"I am a beta player in Dajiaoshan. I switched to the mechanical department in the black ghost a few days ago. I thought it was a very strong career. However, after the transfer, I found that the mechanical department is different from what I saw. Very rubbish, repairs will fail, equipment is directly damaged, you have to buy materials to be repaired next time, my pistol is so bad, mad at me, it is a pit father!

And the combat power is still weak, and a beta player who is four levels lower than me is looking for me pk. He has no main occupation. The assistant is a [hunter] who is transferred to Dajiaoshan. I played 11 games with him. Did not win! A main career lost to a sub-professional, I am still four levels higher than him, the mechanical department is a glimpse, can only be a life player.

... I was attracted to the video of the black ghost video, the **** Laozi was cheated, those high-level npc will always have a template bonus, the black ghost is not a player, his combat power is not convincing!

...... The mechanical system is weak in the early stage. Maybe it may be as strong as the black ghost in the later stage, but it is behind the starting line in the early stage. It takes longer to reach the level of others! Moreover, the mechanical system relies on mechanical fighting, and the materials used to make the machinery cost money. This profession is prepared for those local tyrants, and there is no money to play!

There is no future in the mechanical department. My number is abolished. I can only delete the number and re-train, garbage occupation! ”

Luo's reply to the door is full of resentment, but also attached a video of the pk losing streak, many people echoed below, put him on the top of the popular reply.

Sweeping other posts, Han Xiao found that most of the posts have traces of Luo’s death. The guy copied the comments and pastes them many times, and the resentment is so irritating. This behavior has caused many people to resent, and some people have The dead door arguing with each other.

Han Xiao’s eyes are not unexpected. Players will sooner or later find that the mechanical department is not suitable for combat in the early stage. Luo is the first one and will not be the last one. These grievous people are attracted to him because they are attracted to him. They feel that they have chosen what kind of career, and they find that they are completely different from the imaginary occupation of the Quartet. They feel that they are being deceived and angry.

There are also players who like mechanical systems, ignoring these arguments, some people play games for entertainment, and some people play the game is the strongest, the opening of the door is clearly the latter.

These negative comments will affect his business more or less. The chance to choose the main occupation is only once, and the players will become more cautious, especially the first players.

Han Xiao shook his head and wanted to attract more players into the pit machinery department and expand his market.

"It seems to be to consolidate the player's confidence in the mechanical department, but it is not enough to show my strength..."

The program is still going on. The male presiding officer turned around and said: "This station has obtained the first version of the unreleased promo from the Xinghai official, please see."

The screen plays another video. Just like the official news of Xinghai, this promo is based on various professional battle scenes.

The heavy armored knights are full of arrogance, the guns are stunned, and they collide with a group of iron shield guards. The impact sounds like thunder and the people are flying.

A race-control element of a head-turned horn, the flame is like a long snake wrapped around the body.

The magician in the hood sang, and there was a ray of light that was complicated like a stalk of stalks.

The bald-headed sorcerer manipulates the object and releases the invisible soul strike, encircling his enemies and cutting the wheat into the nostrils.

The picture is realistic, all kinds of light and shadow are gorgeous, making people bloody!

This is the first edition of the promo, but it has not yet been fixed. The picture is the material recorded by each novice planet player. For a time, only a few senior figures have revealed their combat power, and they have barely got together the battle scenes of the five main occupations. The mechanical department is the black ghost picture. Han Xiao is the first to show the combat power. character.

The glimpse of the Greathorn Mountain, as well as some of the screens of the Battle of Tedamila River, sniper rifles, forts, squadrons, and even the swords and swords.

The players who watched now only come back to the world, and the bullets are blown out. The screen is full of 666, and they are excited and shocked.

"I didn't expect that I was selected for the promo."

Han Xiao has some surprises. I still remember the promo of this version of the previous life. The mechanical department's picture is a process of manufacturing machinery, which makes players think that this is a logistics profession. Of course, few people are transferred to the mechanical department.

According to the statistics of version 1.0, the proportion of players in the mechanical department is only 9.7%! And this version of the propaganda film can definitely attract a large number of players, the mechanical department will not be as bleak as it used to be, attracting more players into the pit, even if there are mechanical players who regret it, complaining in the forum, the impact is not great.

The publicity film has improved his popularity by the way, which is more effective than the player's Chuanqi. Han Xiao is very happy, and he is estimated to have a high fever.

The next step of the program is the trend of professional players. The male host said: "For ten days of public beta, many famous e-sports clubs have moved to "Xinghai". According to statistics, the power system is currently the most popular occupation. This profession is like a lucky draw. If you get a high level of potential, it is equal to 10 million lottery tickets, the future is limitless.

It is known that the United States, South Korea, France, Japan, and Switzerland all have strong abilities to evaluate a level, and major clubs have offered quotations for these accounts, worth millions of dollars. ”

The barrage is awesome, and millions of dollars to buy a novice account, just like the lottery! Good luck and make a fortune directly.

“The latest news, the American Devil Club, the Sandstorm Club, the French Tulip Club, and the Korean Four Star Club have all bought accounts, which will be controlled by the first-line players of the club.

The big **** level player still uses his own account... The American Devil King level player 'Wang and Hou' (k&q) transferred to the Magic Department, obtained a rare feat through a hidden mission, French Tulip The Great God's Lost Angels chose to start at random and seemed to have a special opportunity, South Korea..."

Foreign e-sports players have a good performance, China's e-sports level is not weak, but rarely climbed to the top, the champion of various events has long been occupied by the United States, France, Japan and South Korea, if you can win a championship, domestic players Like the festival, there is a sense of honor.

"Domestic players also have a good performance. A player with an id of 'Maple Moon' has completed the prize pool task alone. He has won more than 100,000 experience and has become the biggest winner. It is very beneficial to the future development and may be able to take advantage of snowballing. This task is related to the black ghost...

A professional black horse appeared in the id is the mad knife and the sword. The Jiangcheng Club where the mad sword was screaming yesterday held a press conference and released the video. It was just a picture of the black ghost battle on the propaganda film. Everyone should have noticed the madness. The knife is out of the mirror, and he seems to have triggered the hidden story of the black ghost..."

The video of the mad knife and the sword was sent to him in the end of the month. In order to raise his fame, the club took it for publicity. When the Chinese professional players were generally depressed, the move made the knives and swords get a lot of attention.

"...The above is the content of this issue. I look forward to seeing you next time. The following is the lottery. I would like to ask the black ghost in this program to be mentioned several times. Please give the official account the answer, we will draw ten people..."

Han Xiao cried and cried, and turned off the video.

The whole program Han Xiao appeared the most frequently, as if anything good was related to him, giving the audience a feeling:

Black Ghost = Opportunity!

Han Xiao did not expect that he would appear so many times, his plan received a return, and his popularity was raised again. The intuitive effect is that after the show is broadcast, more players are transferred to give him a lot of experience.

He estimated that according to this trend, the proportion of mechanical players on the sea blue star is likely to be two or three times higher than the previous life.