Chapter 1380: Super A Grade Fording

When Han Xiao came to lemon, Fording, who was at the end of the remnant soul, had already started operations.

Fording sacrificed the soul-turning instrument, activated his ability, and immediately produced an invisible attraction. The soul residue in the surrounding area suddenly stagnated and gradually slowed down towards the nebula vortex, and finally turned around and flew towards the starship he was on. Come.

The nebula vortex has a natural gravitational force on the soul residue. Fording's behavior at this time is tantamount to "grabbing food from a tiger's mouth", but this secondary dimension does not seem to be born with dimensional consciousness, so no one cares about him.

The soul residues were taken in by the black crystal-like mirror surface of the Soul Transmitter Apparatus, and the remaining thoughts were stripped away, extracting a cluster of clean and pure soul energy, crystal clear.

Fording extracts the results of the soul-changing instrument through the soul link, entwines it with thought power, and integrates it into the brain domain to break it down and digest it. He only feels refreshed, and he does not have the memory and emotional impact that he usually bears when he uses the mind force to detect other people’s thoughts. As a side effect, I clearly feel that my mental power is being refined, and my body's cells cheer for joy.

He can clearly feel that he is gradually transforming, like an extremely hungry person sipping a steady stream of clear and sweet spring water, full of satisfaction from head to toe, and it feels more comfortable to him than divine friendship. Let him involuntarily indulge in it.

And when the mind and body are closely integrated with the soul-changing instrument, the reverberating thought power of Fording's body is stained with more profound black, and he has obtained a new stage of blessing from the soul-changing instrument, with enhanced characteristics and becoming more refined. He brought the thrill of the soul trembling.


Fording couldn't help letting out a comfortable sigh, as if he had entered a state of unconscious sub-cultivation, and his whole body cells gradually jumped towards the Transcendent A Grade life level.

With him as the center, a gray vortex that was countless times smaller was formed, reflecting a huge nebula vortex, one large and one small rotating slowly in opposite directions at the same speed.

Confirming that Fording was not in danger, Han Xiao did not bother him, and turned to continue the unfinished research work.


Soon, a month was fleeting.

On this day, Han Xiao came to the training base square early.

Not long ago, Fording finally ended his one-month dive, and it was a matter of course that he broke through to the Transcendent A Grade position. Only then did he remember to send a message and said he was coming back, so Han Xiao waited here.

His figure here was seen by a natural disaster grade student who happened to pass by, and he couldn't help but stop and cast a strange look, wondering who Black Star was waiting for.

Not long after, I saw a flash of light, and the shuttle vehicle emerged out of thin air, jumping from the secondary dimension world back to the main universe, and landed on the square where the coordinates were set.

The hatch opened, and Fording stepped out. As soon as he saw Han Xiao, he smiled happily and greeted him with strides.

Compared with a month ago, his aura has undergone a huge change. Just a simple walk made the hearts of a small group of natural disaster-grade students who were curious and watching suddenly tighten, giving birth to a sense of instinct. It is the coercion from high life.

At this moment, the natural disaster grade present immediately understood something, and was shocked, not paying attention to Han Xiao, just beside him, hula la and surrounded.

"Fording, you have become Transcendent A Grade?!"

"I haven't seen you in the base during this period of time. I am still wondering where you have been. I didn't expect you to sublimate without making a sound. That's okay!"

"Quickly, come and share the experience, what is it like on earth?"

Fording was surrounded by a large circle of people, so he had to stop, and looked at Han Xiao across the crowd, showing a helpless smile.

His charisma is extremely high, and his personality will not offend people, so his popularity is quite good. Even if he becomes a Transcendent A Grade, he does not have a superior mentality and does not push the crowd away.

These natural disaster-class people on the scene also called for their friends, and saw a group of silhouettes wrapped in streamers jumping on the base, quickly from far to near. At the same time, there were several more portals next to them, and a lot of natural disaster-class black rivers were informed. Yang rushed in and surrounded him. There were more and more people, and the scene was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Han Xiao outside the crowd coughed, suppressed the voices of everyone, and said with a smile:

"Fording has indeed advanced to Transcendent A Grade. He was the first student to break through successfully during the training camp. From the start of the training camp to the present, it has only been two or three months. This is a very good beginning."

After getting the exact information, everyone couldn't help showing an expression of envy, and they all started to congratulate Fording.

Congratulations suddenly sounded in the court, some were sincere and some were sour.

Fording sighed and explained, his voice soft:

"Everyone, I can progress smoothly because of some opportunities. I am afraid that my experience is not suitable for everyone, and there is no reference point."

That's not it, normal people are advanced to Transcendent A Grade, which one is not constipation-like, the guy in Yinying has even been in retreat for nearly a hundred years at this step, and it is just as easy as eating and drinking water to hang like you...

Han Xiao secretly complained.

At this moment, Fording saw the pity of everyone's faces, thought about it, and smiled:

"But I can let you experience the power of my advanced level, and by the way copy my senses when I was sublimated to you..."

As he said, he closed his eyes slightly and spoke softly, and the melodious Nianli singing suddenly swept out, covering everyone present.

Many natural disaster grade students were refreshed and instantly gained Fording's advanced experience. At the same time, they found that the beautiful song of thought power that directly resonated in their souls aroused their emotions and unconsciously immersed them in it.

In the next moment, a positive energy quickly surged from the bottom of my heart, and everyone was filled with a desire for exercise in an instant, and they wished to go to retreat and practice hard now. The whole person became quite energetic like using a stimulant.

Han Xiao deliberately let go of the spiritual barriers and tried Fording's mind power after entering the stage. Seeing the battle information on the panel, he couldn't help but raise his brow.

What Fording is good at is the mind power route of the mind system. This advanced adventure has caused a considerable transformation in his ability. The song of mind power has been integrated into the special nature of the soul-changing instrument, and the spiritual penetration has increased sharply. Now it can be higher. Efficiency stimulates the emotions and desires of living organisms, and achieves the same effect as powerful hypnosis... And whenever different emotions are evoked, the target enters a related state.

At this time, everyone’s enthusiasm is a manifestation. Fording used his thoughtful singing voice to arouse everyone’s uplifting emotions, and gave an encouragement. What is displayed in the status bar has the effect of increasing the efficiency of experience acquisition. Put it on others, also It can improve the efficiency of practice!

Han Xiao instantly thought of the role that Fording could play. Although Fording's current rank is not high and he is not good at frontal combat, he can bring a large range of gains or debuffs to his teammates or enemies. His own combat power is more useful.

"A powerful support is much more valuable than an ordinary Transcendent A Grade. With this ability alone, he will be popular enough and will not be the bottom... The most important thing is that he can improve the efficiency of other people's exercise without side effects. Help, maybe more Transcendent A Grades can be born..."

Han Xiao flashed all kinds of thoughts and was delighted.

At this time, he suddenly stared, and found that among the crowd full of positive spirits, there was an extremely eye-catching figure, still with a face, which formed a sharp contrast with the people around him.

This figure is like a firefly in the night, so clear, so outstanding, which can be other than the hanging man like Laki.

Han Xiao became curious, and said, "Hey Fording, your trick doesn't seem to work for him."

Hearing this, Fording turned his head and looked at Lackey, he was taken aback, and said in doubt:

"That's not right, my trick shouldn't fail in the face of natural disasters..."

As he said, Fording once again uttered a song of Nian Li, specifically inspiring Lackey.

I saw Lackey's spirit and spirit rose instantly, no longer hunched, his posture was as tall as a javelin, his whole temperament changed drastically, his majestic hair and his eyes were piercing.

"Isn't this effective...huh?"

Fording was only halfway talking, and before he was happy, he saw that Lackey’s state only lasted for a few seconds. Suddenly, his high-spirited aura vented like a balloon, and he returned to his original decadence in the blink of an eye. Switching back to the weak dead fish mode, it is like the difference between inhaling to condense the belly and relaxing.

"You are..."

Fording opened his mouth, a little confused.

This state of motivation generally lasts for a few days, but why does it leak out in a few seconds on Laki?

He didn't give up and wanted to try again, but Lackey stopped him with reluctance on his face.

"Don't toss me, it's all in vain, hey, even if you become Transcendent A Grade, it is impossible for me to be free, let me rot quietly in the corner..."

Gee, such a familiar trashman, such a beautiful raki...

Han Xiao heard his heart twitch, looked up and down Laki, boldly guessed:

"Well, I seem to understand. After all, your motivation is just like hypnosis, not brainwashing, and cannot change the personality of others, so the emotions that evoke different goals are also phased... Maybe Lackey just exempts this kind of spiritual motivation? "

With that, Han Xiao felt more and more that he had guessed the truth.

It must be that Lackey's values ​​are too **** strong. The short-term incentives will only be broken down in an instant. It's like drinking a sip of chicken soup and determined to be angry tomorrow. By the next day, it is not time to play cards or go to bed.

Fording also felt reasonable, and tentatively asked: "Then I try to arouse his decadence, and see if you guess it right?"

Upon hearing this, Han Xiao's mouth twitched.

"Farewell, he is already depressed enough, you can make him worse, I'm afraid he will judge himself on the spot."


Fording was speechless.

The natural disaster grade students present got the experience they wanted. Seeing that Han Xiao and Fording had something to say, they all left with enthusiasm and went to exercise their abilities. Soon there were only two people left in the square.

Without others, Han Xiao came to Fording, patted his shoulder, and said with satisfaction:

"Congratulations, you have left a name in the sanctuary, as long as I am alive for one day, death will treat you far away."

Fording smiled lightly and said, "This time my adventure comes from the soul-changing instrument, and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't get this cosmic treasure, thank you."

"What are you and me polite?" Han Xiao waved his hand and said: "Say you don't have a nickname yet, I'll think of one for you, or just call it a singer, how appropriate."

The singer is exactly the nickname of Fording in his previous life. Although his life experience is completely different this time, in Han Xiao's view, this nickname is still suitable for Fording.

"Okay, then call it a singer."

Fording smiled implicitly, indicating that he had accepted the name, and then he stopped smiling, and explained the original experience of this experience without any omission.

Although he guessed that Black Star might already know, he still said it again.

After hearing Fording's explanation, Han Xiao nodded with a smile.

"I see, this is your own opportunity. Even if you become a Transcendent A Grade, you can continue to use it to quickly improve your strength. You must take it well."

"This is natural... By the way, the remnant soul is also beneficial to Hela in the end. I can only digest the soul residue with the help of foreign objects, but Hela is a natural ability, and she may grow faster there than me. , You can ask her what she means, anyway, the soul residue there is inexhaustible, the part I can digest is not worth mentioning."

"It's hard for you to think of him, I think she would be very happy."

Han Xiao admired Fording as he watched, and his hands were a little itchy when he appreciated.

Repressing the impulse, Han Xiao gave a dry cough and said:

"I'm going to inform Hela now. She is still training in the Underworld. You will still need to take her there. After all, it is the place you found. Without your consent, I would not give the coordinates to others casually. "

After finishing speaking, Han Xiao replaced the emperor, swept the ground and teleported away.

Fording watched Han Xiao leave, gently squeezed his fists, his heart reverberated with inexplicable emotions, he breathed out gently, and said to himself:

"You have provided me with asylum for nearly a hundred years, and now it's finally my turn to help you..."