~: 513 The Truth of the Disaster of Alienation

Bennett's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

"But it takes a lot of time. I have to ask other people to help. I can only do it slowly." Han Xiao continued: "I also found out what the alienation virus is in the interstellar and its principle.

Although it is called a virus by you, its official name is Alienization Protoplasma. It is a very special biological and chemical weapon. It is very rare. The reason why it broke out on Seablue Star is because someone dropped Alienization Prototype here. "

Bennett was shocked when he said this.

The disaster of alienation is artificial!

It's incredible!

What forces want to do this kind of thing on Seablue Star? With this kind of strength, it must be a force in the universe. To them, Seablue Star is just an indigenous planet, so why put rare biochemical weapons here.

"I know your doubts. The reasons for this are more complicated. You will not be able to explain it for a while. In short, you only need to know that Seablue Star has suffered an innocent disaster and has become an innocent **** in the struggle between two interstellar forces."

Han Xiao paused and asked Bennett and everyone present to digest the information, before continuing: "I know that the performance of Alienation Disaster makes you think that Alienation Primordial Body operates on a spiritual level. It is completely wrong. Alienation The original body is not a simple virus, it is conscious, and can even be regarded as a special life body, and it has only one ability-to affect microorganisms."

"Microbes?" Bennett was taken aback, Han Xiao explained the principle of alienation virus that was far beyond his expectation. All the infected persons have distorted personality and spiritual changes, and they have nothing to do with the soul? !

Han Xiao thought for a while and asked, "When you want to eat, do you want to eat or your body want to eat?"

"...It should be the body, why should I eat if I'm not hungry." Bennett was taken aback suddenly, as if he understood something.

"That’s the truth. Many times, your thoughts are actually derived from physical needs, not what your consciousness wants, but the microbial flora in your body tells you what they want. Microbes perform a series of activities and produce Hormones, your brain receives signals. This is the origin of basic desires such as eating and breathing.

You think that consciousness is dominating you. In fact, many times it is the microbes in your body that dominate your consciousness.

Many physiological conflicts are based on the needs of microbes and bacteria in the body. The physical condition is actually the response of the flora. They are no problem, your body is no problem, but the microbes are unconscious, and your behavior also affects the microbes. You can suppress it. Basic desires then become unhealthy, so the relationship is equal. You seem to be an individual, but in fact, it is a complete ecosystem.

The Alienation Primarch controls the microbes in your body, that is, masters your basic desires, secretes several or dozens of times more hormones, and makes the organs you use to think have strong impulses—that is, your brain. It has nothing to do with the mind and cannot control your thinking, but it can affect you on a physical level, destroying desire, lust, appetite, grief and other emotions to guide your thoughts and achieve the effect of a radical change in temperament, and you might even think it is Your own thoughts, so in the state of no disease, you are still the usual you, and once the disease occurs, you are different.

The reason why the virus cannot be found in the infected person is because it does not exist in the first place. The so-called "virus" is the microbial colony necessary for survival in every organism! "

Han Xiao understands the Alienation Protoplasma. After all, he has experienced it in his previous life and is deeply impressed. From his current perspective, consciousness can be independent, but the organs used to run consciousness will be affected. Want to be immune to the Alienation Prototype? It's very simple. Just transfer the consciousness into the machine, give up the body, give up the senses, separate the consciousness, live in the robotic brain, and the machine will not be affected by the alienation virus.

Including Hela, everyone at Seablue Star showed shocked expressions.

"It turns out that this is the principle of the alienation virus..." Yiye Qing murmured: "The specific parameters, such as the mode of transmission, the intensity of control, etc., and why the fan leaf is so special that it can be immune to the alienation virus. ?"

Han Xiao snapped his fingers and called the Volga brothers over, "You show them the picture of Ye."

Yiyeqing did so, and the Volga boss took a look with a familiar expression.

"Isn't this tranquil grass, it's the raw material for the concentrating decoction."

Yiyeqing was taken aback, "What do you mean."

"It means that the Redan fan leaf is the material used by the magic side, so that the magician can exert the effect of this plant. The effect of the concentrated decoction is to make the magician enter a state of concentration, in a highly calm state, and all emotions will be suppressed. Cutting off the brain's channels for receiving various emotions is the reason for immunity. No matter how the alienating virus produces hormones, it can't make your brain feel desire. This is your inhibitory principle."

Everyone was suddenly stunned, and Aurora suddenly reacted and said in amazement: "There is really magic in this world?!"

Han Xiao looked helpless, he didn't want to vomit, but this is common sense news in the interstellar world. The acceptance of people on the technological side of the surface civilization is indeed a bit fragile. In other words, the horizon is too narrow, and the world view is urgently needed for popular science.

After a pause, he continued to explain: "The Alienated Primarch does not actually spread. It has a body that can be hidden anywhere. With the body as the center, its consciousness can cover a large range. Within this range, It can sense life bodies and manipulate the microbes in their bodies—just like the power range, in addition to land creatures, creatures in the sea will also be controlled. Super powers are resistant and are not easily affected, but the range And the strength of control will increase rapidly as the alienated original body continues to grow.

The control area of ​​the Alienated Primarch... is actually a new ecosystem, one is all, all is one, and the whole is the individual!

It has only been about a month since its full outbreak. The Alienated Primarch has just entered its infancy from infancy. The irregular global riots are just its subconscious activities, without purpose. As it matures, its intelligence will gradually change. High, it will gradually become purposeful, and even I can't help it by then. It is a real catastrophe, so our time is urgent. "

Han Xiao stopped, these words have made everyone understand that the situation is serious, Bennett's face is solemn, and he said solemnly: "What should we do...No, it's what you plan to do."

He knew that he couldn't solve it with his own power, and he had only the only choice, to place his hope on the black ghost...Ah no, he was called Black Star now.

"I have my own plan, but there is a priority task before implementation. I will first take people to the nursery for inhibitor raw materials, so that my magician will replace you to cultivate, which can greatly increase production capacity." Han Xiao smiled slightly. "The millions of stunned refugees must be dealt with first, and more people will continue to come in the future. I know you, you can't ignore them."

"You know me, I know that we are the same kind of people."

Bennett smiled, his heart fell to the ground, and he felt the tacit understanding again.

On the other side, when Han Xiao was explaining the disaster of alienation, his return had been discovered by the satellites of the Six Nations, and all the pictures were transmitted back, and there was no omission in the whole process.

The high-levels of the Six Nations made a sensation!
