Mage Mordo swept down a sheep-headed demon that he had been chasing for a while, then snapped its neck with the life court scepter, and finally had a breather.

He injected the mana into the Valto jumping boots under his feet, stepped into the void, and immediately noticed that several groups of demon wizards with hoods appeared on the battlefield.

The group of demon wizards released magic in a concentrated manner, and they seemed to be very powerful and difficult to deal with.

And Venerable Gu Yi and others also gathered together, as if something had happened.

Mage Mordu frowned, drew a portal, dodged in, and fell beside Mage Gu Yi, and immediately heard Mage Hamil's painful groans.

"Master Hamill, what happened?" Mordo asked with concern.

Hamill shook his head and smiled miserably:

"I was accidentally cut off by the undead knight's palm."

Casillas held Hamill's rotten hand that was trampled by the bone horse, and said with grief and indignation:

"Master Hamill is to save me, so..."

"I'm fine, Casillas. I just did what I was supposed to do, and I believe you would do the same in my situation."

Hamill endured the pain and comforted,

"You can kill some more devil crumbs and avenge me at that time."

Casillas nodded vigorously.

Venerable Gu Yi had been squatting on the ground, trying to use magic to stop Hamil's bleeding.

But obviously, the infinite spells mastered by Venerable One Ancient One did not include the one that quickly stopped bleeding.

Blood gushed out from Master Hamill's broken arm, and he couldn't stop it with spells, and he was about to lose too much blood.

Leo watched from the side and rolled his eyes, but in the end he couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward, raised Hamill's **** palm, sprayed out a mutant spider silk, and tightly restrained Hamill's forearm .

He raised his palm slightly, and sprayed some quick-acting coagulant from his fingers, sprayed it onto Hamill's broken wrist, and then wrapped it tightly with mutant spider silk.

Leo: "I can only stop the bleeding temporarily, and there may be bacteria on the bone sword of the Necromancer. I don't have disinfectant, so I can't disinfect it. It's better to send Master Hamil to the hospital as soon as possible... Of course, you Kama Taj There should be a special treatment facility, and I suggest sending him there immediately."

Gu Yi saw that Hamill's blood had stopped, his face loosened, and he stood up:

"King, you send Master Hamil back for treatment. Kama Taj's mages have left too many, and you don't need to come back after you send him back. You sit in Kama Taj to prevent the demons from sneaking up."


Wang Yingnuo, with Hamill, opened a space door and left.

Gu Yi said again:

"Just now, another group of demon wizards came, and we were caught off guard. Many wizards were injured, so everyone rushed to support. If you find that the injury is too serious, you will immediately send it back for treatment. Kama Taj has already made preparations. "

Everyone obeyed the order and nodded immediately, holding the magic weapon and rushing towards the demon not far away.

As Gu Yi said, the sudden opening of the demon portal and the sudden appearance of a group of demon wizards really caught the Marvel mages by surprise.

In an instant, the Marvel Mage suffered heavy losses. More than a dozen people died and more than 20 were injured. Eight of them, like Mage Hamill, had no strength to fight again and were sent back for healing.

Thanks to the fact that this battlefield is a village, although most of the rooms are made of mud bricks, which are very weak, Lai Hao is also a bunker, so there are no large-scale casualties.

If it is on the flat ground, with this wave of sneak attacks alone, more than half of the Marvel mages may be killed or injured.

Not only did the Marvel wizards suffer heavy casualties, but even the demon army led by Satanish suffered heavy losses, because the magic attacks of this group of demon wizards were indistinguishable.

Demon wizards' evil spells target both wizards and demons.

It seems that they are a third-party force and do not side with Satanish.

Leo suddenly remembered the demon wizard who was crushed by the bull-headed demon. If he wanted to come, the demon wizard belonged to this third-party force.

Marvel wizards also have magic defense runes to defend against, and buildings to hide from, but the melee demon units led by Satanish can only rely on their skin with high natural magic resistance, and generally have low IQs. , don't know how to find cover at all.

More than 30 people were killed or injured by Marvel Mage, and the demons led by Satanish were even more dead and injured. Under this wave of inexplicable range spells, the number of casualties had already reached hundreds.

Satanish was deeply distressed, and at the same time, he was also wondering whose subordinates these demons were.

Could it be that besides me, there are other **** lords who took over the entrustment of the Demon Emperor? !

There are many **** lords in the demon world, and the arms of each side are similar. Judging from the succubus and demon wizards in front of him, Satanish can't tell who is trying to grab business with him.

Just when Satanish was puzzled, he didn't notice that his shadow was getting darker and darker, as black as ink.

The shadow of Satanish suddenly came to life, and a black mist suddenly rose from the ground and rushed towards Satanish.

A **** hand with a black light against it stretched out from the black fog and grabbed hard between the horns on the top of Satanish's head.

When the **** hand retracted, it was holding the book of the dark gods that was hidden by Satanish.

Satanish's reaction speed was also very fast. Before the **** hand retracted into the black mist, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the other corner of the book of darkness, and shouted angrily in demon language:

"Black heart, it's you! It's actually Mephisto who wants to grab business with me!"

The black fog quickly solidified, turning into an unprecedented black man, with black teeth even all over his body.

Hei Xin grinned and licked his blood-red tongue, which was the only part of his body that wasn't black:

"Satanish, give me the book of the dark gods, and I will spare you from dying."

"Hmph! I'm not ashamed to say it."

Satannish said angrily,

"Even if Mephisto is here, he wouldn't dare to talk to me like that. You are just one of his magical creations, and you're still a clone, do you want to eat shit?!"

Black Heart seemed to have been stabbed in the sore spot by Satanish, and roared angrily:

"I am the son of Mephisto, the great black-hearted devil!"

"Although I am a clone, aren't you the same?


You have been in Midgard longer than me. After the demon leaves the abyss, the strength will gradually weaken. How much power can your current clone show? Five percent, or one percent? "

"Don't care how much strength I have left It's enough to kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Satanish was entangled with Black Heart, and the Book of the Dark God was looming between the two of them.

Leo had already noticed the movement on Satanish's side, but they were speaking in demon language, which Leo couldn't understand.

And Leo has no time to care about Satanish's affairs now, because with the addition of these spell-type demons, they focus on fire and attack, with huge lethality, and the melee mages are beaten to retreat.

Although some mages opened the portal, rushed to the pile of demon wizards, and killed some demon wizards.

But there are still succubuses in the wizard group, and those melee mages who rushed over were quickly bewitched by the succubus and were easily killed.

During this time, the Marvel mages left at least twenty corpses behind.

Leo, who is capable of swimming, turned on the viper armor's Zhenjin defensive rune, ignored all kinds of magic missiles, shuttled through the demon crowd to save people and kill enemies, and was very busy.

Leo killed a charming succubus with an axe, and after he rescued a young blond slender female mage, he immediately pulled her hand and retreated to a bunker.

The super **** mechanic in the comics

The super **** mechanic in the comics https://