A large number of civilians are held in the cabin of the Kunde main ship. The ground is covered with simple bedding. A person sits or lie down, you are next to my legs, and I bear your back. The scene is very crowded, like refugees. Camp is the same.


The hatch opened, and a group of service-oriented housekeeping robots came in pushing a trolley with buckets of mushy food on it.

"dinner time!"

The imperial soldiers on guard yelled, and the crowd suddenly became agitated.

Since being imprisoned, these Kunde civilians have been in panic all day long, fearing their future destiny. However, in terms of material, they were not tortured. The empire delivered food on time and did not torture the captives. This calmed the Kunde civilians a lot, and no one made unwise actions.

The housekeeping robots walked through the crowd and distributed food to everyone. All the captives sat up, holding the warm nutrient paste and gulping, whispering to each other, chatting in twos and threes, and the atmosphere was fairly stable.

In the crowd, two Kunde people, one big and one small, were huddled together. The younger one was obviously a Kunde child, eating nutritious paste with small bites, and the adult female Kunde next to him poured the paste from the bowl to the child. half.

"Mom, don't you want to eat?" Upon seeing this, the child raised his head.

"You eat first, and I will eat when you are full."

The adult Kunde watched him tenderly, and they were a mother and son.

"No, eat together." The child shook his head and muttered: "It would be great if Dad was there, Mom, where did he go?"

Hearing that, his mother was silent. Seeing that the child had been staring at her, she couldn't help but smiled: "Your father may take another spacecraft, and he can't come to see us. When we settle down, he will look for us."

"Great, I miss him so much." The child was happy, "Then when will we settle down?"

"...I guess it will be soon."

Her smile became more reluctant, and she obviously didn't have any confidence in her heart, and she had to pretend to be determined.

She forced her spirits up and comforted the child a few words. Seeing that the child continued to eat, she quietly turned her face away and wiped away the tears that almost could not help.

She knew in her heart that her husband might have been killed...because she was the wife of an officer.

After the war, she and her children were sent away as soldiers' family members, but because of the operation of the empire, they were sent back and became prisoners. Although the empire closed off external news, since the Kunde had been defeated, it was not difficult for her to imagine the loss on the battlefield.

Unable to communicate with the outside world, she doesn't know whether her husband is alive or dead, and she still has the last weak hope. However, in front of her children, she must forcibly endure her confusion, anxiety and anxiety, unable to show it, and she is under tremendous pressure inside. .

After the child went to sleep in the dead of night, she was the kind of person who quietly sobbed with tears.

She also didn't know how this civilization named Scarlet Empire would deal with them, and could only deceive her own children.


At this moment, rows of virtual screens suddenly popped up around the shipyard, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

All the screen images flashed simultaneously, and then a familiar figure appeared.

"It's the leader!"

The crowd immediately became agitated, and many people stood up and stared at the screen.

The same scene was staged in all the Kunde prison ships. After the Empire took over, the news was closed. Most people knew nothing about the current situation. This was the first time that external news was received since being imprisoned and the first time it was on TV. Meet the leader.

The mother also hurriedly put down the food, pulling the child to stand beside the virtual screen to watch.

On the screen, the Kunde leader sat meticulously, facing the camera, slowly speaking:

"My fellow citizens, I have a heavy news to announce-we have completely lost this war. About 70% of our military forces have been annihilated. The fleet numbers that are killed and missing are as follows..."

He began to read a long list of killed, and all the soldiers' families immediately raised their hearts, for fear of missing any number.

With the number of a fleet being read out, people from time to time sit down on the ground, heart-piercing crying from the crowd.

The child was ignorant and understood. Suddenly, he felt the mother beside him sway and almost dragged him down. He turned around and took his mother's hand.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"I... nothing."

The mother was trembling slightly. If she were a human, her face would be pale at this time. She finally held her child's shoulders and stood firmly, forcibly keeping her tone calm, but she couldn't hide her trembling voice.

Just now, she heard the name of her husband's fleet from the leader of the Kunde tribe, her last hope was shattered, her eyes went dark, and she almost fainted on the spot.

Thinking that the child was still next to her, she forcibly suppressed her emotions. At this time, she couldn't even cry. She was dumbfounded and her heart was ashamed.

The crying sounded one after another, and the sad atmosphere filled the room.

After finally reading the list of the dead, the leader of the Kunde tribe said solemnly: "I have to bear the main responsibility for the defeat of the war. The failed decision made by me and the high level led to today's bad results.

In fact, this war can be avoided. It is not the enemy who provoked the war, but me.

The Scarlet Empire came all the way to explore the unknown. They are actually a peace-loving civilization, but their arrogance and hostility blinded me. I was used by a third party to be hostile to the Scarlet Empire. He was innately placed in the enemy's position. I wanted to act first, so I arranged an attack and caused the Empire's anger.

We had the opportunity to live together peacefully, there was no war, no bloodshed, and some only cultural blending. Unfortunately, because of my mistake, we missed this future.

My arrogance cut off the bridge between the two sides for peaceful contact. Everything now is my responsibility. My decision-making mistakes sent the entire civilization into the abyss. "

With that said, he called up a document, which was the internal confidential information of the first phantom energy bomb trap, as well as the casualty statistics of the Imperial Exploration Team, to prove that he did not talk about it.

Then, the leader of the Kunde tribe stood up and bowed to the camera deeply.

"I personally ruined your past lives, countless families were torn apart because of this war, sorry."

Hearing this, everyone understood that this is a sin for themselves, and at the same time explained to the people the reason for the war.

Looking at this scene, many people were angry.


You have harmed the whole group like this. Sorry, is it useful? !

If you didn't start the war, those soldiers wouldn't be killed, we were still living a normal life, how could we become prisoners!

It's all because of you, our civilization has encountered a crisis of life and death, and all this can obviously be avoided!

Sorry to be over? !

After the Kunde leader apologized, he returned to his seat, expressionless, and continued:

"I know that you are very concerned about what the Scarlet Empire will do with us. Please rest assured, all compatriots. The Scarlet Empire is a higher civilization than us. They will not slaughter civilians or castrate their IQ. They decided to let go. We, set us up in another galaxy, let us regain our freedom, and help us build new homes..."

Hearing that, everyone's tense nerves have relaxed. This is their most concern.

It is a blessing to be able to pick up a life, the other party is still willing to let them go and return their freedom to these prisoners of war.

It seems that the Scarlet Empire is indeed a peace-loving civilization... Some people have this idea in their hearts.

When one's own side initiates a war, the reason is first, the empire treats the captives kindly, and the utmost righteousness is the last. Comparing the two, everyone's hatred of the empire is slightly weakened.

Of course, on this issue, reason and objectivity do not exist. Even if they are the one who provoked the war, most of the Kunde people still have a more or less hatred of the empire, and the families of the fallen soldiers hate it most. .

However, because of this explanation, their anger was more directed at the Kunde leader.

At this time, the leader of the Kunde clan called out another document with a brief biographical history of Han Xiao, which was provided by the empire.

"Our new home is the territory of a great man of the Scarlet Empire. His name is Black Star. He will provide us with shelter. This is a respectable figure. It is his attitude that made the empire determined to give us back. free."

Everyone looked at the image of Han Xiao on the document, secretly remembering the person who spoke for them.

On the other side, in the office of Beacon Star, Han Xiao’s projection was watching the speech of the Kunde leader with Tarrokov. Upon seeing it, he gave Tarrokov a funny glance.

"Your help is really thorough. Not only did you hand over the Kunde population to me, but you also helped me establish my image for free."

"you are welcome."

Tarrokov took a sip of the plant health drink and smiled faintly.

The speech continued. The Kunde leader introduced the situation of the new homeland and looked into the future misleadingly. He said nothing about cultural transformation and the closure of the interstellar network, and then changed the topic:

"The mistakes in decision-making have led to the results today. The senior leaders have to shoulder huge responsibilities. All senior leaders involved will be executed. I will take a warning, reflect on this lesson, and continue to lead the ethnic group in a more rational way. Our new home."


As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was in an uproar and directly exploded the pot!

"Make such a big mistake, why should he continue to lead us?"

"Executing all the high-level officials without any punishment, too hypocritical!"

"He wants to hold on to the leader's position and won't let go, right?"

Almost everyone was out of anger.

The race has been made like this by you. Why do you continue to be the leader? !

Did we agree? !

Other high-level officials were all executed, and your explanation to us was only a light "sorry"? !

has no meaning? !

Even if you don't die, at least you have to step down!

It is not your desire for power to continue being a leader with a cheeky!

The race is defeated, but you are fine, still sitting in this position, why? !

It seems that I am blaming myself, but I actually dumped all the pot to other senior management, which is simply disgusting!

At this time, the Kunde leader stood up with a formulaic smile, "I will go to every spacecraft, condolences you, encourage you, and hope to bring you the courage to start again. Failure is not terrible, I... Make the Kunde great again."

This sentence should be inspiring, but at this moment, almost everyone is staring angrily at the Kunde leader on the screen.

The Kunde leader stood up and walked out, followed by the suspended mechanical camera.

At this time, the door of the cabin opened, and a Kunde came in. The civilians present turned their heads to look around and began to whisper.

"Who is this person and how can he move freely?"

"I know him. He is one of the secretaries next to the leader. He has appeared on TV before."

The secretary clapped his hands, calmed everyone down, and spoke:

"Everyone, the leaders will come here for the first stop, and I hope you will show gratitude later and enhance the image of leaders."

Everyone present was furious.

At this time, you still have to show? !

Those of us who have just learned that our relatives died in the war, have to cooperate with you and show gratitude? !

Many people squeezed their fists and trembled with anger.

They don't know how to describe their feelings anymore, and their anger and disdain towards the leader have almost reached the peak.

Soon, footsteps came from outside the cabin, and the door opened again.

The Kunde leader stepped in, with a secretary and a group of entourage around him, with a sympathetic smile on his face.

Seeing his smile, many popular shrimps almost boiled.

Still laughing?

Laugh at Nima!

But seeing the entourage around the leader of the Kunde clan, everyone present became daring to speak, and could only stare at him with anger and hatred.

After a glance at everyone, the Kunde leader kept smiling and said:

"Everyone, how are you doing during this time? I know, you must be in confusion, don't worry, you can tell me if you have any concerns, I..."


Just as he was speaking, a dark object suddenly flew out of the crowd and slammed it on the spotless clothes of the Kunde leader.

Everyone looked down and saw that it was a rice bowl, and all the nutrient paste in it was spilled out and stuck to the clothes of the Kunde leader.

"Get out!" An angry voice sounded from the crowd.

Some people raised their heads, and the others were immediately brought into the rhythm. They immediately picked up the surrounding jobs and threw them at the Kunde leaders vigorously.

Bang bang bang ——

Balls of nutrient paste were slapped on the Kunde leader, his clothes became sticky, and the original color was not visible. The whole person was like fished out of the paste, embarrassed.

"Stop it!"

The entourage of the Kunde leader hurriedly stepped forward to block the overwhelming rice bowl and protect the Kunde leader.

At this time, the civilians who could not be thrown behind also wanted to throw things at the Kunde leader, holding their jobs and squeezing forward, causing the human wall to move forward, staring at the Kunde leader and his group continuously backing away.

"Don't squeeze! Get out of everything!"

An entourage shouted loudly, pushing the crowd in front of him, and couldn't help but increase his strength. Suddenly, a female was pushed out by him and fell to the ground.

The next moment, a delicate roar sounded from the crowd.

"You beat my mother, I fight with you!"

The entourage had a sudden pain in his leg, and looking down, a child clung to his thigh, bit his leg, and his teeth pierced his carapace.

"Go away!" He shivered with pain, couldn't help but slapped the child on the face and patted him aside.

The people around saw this scene, and their emotions exploded.

"Do you dare to hit children?!"

"Beat them!"

The anger that everyone could not hold back broke out!

The sanity fell apart in an instant, and everyone rushed forward roaring, attacking with fists, teeth, and carapace.

The sentiment was exciting, the situation turned into a bloodshed, and the scene was completely out of control.


The leader of the Kunde tribe was thrown to the ground by a group of people, and the people around him violently beat him up, making him bow in pain.

At this moment, there was a sudden pain in his neck, and he was bitten tightly. The sharp teeth pierced his carapace and bit into his throat, and the blood was bleeding suddenly.

The Kunde leader shook his body suddenly. He looked at it from the corner of the eye and bit his throat. It was a female Kunde who was the mother of a child who had just been beaten.

The opponent bit his mouth firmly, his eyes were deeply reflected in his mind.

What a pair of eyes full of anger, hatred and despair...


"Ah!!!" She tore off the throat of the leader of the Kunde tribe, and held it in her mouth, raising her head to squeeze a sharp roar from her throat.

A stream of blood poured out from the gap in his throat, and the Kunde leader gradually became weaker and his consciousness became heavier.

Seeing the people around him who wantonly ravaged his body, his mood was calmer than ever.

"Finally... it's over."


His brain was suddenly hit by heavy objects, and his consciousness escaped into complete nothingness.


The imperial soldiers on guard immediately intervened to control the rioting crowd, but deliberately slowed down and allowed the chaos to continue for a while.

Finally, the bloodshed was terminated by the imperial soldiers, leaving a puddle of blood on the ground. A dozen people fell on the ground. Everyone saw the body of the leader of the Kunde tribe.

The riot here was originally recorded by the suspended camera that was followed, and the Kunde people on other ships saw this scene.

"Beat him to death, good job!"

"A racial sinner like him shouldn't continue to live!"

"The only way to sanction him!"

Many people just find it very happy.

In the outer corridor of the cabin that was not photographed by the camera, the imperial intelligence agent wearing black gloves leaned against the wall and threw a small emotional intensification device casually.

Hearing the movement inside stopped, he stopped with his palm, caught the emotional stimulating device, pressed the close button, put his hand in his pocket, turned and walked away.


"This scene is over." Tarrokov turned off the virtual screen.

"You are really doing your best."

Han Xiao curled his lips, "It will not be executed by the empire, but let the Kunde people kill their leaders. This matter will remain in the history of the Kunde people forever and become an unforgettable negative teaching material. In a short time. Inside, those Kunde people who have been agitated may feel very happy, but this matter stays in their minds and continues to have an impact. The spirit of the entire ethnic group will collapse because of this incident, which will make it more convenient for you to carry out cultural transformation. ."

"Compared to genocide, this is mild enough."

Tarrokov was expressionless, silent for a long time, suddenly turned around and looked directly at Han Xiao's eyes.

"Black Star, find the mastermind behind the scenes."

Han Xiao tilted Erlang's legs, folded his hands on his knees, and slowly nodded:

"Well, leave it to me."


ps: (Recently accepted the invitation of Huawei, I want to do an event, the location is Suzhou Renyi Planet Guangyao Plaza Experience Store, 1588 Huchi Road, Gusu District, 16:00 on August 4, registration method plus q group 755138511 , Verification message: Sunday noodles. Limited to 50 places, first come first served, friends who are interested in meeting with me can come and play (=^▽^=)