Bashas hurriedly came to the observation tower and saw a large group of refugees pouring into Lu Cheng's camp, and his eyes suddenly became dark and frustrated.

"These refugees want to abandon my town? How did Lu Cheng subdue them?!"

At this moment, Bashas realized that this special group of refugees is a group of profit-seeking vultures, which could be manipulated with some petty profits before, because there was no greater benefit, and he thought he could control the refugees. It's just an illusion!

"It's over..." Bashas was in a hurry. This group of refugees was his trump card against Lu Cheng, and Lu Cheng also had the refugees, his advantage no longer exists.

He changed his mind and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Lu Cheng probably didn't know the special features of the refugees!

At this moment, the assistant ran over in a panic and reported that the black ghost had helped Lu Cheng.

The news was like a bolt from the blue sky, Bashas was stunned, did not dare to imagine how miserable he would die when confronting the black ghost. The superpowers who died under the black ghost gun seemed to be announcing his end.

How could a legend of the level of Black Ghost suddenly help Lu Cheng?

"It must be the black ghost who helped Lu Cheng absorb the refugees. Why is he so influential among the refugees?" Bashas remembered the black ghost and said he was just passing by.

con man!

Bashas had a retreat. If he took armed men to evacuate, Lu Cheng had a certain chance that he would not pursue it. The other party wanted a town. It is best to have a good soldier but not a **** sword, but it is too weak to give up the territory. The family definitely made him unable to eat.

"I thought about running away before the war started. Have you forgotten Overmela's family instructions?" Xiao Rui came to the observation deck and stood beside Bashas, ​​frowning.

"That's a black ghost, and half of the refugees betrayed us..."

"Overmeera never precedes a fight, let your people prepare for battle." Xiao Rui said righteously and righteously.

"But the black ghost..."

"My bodyguard Liu Cheng will entangle him and prevent him from participating in the battle."

Liu Cheng behind Xiao Rui took a step forward, expressionless, and this calm and confident expression made Bashas a little relieved.

Bashas gritted his teeth, hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind and shouted to his assistant: "Let everyone mobilize and beat the black pine **** home! At least not all the refugees betrayed, we still have the power to fight."

"Yes!" The assistant hurried to convey the order.

There were only three Bashas left on the watchtower, and Xiao Rui turned his head and whispered: "Get the car ready. Once it is lost, make sure we can retreat. Don’t worry, I’m on the same front as you. On the family side, I will testify for you. We have tried our best to fight hard."

Bashas breathed a sigh of relief, leaving a retreat to be stable. He was afraid that Xiao Rui would come up. It seemed that he was still very sensible, leaving the soldiers of Lugu Town to resist. This would delay Lu Cheng’s troops. Conducive to escape, but also to the family.


After the early hours of the morning, the night was deep and darkness was permeated.

The guards of Green Valley Town were standing by behind the machine guns and bunkers at the top of the wall. Through the fence of the wall, they could see sandbag positions in the town and machine guns. If they break through the town gate, street fighting will begin.

"They decided to defend themselves and could not avoid a fierce battle. Fortunately, there were a lot fewer refugees."

Lu Cheng put down the binoculars and let out a sulky breath.

He didn't want to slaughter the refugees. Han Xiao helped him a lot. Lu Cheng was surprised that Han Xiao seemed to be very influential in the refugee group. It took most of the refugees to abandon the secrets. It only took half a night to solve the headache that caused him. problem.

As for those refugees who still remain in Green Valley Town, Lu Cheng has given a chance, and there is a limit to kindness.

"Always attack in twenty minutes."

Lu Cheng gave the order and took advantage of the preparation time of the troops to find Han Xiao to express his gratitude.

"Thanks to you for solving the problem of the refugees."

Han Xiao smiled and said nothing.

There is no free lunch in the world, and Han Xiao doesn't mention the rewards, and Lu Cheng feels more insecure. After a pause, he said helplessly: "I don't think I have anything that can be appreciated by a character like you."

This sentence was caught by the Roubao Dagou on the side, and he noticed the overtones.

Such a character? Another clue to the identity of the black ghost.

Roubao Dagou has a vague draft of the content of the first video.

Han Xiao said: "Let's talk about it when the battle is over, those refugees will fight for you."

"The refugees are not fighters, I am not Bashas, ​​and I will not let them go to death." Lu Cheng shook his head.

"Even without your order, they will automatically join the battle." Han Xiao lowered his voice.

Are these people lunatics who are not afraid of death? Lu Cheng expressed suspicion that the time for the war was approaching, and he had no time to inquire, so he hurried to command.

With the start of the convoy, a fierce battle began, artillery fire broke the night, and Lu Cheng's troops launched a fierce attack on Lugu Town. Vehicle-mounted machine guns and howitzers fired at the positions of the wall stacks. The battlefield was full of engine sounds, machine guns and roars. The night was illuminated by the fire of grenade explosions, filled with the smell of gun smoke.

Players also started fighting in the darkness. Players in the Green Valley town camp have command, and several small guilds are the leaders. In contrast, the players on Lu Cheng's side are scattered, but there are more.

Han Xiao waited and watched, the situation did not require him to take action, and Lu Chengying had a lot of face.

Suddenly, a figure crossed the battlefield, and shells, flames, and bullets fell on him, but he was unharmed and came straight to Han Xiao at the edge of the battlefield!

"Black Ghost, I will be your opponent!"

Liu Cheng strode over.

"I don't think soy sauce will work?" Han Xiao reluctantly pulled out his pistol and fired. Three bullets hit Liu Cheng's brow, heart and lower yin, but there was no blood and light splashing as expected.

The moment when the three steel-core bullets hit Liu Cheng, it seemed that the kinetic energy suddenly disappeared, changing from extremely fast to stillness, and bounced on Liu Cheng's skin. The power was not even as powerful as a slingshot, and a light blue damage value floated above his head.


Han Xiao clearly saw the moment when the bullet hit, the target skin rippled with subtle ripples, and then the bullet lost its kinetic energy.

His eyes condensed slightly, and he put away a relaxed look.

"Kinetic energy absorption?"

The panel brushed out Liu Cheng's attributes, reaching level forty-four, not as high as Han Xiao, but Liu Cheng's abilities were very tricky. He was a natural enemy of kinetic energy weapons and just restrained firearms.

Han Xiao secretly said unlucky, but met an enemy who restrained him.

Kinetic energy absorption can dissolve the various forces exerted on the body. If the attack power cannot break the limit, the power will be absorbed by the opponent and converted into his power. The physical attack has a very poor effect on this ability, so you have to deal with it. [ Kinetic energy absorption], energy or mental attack is the first choice.

Liu Cheng stopped a few meters away from Han Xiao, expressionless, and said coldly: "Black ghost, this battle has nothing to do with you. Don't be nosy."

A legendary killer stared at the edge of the battlefield. Liu Cheng took the lead in order to hold the black ghost and prevent him from participating in the battle.

Han Xiao’s answer was two bullets, which hit Liu Cheng’s eyes and still suffered zero damage. The bullet fell to the ground. Liu Cheng didn’t blink his eyes and was unscathed. He said indifferently: “You are a heroic killer of the dark web. The trump card of the Blood Deed Federation, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you, I would like to give you a piece of advice, stay away from the battlefield."

‘Dark Web? Blood Deed Federation? What kind of power is that? The meat bun beats the dog while watching, and hurriedly remembered these two keywords in his heart, and finally came into contact with the tip of the iceberg of the mysterious origin of the black ghost!

Han Xiao quickly screened the equipment in his mind. With the initial tactics, he knocked his feet, the electromagnetic skateboard shoes lit up blue, exerted power to make him retreat quickly, touched his waist like a phantom with his hands, and drew out two wild eagles. The hand changed the bullet clip, the two guns fired, the bullet hit Liu Cheng's feet, and the poison gas rose.

Liu Cheng noticed the poisonous gas, frowned slightly, held his breath, and charged forward. He had absorbed a lot of kinetic energy of guns and guns just across the battlefield, spewed out from the soles of his feet, and stepped on large pits, like an unstoppable tank, chasing up and condensing The head of the huge kinetic energy hit Han Xiao's chest.


As if being hit head-on by the running rhinoceros, Han Xiao's chest was tight, his body flew out uncontrollably, and the rest was unfailing, killing several players along the way.