follow him. At the same time, he restrained Talos and didn't let Taros follow the past while the iron was hot.

What Carol needs now is comfort, and there is no one more suitable than Maria.

Leo stood at the door from a distance and watched, watching Carol vent, watching Maria persuade, until the end, the two hugged.

Carol is a very strong girl, no, it's a little inappropriate to call her a girl, she's about to run for the third time now...

The name doesn't matter, she is quite strong anyway.

So, almost ten minutes later, she controlled her emotions and returned to the house with Maria.

At this time, Talos, under Leo's instruction, started to ask:

"Carol, now it seems that the recordings I provided are true, and what I said is true. So, can you help me resolve that set of coordinates now?"

"Why should I help you? You Skrulls are terrorists. You kill innocents, and you destroy the star of Tofa into ruins!"

Although Carol remembered the fact that she was an Earthling, she was obviously still deeply poisoned by the Kree people and did not understand the truth of everything.

Of course Talos didn't want to be wronged like this, he quickly defended:

"The ruins on Tofa Star were done by the accuser Ronan, we Skrulls are just refugees living on Tofa Star!"

"We Skrulls originally had our own planet, but the Kree suddenly came and claimed to rule us. We didn't want to, so we resisted."

"However, the accuser Ronan led the Kree army and directly destroyed our planet and made us homeless. We fled to the star of Tofa, and Ronan chased after the star of Tofa, and the star of Tofa was also destroyed."

"This is what the Kree did! Yong Rogge killed Marvel, you remember all these, why do you still have reason to believe that the Kree are the righteous side of the war?!"

Carroll's trust in the Kree people had already reached freezing point.

Taros' words made Carroll stunned.

Could it be that she has not only been deceived for six years, but has been doing wrong things for the past six years? ?

Subconsciously, Carroll turned her attention to Leo.

It was Leo who helped her figure out the truth of the matter. In Carroll's heart, she was inclined to trust Leo.

Leo nodded: "He didn't tell a lie."

But he didn't tell the truth either.

Leo silently added a sentence in his heart.

Talos then hurriedly said:

"We just want a new home, a new home without war."

"Marwell's research on the speed of light engine is to help the Skrulls find a new home. She does all this to end this war."

"She knew that her own people were on the wrong side, so she wanted to make amends. I respect her very much. I feel sorry for her death. There are people like her in the Cree, which proves that the Cree is also kind. one side."

"Now, our hope, Marwell's hope, and the hope of the kind people among the Kree people are all in the coordinates just now. I really hope you can help us."

"We, just want a home."

At this time, Maria also said:

"Lawson always said that the work of our Pegasus program is not to fight, but to end wars. Maybe, this is the truth."

After Leo's confirmation and the persuasion of Talos and Maria, Carol was shaken:

"But... but the speed of light engine, I have already destroyed it!"

"No, you just destroyed the speed of light engine. The energy core used by Marwell to study the speed of light engine is still well preserved."

The more Taros spoke, the more excited he became.

"With it, we can build a new light-speed engine and help us find a new home."

Leo saw that Talos was almost improvising, and Carol was almost convinced, so he interjected at the right time:

"I need to clarify a fact in advance, that energy core belongs to the earth, and Marwell is only borrowing it when he comes to earth. Therefore, you cannot take away the property that originally belonged to the earth."

Talos turned his head sharply and looked at Leo suspiciously.

He originally thought that Leo's so-called "helping the Skrulls to revive" was to help him find the energy core.

But now it seems, no.

Talos wanted to ask for details, but due to Leo's intimidation, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he could only choose to shut up obediently.

But Carroll said at this time:

"But the Skrulls need that thing, they need that core to find a new home."

It seems that Carroll has been persuaded.

Leo chuckled:

"Earth people also need that energy core."

"Carol, maybe because too many things happened today, the impact on your mind was so great that you lost your basic self-judgment."

"But I want to remind you that this is Earth, you are an Earthling, and far out in outer space, your original commander, Yon Roger, a murderous Kree, is driving a warship to Earth goes."

"Six years ago, they came to Earth to kill Marvel and took you away."

"Six years later, they came to Earth and found that you had betrayed and united with the Skrulls. How do you think they would treat you? How would they treat Earth?"

"The Kree can destroy the Skrull's former homeland, and they can destroy the star of Tofa, so now, they also want to destroy the earth."

Leo continued,

"Originally, this was just a war between the Cree and the Skrulls, and it had nothing to do with the earth at all."

"But now, because Marwell and Talos came to Earth one after another, they not only implicated the innocent Earth, but also implicated the innocent you."

"To be honest, I and the organization behind me have done a great job of not holding them accountable."

"Now that the earth's great enemy is at the moment, once we can't defeat it, you, me, your friend Maria and her daughter, all the people on earth, will die today."

"And you, are you still thinking of letting us help them selflessly?"

"Carol, be more mature, don't be too naive."

Maybe when most people watch "Captain Marvel", they only see Captain Marvel's pleasure and grudge against the spaceship with one hand.

I only saw the glorious deeds of Captain Marvel saving a group by himself.

But Leo doesn't think so!

Just imagine, if Carol is not so powerful in the end, what will be the consequences of the Skrulls rushing to the earth?

Missile bombing!

Torfax is a precedent.

A teacher is teaching students.

A mother is breastfeeding her baby.

A family finally got together and are having a reunion dinner.


After an explosion, everything was shattered, and the wife and son were scattered.

Isn't this a cruel thing?

Of course, some people will say, didn't Carol save the earth in the end? Are you worried about shit? !

Yes, Leo admitted that his worries were superfluous.

However, Carol was finally able to penetrate the universe. After killing a lot of Kree and destroying a Kree battleship, she took the Skrulls... ran away!

It has been more than 20 years since she left, and she has never come back, leaving the earth where she was born and raised.

Isn't she worried that the Kree people will suddenly come to the earth and take revenge against the earth? !

Moreover, when Carroll returned to Earth for the first time after 20 years, Colonel Rhodes, the war machine, asked her: Where have you been all these years?

Carol actually said that there are many planets in the universe, but there are no superheroes like you on their planets.

Listen, are these human words?

The earth is her home, can other planets compare with the earth? !

What did she mean by these words? It shows that Carroll has no concept that the earth is home at all.

She doesn't take herself as a human being at all!

Fury was very prescient, he saw this.

Because of this, Ludan actively formed the Avengers.

Because of this, after Braised Egg was resurrected by Iron Man, he was so disappointed in Carroll.

It would be fine if Carol's character was a selfish person, but she was set as a virgin with kindness and compassion.

This Virgin is really too broad, facing the whole universe!

So, personally, Leo doesn't really like the role of Captain Marvel.

In his previous life, after watching the Captain Marvel movie, Leo could yell at the screenwriter and director as an idiot.

But now that he has come to the Marvel Universe, he has to find a way to change this situation.

In fact, Carol is far less mature than she appears to be. She is very virgin, and she acts according to her will.

Therefore, she is easily guided.

What Leo had to do was stand at a very high place and guide Carol for his own use.

Of course, doing so is selfish, but also righteous.

I can't judge Leo and Carol who is better and who is worse.

The truth is, Leo feels that he has an advantage now, and he has to seize this advantage to make Carol what he likes.

The ability to do whatever you want!

Sure enough, after Leo's reminder, Carroll remembered the seriousness of the matter.

Talos and himself suddenly came to the earth. If this matter is not handled properly, it will immediately bring a tragic disaster to the earth!

Because of Leo's alarmist talk, Maria on the side was also very frightened. She hugged her daughter and looked at Carroll in a panic, as if she wanted to ask Carol for confirmation.

But what Leo said was well-founded, and Carroll had no way to refute it.

She didn't have the confidence to fight the entire fleet alone, so she panicked immediately and looked at Leo:

"What are we going to do now?"

Seeing that his purpose of fooling had been achieved, Leo began to comfort him:

"Don't worry, although the organization behind me and I can't compete with the entire Cree, but only one or two warships are not in our eyes."

"Also, as long as Yong Roger and the others haven't determined your real situation, Carol, they won't act rashly, we still have time,"

"That's right, we still have time. According to the location of Tofa, it will take at least ten hours for them to reach the transition point. We can find Marwell's laboratory first, maybe The core of energy she left behind can help against the Kree."

Carol was taken aback by Leo for a moment, and offered to find Marwell's laboratory.

Leo naturally couldn't ask for it, and motioned Carol to continue.

Carroll said quickly:

"The set of coordinates mentioned in the recording is actually a state vector, which marks the orbital speed and direction. Lawson's laboratory is not on the earth, but in orbit around the earth."

"I can combine these state vectors to find the location of Lawson's lab based on the location of the crash six years ago."

Maria frowned and said:

"But, at this time, where can we find a spacecraft that can fly into space?"

Naurox, who had been paddling by the side, suddenly said:

"If you have an ordinary plane, I can help you convert it into a spaceship that can fly into space, but it will take time, at least four hours."

"But we don't even have an ordinary plane!" Maria said angrily.

"There must be a Pegasus base, Mr. Erwin, we can go get one!" Carroll's eyes suddenly lit up, looking at Leo.

Leo smiled and was happy:

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't worry. Our organization has spaceships, and there are spaceships that can fly directly into space."

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