Chapter 303: Mage's Rules

The sun is setting in the west, the sunset is hanging in the air, and the scenery is infinitely beautiful.

However, under the beautiful scenery, Leo was a little uncomfortable.

Gu Yi actually knew that Leo's ultimate goal was the Time Gem, and she said it directly!

Leo was suddenly a little stunned and didn't know how to answer Gu Yi's words.

After a long time, he lowered his hands and said:

"Okay, Venerable Gu Yi, don't worry for now. Let's put the time gem aside for now and talk about it later. Now, I have other things I want to talk to you about."

"I'm not in a hurry at all, it's you who is in a hurry."

Gu Yi smiled and said,

"Mr. Erwin, you can take a good look at your thoughts, and when we return to Kama Taj, let's sit down and chat slowly. I will answer all your doubts and give you the reward you deserve. "

At the end, Gu Yi added another sentence,

"This is a kind promise from a supreme mage."

After speaking, Gu Yi stopped looking at Leo, and concentrated on casting the spell to control the Eye of Agamotto.

Under the mighty power of the Time Stone, combined with Gu Yi's strong mana, the entire village finally returned to what it was when Leo and the others came.

Although Leo was thinking about things in his heart, he did not forget to observe the surroundings.

From his angle, he keenly noticed that three figures suddenly appeared in the four-seater police car.

And at noon today, when Leo and the others first came here, there was no one in the police car.

"Venerable Gu Yi, you resurrected those three police officers who were torn apart by demons?!" Leo asked in surprise.

Gu nodded slightly:

"Yes, by the way, I used the Eye of Agamotto to modify their memory after they came to this village. When they wake up, they will only feel that they have fallen asleep inexplicably and don't remember anything else."

Leo frowned: "But..."

"What's wrong?"

"Since you chose to use 'Back in Time' to revive these three police officers, why didn't you choose to revive those mages who unfortunately died in battle?"

Leo continued,

"Let's not talk about the logic that will affect the inherent trajectory of the world. In my opinion, since you have resurrected three police officers, it is feasible to resurrect as many mages. The world will never collapse because of this."

"you're right."

Gu Yi put his hands together,

"Even if I resurrect hundreds of people, it won't have much impact on this huge universe. These changes are all within the error correction of the universe, and the universe can accept it."

The topic of the ancient one changed,

"But I still won't choose to revive those mages. This is not a question of whether they can or cannot, but a rule between mages.

The Master, adhering to the idea of ​​the ancestor Agamato, defended the earth and prevented the invasion of the multiverse.

The time gem is inherited from the ancestors of Agamato, and these regulations such as "cannot revive dead mages" have also been passed down by us as a spiritual culture.

After each master of Kama Taiji reaches a certain level of learning, he will be informed of these rules, those who are willing to accept stay, and those who are unwilling to leave.

Those who leave will never have the opportunity to learn magic again, and at the same time, they will be casted with forbidden magic spells, depriving them of their mana. Moreover, a non-disclosure agreement must be signed, and those who violate the law will be held accountable by the Law Enforcement Department.

You can say that these rules are unreasonable, or you can say that these rules are pedantic.

However, we mages need to obey unconditionally.

Because if we can't even abide by these rules, how can we fulfill our responsibility to protect the earth? "

Leo does not comment on Gu Yi's statement, nor does he investigate whether the logic and values ​​are correct.

He only cares about one thing, and he has already got the answer from Gu Yi's explanation.

That is the 'resurrection' achieved by using the time gem, and there is no future trouble.

This is enough.

As for the agreement between mages, Leo is not a magist, he doesn't care at all.

Understanding the rules for using the Time Gem is the basic starting point for Leo to ask the question just now.

The group of Supreme Mage has controlled the time gem for hundreds of thousands of years, and their development and use of the time gem have basically reached the pinnacle.

Although Gu Yi said just now that he could not give the Time Stone to Leo, of course Leo couldn't give up trying to get the Time Stone because of this.

At present, facing the mighty Gu Yi, his chances of getting the Time Stone are very slim.

But this didn't prevent him from making a side-by-side push on the rules for using the time gem. Even if he could only satisfy his curiosity, it was a very rewarding thing.

Now that he has started discussions with Gu Yi, Leo is ready to ask all questions clearly.

"Ancient One Venerable..."

"There are ordinary people coming, let's go back to Kama Taj first."

But Gu Yi suddenly interrupted Leo, raised his hand to draw a portal, and walked in.

Leo looked up and looked from a distance, and found that there were three police cars lined up in a row on the road in the distance, and Gu Yi didn't lie to him.

After confirming that Gu Yi didn't want to answer the question, Leo felt a little relieved, followed Gu Yi into the portal and returned to Kama Taj.


In a quaint and elegant room in Kama Taj, there was green smoke from the incense burner, and the tea in the kettle was fragrant. Leo, dressed in casual clothes, sat across the table from Gu Yi.

Gu Yi poured a pot of tea for Leo, handed it to Leo with both hands, and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Leo understood what Gu Yi's "thank you" was referring to, he took the tea without pretence and drank it, and naturally praised: "Good tea."

But Gu Yi, you are very careful about diabetes, you add honey to your tea every time.

Gu Yi smiled and filled the teacup again: "Mr. Erwin, if you have any questions, you can ask them now. I know everything and I can't stop talking."

Leo then asked the unfinished question:

"Is it inevitable that the demon appeared on Earth this time, or did you plan it to kill Casillas?"

This question is a bit rude, but Leo must ask it clearly, because the answer to this question is related to the position of the ancient one.

If Gu Yi would take the initiative to attract an army of demons for a chance to survive, then Leo felt that his attitude towards Gu Yi would change.

Facing such a sharp question, Gu was not annoyed at all, but instead smiled:

"Of course this is a predetermined thing to happen I actually tried a lot to avoid this bad event from happening, but in the end I didn't succeed. So, I simply devised a plan based on this."

Gu Yi didn't explain too much, and he didn't care whether Leo Xin believed or not.

Leo nodded slightly, but in his heart he still believed in Gu Yi's answer.

There are two reasons.

First, according to what the Middle Ages did in this matter, it is remarkable.

The second is based on the character of Gu Yi in the previous movie.

From the current point of view, the characters of other people are similar to those in the movie. It makes no sense that there will be big deviations in the characters of Gu Yi.

Leo still prefers that the Old One is a member of the good and lawful camp.

Leo got a fairly satisfactory answer to this question, so he asked the second question according to his long-standing idea:

"The Ancient One, why did you plan to kill Casillas?"

"Mr. Erwin, I think you should know the answer to this question." Gu Yi smiled and replied casually.

Leo suddenly thought, there is something in this ancient saying, is she implying Leo's identity as a transmigrator? !

However, Leo was already mentally prepared for this, and when he asked this question, he also wanted to inquire about this information. At this time, he replied calmly:

"I know some reasons, but I don't know all of them. I would like to ask Venerable Gu Yi to know everything."

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