~: 446 Memo diary: The internal shock absorption structure of the airdrop cabin needs to be strengthened...

"Take this statue and find the other two as soon as possible." Chen Xing said.

Han Xiao looked at the new statue. The shape was a faceless humanoid creature, face up, with a huge eye on his chest, which was also very weird. After getting it, the introduction of the items on the panel is also, but there is an extra note.

[You find that these statues seem to be a set of objects. If you put together all the statues, something unusual may happen]

Putting away the two statues, Han Xiao asked: "For the sake of 100,000 Inar, I accept this employment. Where do I go to find you after the incident is completed?"

"My schedule is very full, anyway, you can't find it all in a short time. I will give you the assistant's communication number later, and let him know when you are done." Chen Xing smiled with a lot of style.

Although he knew the location of the statue, Han Xiao did not choose to take all three and come back, otherwise it seemed very suspicious, at least now Chenxing thought that encountering Han Xiao was just luck.

Morning Star itself is also looking for the statue, and has not fallen. Having two statues can make a larger sense of the position of other statues. If it weren't sensitive to the statue's thought frequency, Morning Star could not find Han Xiao in the crowd.

Unexpectedly, this performance trip unexpectedly ran into another statue.

Don't look at Chen Xing's smile at this moment, but Han Xiao knew that this guy was very excited.

Chen Xing explained that he was a collector, of course, it was nonsense, and Han Xiao knew exactly what he was doing.

This singer is a psychic master who uses his singing voice to exert his psychic power. Although it looks soft and weak, if Morningstar is willing, he can send out a few banshee howls and soul trebles at any time. The combat power is at least b-level, and it is precisely because of the psychic power. , His singing sounds very shocking, and these four statues have a special effect on Morning Star, which can enhance his power of thought.

The four statues were originally a set of sacrificial totems, received day and night prayers from believers, and came from the Ethereal Sect.

The practicalism of the Ethereal Sect and the Scarlet Empire is different from the liberalism of the Glorious Federation. This cosmic civilization has a strong religious worship atmosphere and is very mysterious.

In the cognition of most planet-level and galaxy-level civilizations, religious beliefs are only spiritual comfort and ideological insights. At most, they can guide biological individuals to choose another three perspectives to face life. Some civilizations even regard religion as Social cancer.

However, there are many evolutionary routes. Most of the gods worshipped by religions are fictitious, while some are real. The Ethereal Sect is lucky, and it happens to be the latter. At the beginning, they were also barbarians, but they are different from technological slashing and burning or magic. In the historical process of the first awakened people, the ancestors discovered a way to communicate with the true gods. When the worshipped gods can actually "repay" the believers, when religious worship can make technology and society progress, the structure and atmosphere of civilization are naturally compatible with most technologies. Or magic civilization is completely different.

What is a god? In terms of magic, it should be a magical entity with huge power, just like some magicians can make contracts to obtain power. Explained by science and technology, gods are high-dimensional beings that cannot be discovered by conventional species with their senses. Most of the images projected by high-dimensional projections onto the real world are strange, so those who are not sufficiently personal are basically false gods.

In these two interpretations, the relationship between believers and gods is usually mutually beneficial. However, the more developed the civilization, the more cautious the study of gods, and never jump to conclusions.

The Ethereal Sect has its own interpretation of the existence of gods, and possesses an incredible technique to make the object of faith a real existence! For example, a religious **** is fictitious, and the Ethereal Sect has a way to make it real. Of course, in their words, "all gods have already existed and are waiting to be enshrined. We are just building bridges for lost seekers." God talks about it, and Da Technician Han is not cold about it.

Therefore, in addition to the supreme spiritual deity that it enshrines, the Ethereal Sect also gathers countless other religious believers. It is the common sacred place of all beliefs in the stars. These four statues are religious totems that embodies the gods, condensing long-term sacrifices. The idea of ​​worship.

Most of these are information that Han Xiao has seen from various documents. The three cosmic civilizations have incredible abilities. Of course, he doesn't care about such a huge problem at this time. His goal is to complete this task.


After the celebration, Han Xiao bid farewell to Morningstar and returned to the leased spacecraft.

"Do you have any gains?"

Melos looked curious.

"Oh, I received a hire of one hundred thousand Inar."

"Oh, that's a lot!" Melos was pleasantly surprised. "Save a little more money and you will be able to configure a good model spaceship."

“It’s not necessary for the time being. Fuel consumption, shipyard maintenance, replacement parts, and equipment updates all cost money.”

Han Xiao waved his hand. At least he had to wait for his own technology to be able to repair the spacecraft in order to greatly reduce costs. After all, keeping a car burned more than buying a car. In the previous life, it was in the later version that players realized that everyone had a ship to fly. Before that, only the Grand Guild would raise a ship.

The spacecraft that intercepted the gray forces are resold to the shipyard at cost. This is a way to make money. If you have the opportunity to cooperate with the large group of mercenaries, you can only get a bonus. In air combat, the ship clan is the main force. ...Unless you let yourself sail.

The destination was set, and the spaceship rumbled off.

As he knew the key points of the mission, Han Xiao didn't need to waste time. A statue fell on a barren planet and was buried in the ground. Just pick it up in the past. The normal way is to inquire about the intelligence carpet search. He avoided all the most difficult steps.

This trip did not have any twists and turns, landed on the planet, went straight to the location, and dug up the third mysterious statue. Except for the time that must be spent on the road, he did not waste a second. According to the player’s experience, he saved at least more than 20 days. time.

But the last statue has a master.

For this task, everyone has moved around many areas, this time they returned to the Terrarium star cluster and entered the fourth sector of the East River Galaxy.

"The Secret Blue Star, there is civilization on this planet. At that time, the interstellar civilization of this planet was detected for unknown reasons and did not communicate with the local civilization and did not reveal whereabouts. This means that the Secret Blue Star civilization does not know. There have been guests who visited, and did not know the exact appearance of the forces of the universe, that is, indigenous people in the usual sense, even more indigenous than Seablue Star.

However, the geography of this planet...er, the astronomical location is special, it's just on the route of a wormhole swarming object, so many space junk often falls on their planet,"

Han Xiao opened the star map and introduced it to everyone.

"Tianwaizhiwu has allowed them to roll out some technologies that exceed their own level, but due to the technological gap, they have limited gains from them.

At the same time, these **** let them know for sure that there are other civilizations in the universe, but their understanding is limited to this.

It is worth mentioning that these space junk from different civilizations showed different technological systems to the Blue Star. So in the early stage of civilization development, different technological systems were studied at the same time, such as magic, technology, runes, Crystals and so on, miscellaneous but not sophisticated may not be a good thing for an embryonic civilization. In short, their technical level has not yet reached the level of aerospace. "

Knocked on the screen, Han Xiao said solemnly.

"And the last statue is the'space junk' that fell on this planet, which was regarded as a product of another new technology by a local power and is closely controlled."

"Boss, what are you going to do?" I don't know if it is the oldest of the Volga brothers asked.

"Come directly, make a request, hit if you don't give it, hit until you are satisfied."

Han Xiao's tone was flat.

Melos was taken aback for a moment, "That's not good, it's better to negotiate and give them some information about the cosmic environment in exchange for a statue."

Han Xiao shook his head.

In previous lives, players who did missions also thought so.

Due to technical differences, the Blue Star was divided into different forces, fighting with each other. After choosing to negotiate, the forces with the statue took their own hands, and the lion opened his mouth. First, he asked for a lot of cosmic intelligence, the player did, and then again. The player required a lot of advanced knowledge and technology, and the player did so. In the end, the other party actually asked the "interstellar visitor" to conquer other forces for him, and kicked his nose.

The player finally quit, and after a fierce fight, the other party obediently handed over the statue, which proved that the previous negotiations were meaningless. It would be better to have a full kick service from the beginning.

To deal with this urinary goal, if you don't show your fist, people think you are responsive.

Of course, if you can patiently meet the other party's requirements, you can get the statue and trigger other tasks, but for Han Xiao, it is obviously the most convenient to use force.

In this case, Han Xiao didn't want to delay time, and chose to directly airdrop and kick the door.


Northwest of Mystic Blue Star, the city of runes.

This is a city built by rune technology. It is located in the middle of a forest. The houses and buildings are engraved with twists and turns, shining with blue and white light. The architectural style is mainly slender, light and triangular. There is a towering obelisk at a distance, engraved with energy extraction runes. The ubiquitous obelisk is the energy core of the city. There are no walls at the edge of the city. The buildings are gradually low and become villages, extending into the forest.

Many years ago, some space junk fell here, which contained the secrets of rune technology. The pioneers rolled out some technologies and slowly built this city. It is now one of the major forces of the Blue Star.

It was night at this time.

In the forest 40 kilometers away from the Rune City, dozens of people built temporary camps here. The bonfire runes glowed with a steady red light, spreading warm heat. Everyone sat around, wearing leather clothes and armor, engraved with runes . There are beast-repelling runes arranged on the edge of the camp, and the green light is shining, allowing the beasts and insects that are rustling in the dark to retreat.

"Captain, how much can this batch of goods sell in the black market of Rune City?" A young man rubbed his hands and said in anticipation.

The captain is a skinny man who looks like a mouse. He laughed and said: "Someone secretly bought space junk in Rune City. The goods we stocked up can make at least 8,000 Fes."

This is a smuggler gang that sells space junk. Every period of time, wormholes spit out **** falling on different places on the planet. This **** has research value, and various forces are collecting vigorously, but there is always leakage. The fish, and the black market of space junk was born. They bought these alien objects, and the smugglers were gangs looking for space junk to sell to the black market.


At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a screaming sound, and the volume became louder and louder, like a knife, cutting through the silence of the night, hurriedly got up and looked, only to see a cluster of fireballs in the night sky, moving in this direction Flying.

The smugglers were too familiar with this voice, and the color of surprise suddenly appeared.

"Space junk!"

The fire meteor quickly approached, and quickly passed over everyone's heads. The gust of wind was rolled up, the forest swayed, and the leaves shook. Then, the meteor fell not far away, shoveling a small piece of tree, and making a loud bang.

Boom! !

The earth was shaken, everyone staggered and almost fell.

Not far away, fire and smoke rose, and the captain took a look and his face was ecstatic.

"We are lucky! The place where the space junk dropped is very close to us. Before the collecting troops in Rune City arrive, we have time to take the junk away!"

A privateer hurried to the scene and hurried to the scene. In front of him was an impact crater with billowing smoke. In the center of the crater was an egg-shaped metal object with a height of about 2.5 meters.

"What is this?" The smugglers looked curiously.

"Don't froze, move away quickly." The captain urged.

Just as everyone was about to step forward, there was a trembling bang in the forest, and the land in front of the smuggler captain exploded a small hole.

"Everyone, don't come near!"

On the other side of the forest there was a deep voice, and the voice fell. Another group of people appeared from the woods, wearing metal armor suits, wore thunders and rifles, one of them was wearing infrared sniper glasses, and the gun was in his hand. Blowing gun smoke, the sound just now was the sound of ***.

"The troops of the Steel Fire Fort!" The smugglers' expressions changed.

Steel Fire Fort is also one of the great forces of the Blue Star, mastering the technology of metal, gunpowder and machinery, and their mechanical chariots are the most troublesome existence of the major forces on the battlefield.

Not only these people, the forest is rustling, more teams are quickly approaching, this new "space junk" is like a whirlpool, attracting other teams in the forest.

These teams have different styles of painting, and they look on guard and stare at each other.

In a force's territory, other forces will place operational troops in order to **** the space junk that falls near the enemy's territory and prevent the hostile forces from gaining new opportunities.

But if you can't get it


Destroy it!