Chapter 219: 1 head into the mine entrance

Since they can see such a beautiful scenery of Wakanda in the sky, Bucky and Leo are not in a hurry to land on the ground.

Instead, after a slight discussion between Leo and Bucky, they decided to first follow the inner edge of the shield and fly around Wakanda at a low altitude.

First, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery, and second, you can get acquainted with the topography of Wakanda, and by the way, you can roughly inquire about the information.

However, Bucky has been dragged by Leo's arm and hanged by his side. It's okay for a short time, but it's really uncomfortable for a long time.

So after flying for a while, Bucky couldn't bear it any longer, and said slightly:

"Leo, can you take the time to help me upgrade my suit in the future? I also want to fly."

Without waiting for Leo to answer, Bucky suggested, based on his own opinion,

"I know that I can't control the intracranial neurosensing technology, but I think you can help me build a powerful aircraft, just like the drone just now, and then use the shrinking technology you have mastered to shrink the aircraft to The size of a fingernail, it fits on my battle suit.

At that time, wherever I want to go, I can drive a special plane by myself to run around. I don't need to bother you to send me like now. "

Leo's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at Bucky in surprise:

"Your idea is very good! I didn't expect it, and I can really give you a test effect when I have the time."

Bucky said modestly: "I just came up with it when I was lying on the drone just now. Besides, I have seen so many high-tech things in the past two days. Of course, I have to keep pace with the times and learn to think differently! "

Leo nodded lightly and gave Bucky a thumbs up.

It seems that Leo's thinking is still limited by the previous Ant-Man movies. He feels that the Ant-Man suit is mainly lightweight, and there is no need or space to install flying modules.

So if you want to fly, you must either ride an ant or build wings.

After all, in the movie Scott Lang often flew around on a long-winged carpenter ant named Anthony, and the Wasp can fly by relying on the Ant-Man wings behind her.

But in fact, if you want to fly in an Ant-Man suit, there are more options.

For example, Bucky's suggestion, build a small and exquisite plane, this is a good choice.

However, at present, the aircraft cannot be built in a short time. Although the drone weapons such as the "Hummingbird" carried by Leo can be reduced and can fly, they do not have a cockpit ready.

So at present, Bucky can't realize his dream of flying to the sky, and he still needs Leo to fly with him.

However, holding Bucky's shoulders all the time was really indecent and a little angry. So Leo got a little bigger and became about the size of a ladybug.

At this time, one of his hands was almost the size of Bucky's.

Leo gently put Bucky in his palm:

"For the time being, you'd better sit in my palm. After our operation is over, I will help you build an aircraft."

Bucky nodded, then hugged Leo's fingers, fixed his body, was carried by Leo, and circled Wakanda at a low altitude.

After one lap, Leo already had a basic understanding of the geographic distribution of Wakanda.

Combined with the brief map provided by Ulysses, Leo has already determined the location of the vibranium ore vein.

However, Bucky and Leo have different ways of thinking, and their perspectives and concerns are naturally different. Just listen to Bucky:

"Leo, I don't know if you noticed, we just circled around the periphery of Wakanda and passed at least a dozen temporarily stationed Wakanda warrior squads."

"Have it?"

"Of course there is, haven't you seen it?!"

Leo really hadn't noticed this, so he started to think hard at this moment.

But no matter how he recalled, all that came to his mind were the large aircrafts near the vibranium ore mine, and the spires towering around Wakanda.

There are ninety-nine iron towers in total, each of which is nearly twenty meters high, and circles around Wakanda. The spires glow with blue-purple brilliance, which is the color of vibrating gold.

So Leo was 80% sure and deduced that those towers were Wakanda's shield generators.

As for whether there are soldiers temporarily stationed on the ground...

I'm sorry, Leo's eyes were all attracted by those magical machines, and he didn't have time to pay attention to things on the ground.

But fortunately, Bucky came from the army and was very sensitive to things like camping and marching, and noticed things that Leo couldn't.

At this time, Leo had no choice but to sigh, it really was a specialization in the art industry! If only Leo came alone today, I would have missed a lot of details.

Thinking of this, Leo reaffirmed the strategic policy of "must draw more talents to join his camp".

"Wakanda has so many combat teams stationed on the border, and their camp definitely has information about the previous battle."

Bucky looked down, his eyes wandering between the high and low buildings, "Leo, I want to take a look inside those camps."

Leo thought for a while: "Okay, then I'll send you to the ground. You can quietly investigate what happened to Wakanda during this time. I'll search for Zhenjin. If you have anything, use the communicator to contact me."

Bucky nodded and agreed with Leo's suggestion.

So under the guidance of Bucky, Leo landed in the grass near a small camp, put Bucky down, and then shrunk to a size similar to Bucky.

Bucky has the system of a super soldier, coupled with the reduced body size, at this time, the body seems to have explosive power, and it is easy to jump to the tip of a grass, holding the blade of grass and looking forward.

Leo also jumped on the blade of grass and looked forward, only to find that he couldn't see anything...

"The field of vision is so bad after getting smaller, I can't see anything." Bucky muttered, then turned his head and said,

"Leo, I'm going to sneak into their camp. You go to Zhenjin first, don't worry about me."

"Then be careful."


Bucky nodded, then jumped on the blade of grass and ran towards the military camp not far ahead, performing a wave of flying on the grass.

Leo held the blade of grass and watched Bucky walk away until the blade of grass blocked his vision.

At this time, Leo jumped up from the blade of grass, the anti-gravity pulse detonator ignited, and flew towards the mining site of the vibrating gold vein just discovered.

Since there was no need to worry about whether Bucky could stand still, Leo flew extremely fast this time.

In a short while, he flew to the entrance of the Zhenjin mine, which is the col of a mountain range in the north of Wakanda.

This mine has been mined and transported for many years, and the entrance of the mine has been greatly expanded. The entrance is circular with a diameter of about 30 meters, which is enough for Wakanda's transport aircraft to enter and exit freely When Leo flew right above the entrance, a transport aircraft happened to fly out of the mine entrance without a sound.

Leo hurriedly shifted a few dozen meters to the side to clear the way for the aircraft, and then stared at the aircraft in front of him.

The appearance of this transport aircraft is almost a miniature version of the "multi-functional drone" that Leo previously analyzed. Its flight power module also flashes blue light. It is obviously powered by vibration gold and provided lift by pulses. .

It is precisely because of this that this aircraft can fly silently, without the noise of a civil aircraft engine, and it does not require a run-up when taking off, and it can take off and land on the spot, which is extremely convenient.

This kind of aircraft is almost indistinguishable from the spaceship in Leo's impression. Leo also believes that with Wakanda's current technology, it is easy to create a spaceship that can fly out of the earth.

In fact, Wakanda's technology level has already reached the cosmic level, and it is not the same level as civilian technology!

The transport aircraft slowly rose, and when it was about fifty meters above the ground, it accelerated rapidly and flew towards the city center of Wakanda.

Leo looked up and watched the transport aircraft go away. When he turned to look at the entrance of the mine, his eyes were already full of fiery light.

"Wakanda's cosmic black technology, here I come!" Leo shouted in his heart.

Suppressing his inner excitement, the eighth generation of Viper's armor instantly accelerated, and he plunged into the entrance of the mine.

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