The new product launch conference is continuing, and Leo hid in the back of the guest area, secretly observing if there were Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. agents sneaking in.

Suddenly, he saw two uninvited acquaintances at the venue, and he was greatly surprised.

The acquaintance here refers to Leo's unilateral familiarity, which is the familiarity Leo brought from the previous Marvel series.

One of them is Otto Ottavius, also known as Doctor Octopus.

But it seems that Otto hasn't turned black yet. He wears a pair of gold glasses, has two inches of short hair, and is half bald at the front of his head.

A proper image of a scientific researcher, he seems to be an amiable person.

Otto was listening carefully to Peter's introduction to the El-1 chip parameters on stage, and he kept his head down from time to time to memorize something in his notebook.

However, Leo noticed that Otto would stop and rub his hands a few times while he was taking notes, as if his fingers were a little inflexible.

The other person is Wilson Fisk, the biggest gang leader in New York and even in the United States, nicknamed Kim Bing.

Jin is not a **** muscle tyrant, and the person sitting with him may be his assistant. From time to time, the two of them bow their heads and talk a few words.

However, they didn't make trouble, but sat honestly in their seats, so Leo wasn't going to take the initiative to cause trouble.

He just needs to watch quietly.

The new product launch conference continued, and it soon came to an end and entered the question-and-answer session.

It can be seen that this new product launch was very successful, and all the participants had a strong interest in the first-generation chip of Er.

The potential customers sitting in the guest seating area were memorizing the details of the parameters of the chip during the process of participating in the conference, and whispered a few words to each other in twos and threes.

During the question-and-answer session, they all scrambled to ask one question after another, and most of them expressed their desire to reach a long-term cooperation with ErTech.

Leo is not surprised by this. After all, he knows his own products well, and the market competitiveness is leveraged!

These are clearly shown on the face of Tie Qing, the representative of Intel Corporation.

Soon, the question-and-answer session also ended, and the participants gradually dispersed.

At this moment, Leo saw Peter walking off the stage and went straight to Dr. Octavius, chatting and laughing and starting a conversation.

Leo thought for a while, stood up, and approached quietly.

"Dr. Ostavius, I didn't expect you to come here.

I'm really happy to see you get out of the shadows of your research project. "

Peter smiled and shook hands with Otto, his concern beyond words.

At the same time, Otto also really cares about Peter.

"You mentioned something to me about this press conference two days ago, and as my proud student, of course I will come to support you."

"Peter, congratulations on finding such a good company.

Although El Technology is not well-known, with the chips released today, it will surely develop into a leading company in the chip industry in the future. "

Otto smiled and said slightly relieved,

"If you can work in this kind of company in the future, I will feel less guilt.

You have been my assistant for so long, but in the end I didn't achieve any results, so you wasted your precious time in vain. "

"No no, doctor, don't say that. During the time I did research with you, I felt that I had a very fulfilling life and gained a lot."

Peter quickly waved his hand and explained,

"Also, I didn't really join the Air Technology Company, I just happened to be temporarily hired to be their company's preacher.

I still prefer to follow you and carry out your unfinished research projects.

Your research project is very meaningful to the entire human society.

You and I both know that every year many people become disabled due to various accidents.

And the kind of prosthetic limbs that you are studying, which can be controlled using intracranial nerve signals, if successful, can give these people a new lease of life.

I am very happy that I can participate in such a great project, we will be able to succeed in the end. "

"Peter, we are no longer in this project!"

Otto sighed, helplessly spread his hands and said,

"Without the city government's funds, I can no longer pay you your salary.

Moreover, Norman confiscated many sophisticated instruments and equipment, and our research can no longer be carried out! "

Otto looked very decadent, as if life had lost its purpose.

Peter can't do anything about it, he can only worry about it, after all, he hasn't even got the rent for next month.

And the cash on him is enough to buy two coils!

At this time, Leo had been eavesdropping for a while, and he also roughly understood the reason why Otto appeared at the press conference.

It turned out that he came out to cheer for Peter without any special purpose.

However, Leo was a little disappointed when he heard Peter say that he was not going to continue working for El Technology.

However, Leo couldn't force his legs on others, he could only go with the flow and slowly think of a way.

For example, Peter was reluctant to come to work at El Tech, obviously because his mind was still on the research project of Dr. Octopus.

Leo felt that he could work hard from this aspect, and maybe he could win Peter's favor.

It doesn’t matter if Peter agrees to join El Technology, Leo thinks that he can get the spider silk launcher in the end In addition, Leo vaguely heard from Peter just now that Otto is researching skulls. Inner nerve signal control technology.

The name of this technology made Leo very interested. He wanted to know what this technology was and whether it would help him.

Moreover, Dr. Octopus itself also has a lot of black technology. Leo, in line with the principle of not letting go of it, wants to make the black technology that Otto now masters into his own.

For example, the mechanical tentacles possessed by Doctor Octopus after blackening are extremely powerful, and their energy seems to be endless.

If Otto in this universe will eventually turn into Doctor Octopus, Leo really wants to know what kind of energy the mechanical tentacles use.

If this energy performance is very superior, Leo feels that it can be used in the future design of the armor.

Although Leo thought about a lot of things, in fact, only a moment passed. At this time, Otto and Peter were still worried about the withdrawal of scientific research funds.

Leo had nothing else, but there was plenty left over from Nick Fury.

Now Otto is worrying about funding. If Leo takes the initiative to send money, I believe Otto will not refuse.

So, Leo pretended to have just discovered Peter, got close to Peter and Otto, and took the initiative to say hello to Peter.

"Hey, Peter, you performed very well on stage today, you were able to chat and laugh on stage, and you were calm.

I really didn't read you wrong. Your attitude towards work is really serious.

Today's press conference worked well. The big guys are planning to go back to the company later and have a dinner together to celebrate. Would you like to go together? "