Chapter 192: Mustard House

The small office was brightly lit.

After having some heart-to-heart talk with Leo, Bucky felt a lot better and was about to leave the office.

It was now more than eight o'clock in the evening, and he had to rush to Mingde Street.

Leo actually had something to say to Bucky.

For example, he can rationally help Bucky analyze that, as a super soldier Captain America, even if the plane crashes, he will not necessarily die.

Maybe, Steve is buried in the corner of some ice field.

Look at you Bucky, in a low-temperature dormancy warehouse, sometimes it can be frozen for as short as a year and a half, or as long as ten or eight years. Isn't it still alive and kicking when you wake up?

But Leo didn't know Steve's exact freezing location, and he didn't have the ability to search for Steve on a large scale, so after thinking about it, he decided not to mention it.

Otherwise, Bucky would have trouble sleeping and eating, pestering Leo every day to help him find someone.

Of course, Leo wanted to find Captain America ahead of time. In the current situation, things are different, and then relying on the relationship between Leo and Bucky.

If Captain America is awakened by Bucky, there is a high probability that he will go to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. or the U.S. military? Or will he follow Bucky and Leo in a dashing and cheerful, secretly fight against injustice?

The results speak for themselves.

However, this will have to wait for Leo to develop large-scale drones, and also to study and design the successful advanced penetration scanning technology, and it will not be too late to talk to Bakiti.

Anyway, according to memory, Captain America was only found in 2011, and Leo was not in a hurry at all.

Thinking of this, Leo stood up and walked out of the office door with Bucky.

Bucky went to the door and drove away to Mingde Street, and Leo returned to the laboratory on the basement floor.

"Om~ Master, welcome back."

Stim greeted Leo as always, his voice was clear and full of energy.

"Stim, come here, get ready for work." Leo sat in front of a computer and opened the interface for creating new drawings.

He had promised Bucky just now that if he wanted to take him to Peggy's house for a peek, he had to do what he said.

"Om~ Stim is here, what help does the master need?" Stim's eyes shone brightly.

"New project, mustard seed house. Using technology, Pym particles. The target, the house and its interior objects can be enlarged or reduced at will, and can normally accommodate the human body."

The computer is controlled by Stim, and an item called "Mustard House" is automatically generated on the screen.

"Om~ The project has been established, please choose to continue to improve it, or automatically generate it by Stim."

"Continue to improve."

Stim received an order, "Om~".

"Import in the model of the storage belt."

A three-dimensional model of the storage belt immediately appeared on the computer screen.

"Leave only one space in the belt, and remove the card slot."

The model immediately became smaller, then instantly enlarged, and a boxy metal box appeared on the computer screen.

"By thickening the metal outer wall and using reinforced concrete as the main material, the box's appearance is transformed into a house shape."

"Extract the electromagnetic transmitter used to protect the brain from the Viper Sixth Generation Battle Armor helmet model, copy it into the mustard room, and make special electromagnetic waves cover the entire room."

In this way, people follow the mustard seed house to zoom in and out, and they will no longer be affected, just like the car in "Ant-Man 2" that can be zoomed in and out freely.

"Install a door in the front of the house and a clear glass window in the back." This way, Bucky can see the scenery outside from the inside.

"Om~ The model has been generated, please continue to adjust."

Leo looked at the three-dimensional model that was automatically rotating on the computer screen, and nodded secretly.

"Elongate the house twice from left to right, and then divide it into thirds. A bedroom is automatically generated on the right, the hall is in the middle, and the kitchen and bathroom are on the left."

Leo thought about it, and simply designed this mustard house to the best condition at one time, as a must-have artifact for Leo to travel at home in the future.

"Om~ The adjustment has been completed, please continue to improve."

"The living room is bigger... let's add a bedroom... put some furniture, remember to fix the furniture to the floor to avoid tipping over..."

Leo began to question and answer with Stim, and slowly perfected the drawings of the mustard seed house.

An hour later, the model of the mustard seed house had been adjusted to a satisfactory state by Leo, and then he automatically converted the three-dimensional model into many two-dimensional design drawings and printed them out through the printer.

Leo held a drawing with ink incense in his hand and said:

"Stim, first remove all the furniture in the mustard room, then count what materials are missing, print them out, and I will buy them when I have time."

Leo's current purchasing efficiency is much faster than that of Old Tom. Not only can he reach all over the world in a short time, but he can also carry it all at once, which is extremely convenient.

Therefore, for many things, he did it himself, but it was simpler.

"Om~ The missing materials have been counted... Printed."

Leo wiped the storage belt with his hand, and a box slightly larger than A4 paper appeared in his hand.

He packed the printed list of materials into the box, which he then shrunk down and fit into the storage belt.

The box will be controlled by Leo's mechanical force, automatically opening in the storage belt, and placing the bill of materials in the right place.

This box is called a transfer box by Leo. It is one of his proud inventions. Otherwise, every time you store or store something in the storage waist, you have to restore the storage waist to the size of the warehouse. What a hassle!

After designing the "mustard house", Leo was not in a hurry to make real objects.

Before he returned from the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, in order to prevent Pierce from escaping, he was going to build a tracker.

"Stim, new project, multi-function locator, project target, accurate positioning signal can be sent within a range of two kilometers, and GPS positioning can be used globally to automatically generate a model."

"Om~ The project has been established and the model has been generated, please continue to adjust."

Next, Leo began to adjust the new model.

This multi-function locator is actually not difficult to design. In just ten minutes, Leo completed the design of the 3D model, and then printed out a stack of 2D drawings and material lists.

Why is it so easy to design this locator?

This is also thanks to the huge project that the United States took more than 30 years to build successfully - the global satellite positioning system, referred to as GPS!

However, this project in the Marvel Universe is different from the world that Leo was familiar with in his previous life.

In the Marvel Universe, the GPS project was successfully built at the beginning of this year, more than a year earlier than the universe in Leo's previous life. But the same point is that after the completion of the GPS project, the United States immediately announced that the GPS system will be put into civilian use, and even open to the world for free, and users only need to pay for the GPS chip.

Here are a few more interesting things to mention about GPS.

It is said that this project was led by the US Department of Defense and jointly built with Stark Industries. Therefore, the words and logos of Stark Industries are printed on the shell of all positioning satellites.

And the United States agreed to open the system for free to civilian use because it followed the advice of Howard Stark.

There are even gossip rumors that the actual control authority over satellites within Stark Industries is far higher than that of the US government!

And there are rumors, things like this, that Stark Industries has actually done more.

On the surface, Stark Industries is a big conglomerate in the United States, but in fact, it is no exaggeration to say that it controls the lifeblood of the entire United States.

Leo, who only crossed over after watching "Spider-Man: Heroes' Expedition", not only believed in this, but even felt that the gossip was too conservative!

For example, that bunch of drones can act recklessly on a global scale. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire earth in the Marvel universe is Stark's own back garden.

But fortunately, the current Stark Industries does not have such a strong dominance, and Leo can still live unrestrainedly.

He even felt that with himself, he could develop El Technology to the point where it surpassed Stark Industries in the future.

As his thoughts flowed, Leo suddenly remembered something.

He used to call the El Technology company El because he was afraid that the Hydra would find his whereabouts through his name.

And now that the Hydra in the United States has been destroyed by him, and the location of his company has been known by Dr. Zola, why not find an opportunity to change the company name?

It's called Erwin Technology, which sounds more in line with the characteristics of the Marvel Universe than Erwin Technology!

Leo nodded subconsciously, secretly taking this matter to his heart.