? But before the two could start chatting again, the clanging sound of knocking on the glass suddenly sounded, which was someone calling everyone's attention. 35xs

Everyone naturally cooperated to look, only to see a bearded man in his late thirties holding a microphone and began to speak

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mr. Parker and Miss Jane's engagement party..."

A warm and moving speech fully mobilized the atmosphere of the party scene.

"That's Warkas, Peter's senior, and also my student. He has a great talent for hosting. Now he seems to be working on a TV station. Today, he will host Peter's engagement party."

Otto explained two sentences to Leo, and then pointed behind Warkas,

"Look, Peter and Mary Jane are out."

Peter was wearing a white dress suit, Mary Jane was wearing a pale pink long dress, her face was full of happiness, and she held Peter's arm affectionately.

The two were followed by a middle-aged lady on each side, one was Aunt May, and the other was Mary Jane's mother.

The scene followed with warm applause and cheers of blessing. Leo also smiled and applauded with everyone.

The engagement ceremony continued, and sweet music played at the scene. Under the organization of Warkas, Peter and Mary Jane exchanged engagement rings and put them on each other's hands.

There were warm cheers from the scene again, and the atmosphere of the party reached a new level.

Some good people came forward, surrounded Peter and Mary Jane, and sang sweet songs to the music.

At the end of the song, people dispersed.

After the party, everyone left with happy smiles on their faces.

Early the next morning, a new week begins, and most people start their busy but fulfilling work after two days of adequate rest.

Otto was no exception. In the morning, after his morning class of meditation and chanting, he walked to his laboratory.

Although the "neural arm" project has been determined to be unable to move forward, the habit that Otto has developed over the years is still there. He is used to staying in the laboratory instead of the park or nursing home.

I haven't come back for a few months. It is estimated that the laboratory needs to find a few people to do the general cleaning first.

And there is no low-temperature helium, so I'll have to call someone to replenish it...

Subconsciously thinking about the daily affairs of the laboratory, Otto slowly walked to the door of the laboratory.

Suddenly, he noticed a white note on the closed door of the laboratory.

Neil Gates is the president of New York University, and the inscription date is three days ago.

Otto took off the note and frowned.

He has a total of about half a year's rest time in addition to his annual leave. The time has not yet come. Why did the principal want to find him in this way?

With doubts, Otto didn't even enter the laboratory, turned his head and walked quickly to the principal's office.

When he got to the principal's office, Otto knocked on the door, and after getting the answer, he pushed the door and walked in.

When a bald old man saw Otto, he immediately got up from his seat and said with a smile

"Dr. Octavius, are you back? How are you, have you enjoyed your trip?"

"Thank you, not bad."

Otto took out a note from his pocket, put it on the table, and asked directly,

"Principal Gates, what's going on?"

Gates suddenly put away his smile, rubbed his hands, and looked a little embarrassed.

"Dr. Octavius, I'm sorry you were fired."

Otto's face changed, his brows wrinkled, a little unbelievable.

Gates lowered his head and didn't dare to see Otto's expression, but took out a stack of documents with red stamps from the drawer, put them on the table, tapped them with his fingers, and said to himself.

"This is the dismissal document, which was issued by the New York City Department of Education last week, and I am now officially passing it on to you.

The New York Department of Education has a blacklist for academic misconduct, doc, sorry, you're on the list. According to their newly issued documents, you will no longer be able to continue working at the University in New York City. "

Otto picked up the document, the bright red seal did not seem to be a fake, he shouted in disbelief

"President Gates, my professorship is tenure. It is illegal for the Education Bureau to do this, and I want to appeal."

"Doctor, they haven't revoked your tenured professor title. You can still go to other states and continue to work in other cities, but you can't stay in New York City."

Otto surged in anger, smashing the file on the table with a bang.

"Who judges this so-called blacklist of academic misconduct? What is it judged on? Why am I on the list?"

Gates understands Otto's anger and tells everything he knows

"It is said that it is assessed by the mayor's office, based on the use of funds in the past two years and the publication of academic achievements.

As for the Ph.D., you have spent all your money in the past two years, but you haven't published a single academic paper, and you happened to be on vacation during the assessment period, so..."

Hearing the words of the mayor's office, a figure suddenly appeared in Otto's mind.

But Otto didn't want to believe that the man was still targeting him, so he suppressed his anger and asked Gates as calmly as possible.

"Who else besides me is this blacklist for academic misconduct?"

Gates was silent for two seconds, then whispered

"only you."


Otto suddenly slammed the document in his hand on the table, like an angry bull, shouting the man's name loudly.

Seeing Otto a little hysterical, Principal Gates hesitated several times, but he didn't know how to persuade him.

After a long time, Otto slowly calmed down, and Gates took the opportunity to say

"Dr. Octavius, you still have a week to pack your things, and after this weekend, your lab will be taken back by the school.

This is the decision of the New York Department of Education. I'm sorry, the school can't help you. I hope you can look at it. You can go to other states to continue developing. If needed, the school can help you with referrals and introductions. "

Otto was silent for a long time before he spoke hoarsely.

"Thank you, Principal Gates, I'll be moving out by the weekend."

But Otto has stayed at New York University for so long and has a deep affection for this campus, so he just left like this, which is so light.

Otto turned and left the principal's office, walking towards the laboratory.

On the way back to the laboratory, Otto struggled several times in his eyes, and finally seemed to have made up his mind, and his pace became firm.

The week went by so quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was Sunday morning.

After today, tomorrow and Monday, someone will come to take back Otto's laboratory, but at this time, Otto's laboratory is still full of things.

Not only that, but Otto himself was busy in the lab.

At this time, Otto was unshaven, his hair was disheveled, his bald forehead was very greasy, and his body still smelled bad. The corner of the laboratory was filled with all kinds of takeaway boxes.

Otto, who used to be very particular about his life, has not left the laboratory for six consecutive days.

For the past six days, Otto has been busy in the laboratory, not knowing what he is trying to make.

Working hard for six days An ordinary person can't stand it, let alone Otto's age, and his health is ill.

But although Otto was very tired, his eyes were very bright.

At this moment, he was staring at something resembling a half-armor, his eyes seemed to be glowing.

Gritting his teeth, Otto dragged his tired body and got into the armor. He fastened all the buckles of the armor wound little by little, and tied it directly into a dead knot.

Finally, he solemnly supported a helmet with both hands and put it on his head.

After wearing the helmet for a while, Otto began to show pain, his face was hideous, as if an invisible current was flowing through him.

But he gritted his teeth and insisted, his eyes filled with hatred.

In the next instant, the invisible current seemed to suddenly intensify, Otto's body couldn't help trembling, and his body slowly returned to calm.

But at the same time, his eyes became brighter and brighter, revealing a strangeness.

boom! boom!

Two thick robotic arms suddenly stretched out from behind Otto and slammed into the floor.

The mechanical arm seemed to be extremely powerful, and suddenly lifted Otto's body attached to the armor from the ground, hanging in mid-air.

The two robotic arms began to move staggeredly, and took Otto's body to the laboratory door quickly.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two more robotic arms stretched out from Otto's back, and their sharp claws grabbed the door of the laboratory, tearing the door to shreds like tearing paper.

The four mechanical tentacles cooperated flexibly, moved quickly with Otto, and flew towards the destination.
