Chapter 353: Where is he?

Outside the portal, birds and flowers are fragrant.

Leo led two women and a cat out of the portal and appeared in a small suburban village in Louisiana, USA.

Speaking of which, New York City is really not a livable place.

In New York in early March, it was still freezing at night, and the trees along the road were bare.

But the city of Los Angeles and this small village in Louisiana have the right temperature and the scenery is extraordinarily beautiful.

Moreover, New York is the most dangerous city in Marvel, whether it is villains or civilians, the death rate is very high.

Maybe you are still walking on the street today, and you might be gone tomorrow.

In this comparison, the Big Apple has no competitive advantage at all!

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Leo, he can live well anywhere.

Leo's portal was opened very carefully, because it directly led to the garage that Maria built alone.

Of course, it's a bit wrong to say that this is a garage. It might be more appropriate to call it a hangar.

Because there is a full-scale airplane model, Maria's daughter Monica is sitting and playing in it.

At this time, Maria was standing outside the model airplane, playing hide-and-seek with her daughter.

Then a portal opened directly to the faces of the two of them, and the two of them were instantly dumbfounded.


The young Monica screamed in fright, and Maria reacted immediately and protected her behind her.

Leo didn't mean to scare them, he did it for a reason.

This portal is definitely a solid proof of supernatural power.

With this incident as a foreshadowing and corroboration, it will make it easier for the mother and daughter to accept the fact that Carol went to an alien planet and then came back.

Monica is actually quite courageous. After she screamed, she hid behind her mother and probed her brain.

Then she saw Carol, and she was not afraid immediately, but instead shouted with joy:

"Mom, is it Aunt Carol? Aunt Carol is back!!"

While shouting, Monica ran out from behind her mother and threw herself into Carol's arms.

Maria was also in a state of shock, looking at Carol in disbelief.

"I knew you were still alive, Aunt Carol, and everyone said you were dead, but I never believed it."

Monica looked up at Carol and asked curiously,

"Aunt Carol, where have you been all these years? Did you make that big golden hole just now? Can I learn it?"

Such is the temper of a child. Seeing familiar people, no matter how incomprehensible things are, they become acceptable.

But when she saw that there was no smile on Carol's face, she was suddenly scared again.

Especially Carol's eyes, those are the eyes of a stranger, Monica can feel it.

She timidly released her hands that were holding Carol, and took two steps back.

In order not to waste time, Leo took the initiative to say:

"Maria Rambo, hello, I'm a member of Earth's special operations department. I took the liberty to visit today to help Carol retrieve her memory."

"You may not believe it when you say it. In the past six years, Carol was taken away by aliens, and she just returned to Earth today."

If it wasn't for seeing the glittering portal just now, just by Leo's words, and with Maria's temper, he would definitely believe that Leo was a lunatic.

And by the way, he suspects that Leo, a madman, has kidnapped his good friend Carol for the past six years!

She would kick directly into the wrong place, subdue Leo first, and then call the police.

However, after seeing such a magical thing as a portal, Maria would only subconsciously believe 80% of Leo's words, and then cast a suspicious and inquiring look at Carol.

"What he said... may be true. I forgot a lot of things, Maria, and I need your help," Carroll said.

Next, it was the conversation between Maria and Carol.

We haven't seen each other for six years, and this pair of good sisters has a lot to say.

Carroll didn't know why, but when she talked to Maria, she was so happy, she couldn't stop talking and she wanted to talk.

Just like that, they walked from the hangar to the room, and finally finished.

Based on the solid evidence of the portal, and after Carroll performed a bare-handed kettle boiler according to the plot, Maria had completely believed Carroll's words.

Monica has also been listening by her mother's side. She is very smart and can tell that her Aunt Carol is trying to retrieve her past memories.

In this regard, it happens that Monica can help:

"Aunt Carol, I keep a lot of your things here. I'll go get them now. These should help you remember some things from the past."

After speaking, Monica ran upstairs excitedly.

Leo listened quietly, and Lorena didn't have any interest in interfering, so she followed Leo and became an eye-catching pillar.

Flaken was also quite sensible, and was also squatting on the side, not even screaming.

Monica quickly got back her treasures and called everyone to come and see.

"This is a picture we took together on Halloween..."

"This is a photo you took with your father when you were young. You and your parents didn't have a good relationship, so my mother said, we have become a real family."

"This is a photo we took together at Christmas..."

"This is also a photo of you when you were a child. You have always been quite a pilot."

"This is a photo of you when you graduated..."

Monica took out pictures one by one and introduced Carol.

Touching these photos and listening to Monica's voice, Carol fell into memory again.

She vaguely remembered some things from her childhood, but she couldn't remember it clearly, it was like a dream.

As the photos were flipped through one by one, Carroll suddenly saw a small black sign that was burnt and half missing in a pile of photos.

Monica also saw this small sign, she stretched out her little hand to pick up the small sign, handed it to her Aunt Carol, and said:

"It's your pilot's nameplate, Mom said, it's the only thing I've ever found about you at the crash site."

"Mom brought it back and gave it to me to treasure."

Carol rubbed the half-marked plate with her thumb and looked at the words Carol Dan on it.

If you add her current name, it becomes Carol Danvers, the pilot's name, and herself.

This can't be a coincidence. Even if Carol doesn't want to believe it, it can't change the fact that she is a human from Earth.

In the Pegasus base just now Carol insisted that her name was Firth.

Thinking back now, how ridiculous that was!

It turns out that she has been living in a scam for six years!

Six years ago, after the plane crash, for some unknown reason, she was taken to Harrah, deceived, brainwashed, and became a Kree.

It was also six years ago that she had two fists that could fire photon cannons, but the commander said it was a gift from the Cree.

All of this seems to be a scam.

Now, everything has been vaguely connected.

However, Carroll still needs a truth, that is, what happened six years ago!

Why did the plane crash! ?

Why on earth does he have the ability to shoot photon beams with his hands! ?

Why in the end, the Cree people want to take themselves away! ?

Leo has been watching Carol's expression carefully, so he guessed that the time was almost there.

"Carol, about what happened six years ago, maybe someone can help you recall it better."

"Who?" Carroll seemed impatient.

"General of the Skrulls, Talos. He asked me to help tell you that he has some important secrets to confess to you."

Carroll thought for a moment, then said solemnly:

"Where is he?"

: . :