Chapter 177: Leo's "Magic"

The small conference room where Furui and the others were staying was on the first floor.

At this time, they came out of the conference room and said as they walked, that they had reached the lobby on the first floor of the Trident Base.

At this moment, the whole city suddenly sounded a harsh air defense siren.

Radio and television channels in various areas of Washington also broadcast air-raid warnings on an emergency loop and marked the locations of all the shelters' entrances.

At this time, there are eleven minutes before the missile hits its destination.

On the street, in residential buildings, in parks...

Whether it was busy people or people on vacation, they quickly evacuated to the nearest bomb shelter according to the instructions of the broadcast and the guidance of the police on the street.

Even so, the entire city was in chaos, with car accidents and stampedes from time to time, resulting in extremely slow evacuations.

However, the agents in the SHIELD Trident base had already received relevant training. At this time, according to their respective positions, they were evacuated into the underground air-raid shelter in batches and in an orderly manner.

Don't panic, stay organized.

However, if you are familiar with the organization of SHIELD, such as Natasha, you can see that the number of SHIELD agents evacuating into the bomb shelter is less than there should be.

General Foss's two guards had been waiting in the hall early, and when they saw General Foss, they immediately stepped forward.

One of the guards said, "General, we..."

"You two come with me, go downstairs, let's go to the air-raid shelter."

Foss interrupted the guard's words, turned his head and walked towards the stairs leading to the basement floor.

The crowd followed.

At this time, Fury walked a few steps and got close to General Foss. Regardless of the number of people following him, he asked directly:

"General, can you help me get a simulated flight path for that long-range missile bound for New York?"

General Foss gave Fury a suspicious look.

Fury returned an "I have a way" look.

Although General Foss had great confidence in his former subordinate, if he said that Fury had a way to intercept the missile, he did not quite believe it.

So he couldn't help but ask, "What can you do?"

But Fury couldn't say Leo, so he could only say, quite a bachelor,

"General, don't worry about what I can do, just tell me. When have I ever let you down?"

Fury said as he walked, ignoring the surprised eyes of everyone around him.

"What about the two flying to Washington?" General Foss raised his eyebrows.

"There's nothing I can do about this." Fury spread his hands.

Foss frowned slightly, and finally took out his special mobile phone and dialed the phone instantly.

Leo had actually shrunk to the size of an ant all along, quietly following the group.

At this time, when he saw General Foss take out his cell phone, he immediately flew to the top of Foss's head and hid in his hair, so he could hear the contents of the phone clearly.

Several sets of coordinates and a series of azimuths were reported on the phone, which were the real-time coordinates and heading of the missile bound for New York.

There can be more than one ICBM blueprint in the Leo system panel, and understanding these coordinates is naturally easy.

The next moment, he turned around, quietly flew to Fury's waist, and kicked his thigh lightly.

Fury was in pain, screamed instantly, and bent over to cover his thighs.

Leo took the opportunity to jump into Fury's auricle and said softly:

"Fury, I already know the coordinates, remember not to reveal my identity, otherwise, hehe..."

The last "hehe" Leo suddenly increased his voice a little, and Fury's ears were itchy for a moment, and he subconsciously stretched out his fingers to buckle.

Leo rolled over and jumped out of Fury's ears, flew out of the stairs against the floor, and entered the hall.

At this time, there was no one in the hall. Leo accelerated here in an instant, and passed through the gate of the Trident base, soaring into the sky, leaving a sharp sonic boom.

The two guards at the door were in the final sequence of the evacuation. They were still holding their posts at this time. The two were startled by the strange voice. Look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes.

And Fury, who was still in the stairs, was both shocked and apprehensive at this time.

Leo first let the long-dead Siena fly over from the sky. This time, he didn't know where to hide, how far apart, and what method to use. Not only did he transmit a voice to Fury, he even hit him. a bit.

Fury has been stunned by Leo's mysterious methods!

"Magic, it must be magic! Or it is witchcraft! Leo is an oriental, maybe he came from that mysterious country and inherited magical magic or witchcraft!"

Beyond that, Fury couldn't think of any other possibilities.

He couldn't help but muttered in his heart, and was once again glad that he did not choose to be the enemy of Leo.

"Colonel Fury, what are you doing?!"

General Fury saw that Fury suddenly bent down and twisted his hips to dig out his ears, his appearance was extremely indecent, and his voice instantly brought the pressure of the superior,

"I have already asked you for the flight path of the missile, and I will tell you now, you quickly use your so-called method to solve the missile that is bound for New York!"

General Foss quickly reported a set of coordinates, and at the end, General Foss added another sentence,

"Colonel Fury, I hope you won't let me down this time."

Fury was bitter. Originally, he was going to call Leo and tell Leo the location of the missile, which would be considered a temporary explanation to General Foss.

But after Leo's warning just now, it is obvious that the call cannot be made now.

So, what reason is he looking for to fool the past? !

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Fury rubbed his legs again, and closed his eyes hard.

After three seconds.

Fury's eyes widened suddenly, and he said decisively:

"It's done! I've sent someone to deal with the missile that was bound for New York. After a while, the missile will be dealt with. Please wait for the good news."

"Fury, don't fool me! Are you kidding us?!"

General Foss naturally didn't believe it and shouted,

"What method did you use to send someone, and who did you send? Tell me clearly!"

Fury grinned and said:

"It's all magic!"

Everyone had reached the entrance of the dugout at this time, and under the eyes of others, "Why are you kidding me", Fury trotted into the dugout Don't run now, stay here and be scolded , be beaten!

While running, Fury prayed to Leo secretly, the mysterious Leo, you must get rid of the missile that flew to New York!

Otherwise, it is estimated that he will be badly settled by General Foss.

Everyone who is still at the door of the dugout look at me, I look at you, and I don't know why Fury suddenly seems to have lost his mind.

General Foss stomped his feet with an ugly face, and then led the crowd into the air-raid shelter.

At this time, there were still nine minutes before the missile hit the target.

This air-raid shelter is specially made by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Compared with other civilian air-raid shelters, in addition to all kinds of emergency supplies, there are also many military items such as weapons, radio transceivers, and radio stations stored here.

There is even a cable TV here, but at this time, no matter which channel is on the TV, the air defense alarm is being played on a loop.

At this time, Peggy Carter entered the air-raid shelter with General Foss and others, and was standing in a relatively spacious hall in the air-raid shelter, "interrogating" Fury together.

But Fury just pretended to be stupid, saying that he had cast magic for a while, and that he just said nonsense.

Anyway, Yaguchi didn't mention anything about what he just said that there was a solution to the missile.

This time, you can put one Buddha in the world and two Buddhas ascended to the heavens. He said that he wants to distance himself from Fury. No matter what happens to Fury in the future, don't ask him for help from Fury again.

Just as the three of them were in a mess, Natasha came over quietly and whispered:

"I don't know if you have noticed. The SHIELD agents who have withdrawn into the air-raid shelter are about 20% less than the normal staff, and those people should be at the base now."