~: 284 The Final Ending (Part 1)


The heavy breathing sound is like a dilapidated bellows, the hoarseness mixed with **** phlegm climbing the sticky throat.

Snap, the mask stained with blood splashes fell, leaning against the corner of the table, through the narrow eyeholes, you can see the room full of scars, full of traces of battle, dozens of corpses quietly fell on the ground, pool of blood Gradually expand. In the entire central control room, only the leader was still standing. All the executive officers died under his fist. The expressions of horror on the faces of the high-level executives were still frozen, and they were all breathless.

The leader spit out a **** sputum and took a deep breath. The rich smell of blood in the room irritated the nasal cavity. He suddenly coughed and coughed for two minutes before it subsided.

The fierce battle evoked his hidden wounds. In the ambush more than a month ago, he was seriously injured by Han Xiao and had no time to recuperate, and finally became a hidden wound.

Every time he feels the faint pain, he will inevitably think of Han Xiao. He fell into such a situation, thanks to Han Xiao. Until now, he is still full of hatred, but this kind of fierce emotion can no longer be surging. There is nothing but emptiness.

The leader came to the main console, debugged the nuclear bomb launch option, then took off his gloves, verified the fingerprint, pupil, permission and passcode. The two keys were inserted into the holes, and they could be activated by rotating them 180 degrees. Launching, in the last step, scarred fingers pinched the key, but did not turn it.

The leader leaned on the chair, raised his head, his eyes were out of focus, and seemed to be in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.


A small picture appeared in the corner of the screen, it was a call request, and the caller was "number zero".

The leader was expressionless, pressed "Agree", and the big screen jumped out of Han Xiao's face.

Seeing the corpses all over the floor, Han Xiao raised his brows. He initiated a communication to see Germination’s attitude, and to see the leader for the last time, but this scene made him understand the situation and shook his head: "It seems You have already decided."

The leader's eyes showed a sense of sorrow.

"Unexpectedly, you will lose in your hands in the end, you... Ant, one step is wrong, everything about me was ruined by you... What do you want to do now? Confirm your record, I'm here Here, just look at it. The destruction of my life and budding will add a strong touch to your deeds. You are a winner and naturally have the right to admire your spoils."

"I told you that this starry sky is huge. This planet is just a small dust. No one in the universe cares about the big things that happen here." Han Xiao shook his head, the enemy was resolved, but he looked very Calm, after all, he is a man who looks at the stars and the sea, and slowly said: "I just feel that after doing so many things, it is so uncomfortable to hold in my heart before death."

"You want me to confide in my mortal enemy?" The leader grinned, his hideous appearance became more and more ugly, he leaned back lazily on the chair, his body relaxed, "It's really interesting."

Han Xiao shrugged and went straight to the subject, "What's the matter with the son of destiny?"

The leader laughed, laughed for a while before stopping, and shook his head: "The son of destiny is just a poor worm. He can see the future and can influence his destiny, but he cannot control his own life and death. He is destined to be a tool in the hands of others... You also have the ability to predict, maybe the son of destiny will be your final fate!"

Han Xiao was noncommittal, and said: "Tell me about yourself, you seem to be from Golan?"

The leader's expression changed, and he murmured: "You found it... Yes, I used to be from Golan. At that time, I was a young man, passionate and indignant. At that time, the Mok incident was invented in China and I joined the resistance organization. , I marched, protested, opposed, and wanted to save my country from a corrupt government."

However, the war broke out suddenly, Ruilan invaded, and under internal and external troubles, my motherland was crushed, and everyone was subjugated..." The leader's tone suddenly gritted his teeth, "Have you heard that, we are called'internal worry'!" Did I do it wrong, did the resistance do it wrong? No! Our original intention was to fight for the rights we deserve! Just to make the motherland better!

We are infinitely close to victory, and the dawn is right in front of us. However, the war ruined everything. Golan was destroyed. All my friends were executed. For people like this kind of restless and guarding oneself, removing it is the best way to deal with it. The surviving Golan The people are like castrated livestock, they have to be gentle, easy to manage and command. Only a handful of people escaped by chance, and I was one of them.

I'm not a big shot, I'm just an ordinary young man, alone, I don't know where to go, like walking corpses, until I saw that the border of Golan was blocked by Ruilan, the national flag I was familiar with was burned, and it was Ruilan's that was raised instead. National flag, when I woke up, I knew what mission I had on my back.

Although Golan is not perfect, has such shortcomings and darkness, but... it is still my motherland, the hatred of destroying the country, only...

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood! "

The leader exhaled a suffocating breath, his eyes drifted away, and the previous scene seemed to emerge before his eyes.

"But in the torrent of the times, an ordinary young man is nothing more than a piaoping, life is as fragile as an ant. In order to pass through the war zone, I dragged my tired body to and from refugee camps, and I was treated as a pig and dog. I numbly endure a life without dignity, but my blood is burning, no matter what the danger, I told myself to live, hatred filled my heart, it made my heartbeat never stop... Finally I Successfully passed through the most intense place of fighting, without stopping or seeking shelter, I turned to the wilderness.

I knew that there was no power to talk about revenge, so I lived in the wilderness, wrestled with the beasts, treated myself as a piece of iron, and tried my best. "

Speaking of this, the leader pointed to the scars on his face and hands, and said lightly: "One hundred and seventy-six scars, I got my strength."

Han Xiao raised his eyebrows, "Are you really just an ordinary person?"

The leader asked back: "Why can't you be an ordinary person?"

After thinking about it, Han Xiao nodded and motioned to continue your performance.

The leader continued: "When I was in the wilderness, I kept thinking. When I returned to the battlefield, I heard that the Mork organization still exists. It is ironic. A tool born for the reign of terror has become the purest surviving Golan. Power. So a plan emerged in my heart. I assassinated the leader of Minmok, renamed the organization Germination, hid it, and developed silently. I also put on a mask.

The war is full of opportunities, and countless people have lost their country and been displaced. So I decided on a budding idea, painted them a big pie, to create a so-called new world... Ideas have always driven the sympathizers, not me to use the subjugators, but they are willing to be used by me, this is hatred , They don’t even care whether they can achieve their goals after their sacrifices.

Raising my personal desires to the desires of a group, I can get a lot of help. Germination is like this, drawing on the nutrients of war to grow, take root and sprout quickly, and grow into a towering tree, a giant. "

The leader's tone was full of hatred, but he was stunned. The career he had been insisting on was ruined by others. In addition to his anger, the feeling was extremely complicated.

"Then...you showed up."

"You cut down the tree."