Chapter 140: Child, I can support you to be king!

? After Leo's words, little Eric recalled the hard life of these few months, and thought of his dead father.

In grief, he squatted on the wet ground with his knees in his arms, bowed his head and remained silent.

When his father was still alive, he often told Eric stories about his hometown. Eric liked listening to stories about Wakanda very much, and he had always been full of many beautiful fantasies about Wakanda.

But now the illusion has been shattered, because Wakanda suddenly came and killed his father a few months ago.

Not only did the beautiful hometown in fantasy no longer exist, but Eric even lost his warm little home.

Without his father to rely on, little Eric has been lonely and miserable these past few months.

But he persevered tenaciously, because he wanted to avenge, avenge his father, seek justice for his father, and realize the dream that his father had always pursued.

To this end, he is willing to seize every opportunity.

Originally, little Eric's plan was to study hard first, then apply for the military academy or simply join the army.

After he has developed his skills and even has his own power, he will return to Wakanda to find the glory that should belong to him and his father.

But now he had met Leo, a man who claimed to be his father's ally, and seemed quite credible.

More importantly, this Leo looks very powerful, very powerful!

"Erwin... Uncle."

Eric reluctantly gave Leo a name,

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sir." Leo didn't want to be his uncle. "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Erwin, you... can you avenge me? Go and kill the Black Panther."

Little Eric looked up at Leo, his eyes full of prayer.

But what Leo saw in the eyes of young Eric was full of hatred and murder.

"No! I can't help you."

Little Eric is too whimsical, and is still thinking about the problem with the child's way of thinking.

Leo had thousands of legitimate reasons for rejecting him, and he could even reprimand him from hundreds of angles.

But now little Eric probably doesn't understand this, and Leo doesn't want him to listen to it.

In the end, Leo just shook his head and said

"Wakanda is a country with its own laws and institutions, and I'm not a Wakanda and I can't be a part of it.

But you are different, Eric, you are a Wakanda, you have the right to get justice for your father, and you have the right to decide the future of Wakanda.

You are Prince Njob's child, you have royal blood, and you even have the right to be the king of Wakanda. "

Although little Eric is weak in dealing with people, his wisdom is not bad at all, and he immediately understands the meaning of Leo's words.

"Mr. Erwin, do you mean to say, will you help me sit on the throne?"

Leo nodded and started talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"The original plan of your father and I was that I would help him build momentum in the outside world and help him ascend to the throne, so that he could better display his revenge.

But now that your father is dead, it can only fall on you. "

Leo's eyes were full of anticipation, mixed with three-point encouragement, looking at little Eric said,

"Are you willing to follow your father's last wish and become the next Black Panther?"

Children are easy to deceive, and Leo's three or two sentences seem to have made Eric's heart surging. 35xs

Little Eric jumped from the ground, clenched his fists, and shouted, "I do."

But Leo saw hatred in his eyes.

Eric didn't understand anything, and he didn't ask Leo why he did this. The reason why he was willing to agree to Leo was more to avenge his father.

Leo touched little Eric's head again and said in a low voice

"Little Eric, your father is an admirable man, and I hope that your future achievements will not be weak with him.

Based on the previous trading conditions between me and your father, as long as you promise to provide me with vibrating gold in the future, I am willing to help you fight for the throne.

But I hope you will remember one sentence, if you want to be a qualified king, you need kindness more than hatred in your heart. "

Little Eric glanced at Leo vaguely, wondering if he had listened to the persuasion.

But he knew that he needed to make a guarantee at this time, so he looked Leo directly in the eyes and said like a little adult

"As long as I become the king of Wakanda in the future, Mr. Erwin can have as many vibraniums as you want."

Leo smiled and rubbed little Eric's head again, so even if he had reached an agreement with little Eric

"Eric, my base is in New York. You can go with Green Fist downstairs and let him take you to New York. When the time is right, I will take you back to Wakanda."

Little Eric nodded noncommittally, and Leo led him and handed him over to Green Fist waiting downstairs.

After Leo gave Green Fist a few words, he asked Green Fist to take little Eric home to pack up.

After Leo watched Eric and Green Fist enter the door, he turned and returned to the rooftop.

It was still raining in the sky, and it was getting bigger and bigger. A puddle had accumulated on the roof, and the raindrops hit the puddle, and the water splashed everywhere.

In such a heavy rain, Leo didn't dare to get wet too much, or he should be soaked all over in a while.

He quickly took a few steps forward, incited the mechanical force, and put on the Viper 5th-generation armor.

The Zhenjin defensive rune was activated, and a layer of light blue transparent protective cover appeared, instantly draining the rain on the surface of the armor.

The anti-gravity pulse exploded and ignited, Leo raised his head slightly, and with a light bang, the armor flew into the sky.

After rising to an altitude of two thousand meters, the thick clouds were finally thrown under his feet by Leo. He saw the clear sky again, and he felt a little happier unconsciously.

The altitude continued to climb until it reached the constant temperature layer at an altitude of 10,000 meters. At this time, the automatic flight chip took over the flight mission.

Leo swam his back in the sky, thinking about what to do with little Eric when he got back to New York.

The sincere conversation and persuasion just now, even Leo himself almost believed it.

What allies, what rights, what ideals and glory...

Anyway, EnJob is dead, and when there is no evidence of death, Leo Ai can make it up as he wants.

But Leo is not lying, if possible, he really wants to support Eric as the king of Wakanda.

What was Leo's original purpose of looking for Eric? It's Zhenjin!

If Eric really becomes the king of Wakanda, Black Panther, then as his only supporter, Leo will naturally be able to get inexhaustible vibration gold.

Looking back at what he just said in his mind, Leo felt that it was reasonable and reasonable, and there were basically no logical loopholes.

After bringing Eric back to New York, the more Leo gets to know him, the more he should be able to completely dispel his wariness.

After all, he was still a child less than ten years old, and he was well protected by his father, so he didn't care much at all.

In fact, Leo also thought about it, or just brainwash Eric and train him in the way of a special agent since he was a child. He will be absolutely loyal in the future, and can be done once and for all.

But who knows if Wakanda has black technology that can detect whether it has been brainwashed? !

If it is revealed in the end, then Leo will steal the fish without causing trouble.

So Leo might as well be EnJob's "ally" and cultivate Eric seriously!

For example, you can find a good school for Eric to study, so that he can grow up healthily, physically and mentally, and prepare the foundation for being a good king in the future.

Furthermore, Leo felt that Bucky could also enrich Eric's extracurricular life and let him learn martial arts from an early age.

When he grows up and finds a suitable time, he can take him to Wakanda for a turn, and then follow the tradition of Wakanda to challenge the throne or something. !

Thinking of this, Leo suddenly felt that a lot of vibrating gold was waving to him in the future, and his face unconsciously turned into a flower.
