Silent Oath was overflowing with excitement. He thanked him for a long time before putting down the phone.

The next morning at five o'clock, Li Feng woke up very early. After practicing for an hour, he immediately went to the front of the computer, the 6 o'clock maintenance of the game had officially ended, and Li Feng had to grasp the details of the game immediately. The game's changes were especially important for a sect, especially a big sect like Li Feng, who even had Headwind Net Purchase involved. To the players in the game, the game update was equivalent to a change in the national law. With the change in the law, some of their own methods would also need to be changed.

At six o'clock sharp, the Game Company finally posted the details of the update, allowing one to enter the game.

"I. A new job will be opened in the new version, 'Archer'. Archer is a long-ranged class, with lower Defensive Power s and the highest attack power.

The new version will have a one-week double EXP event. In all of the zones, you can double the EXP reward for killing any monster.

The new version will open up the one week long 'Tong Tian Tower' instance dungeon. The drop rate of equipment and stones inside the instance dungeon is double that of the outside world.

4. A new version of the Ground Spirit Cave instance dungeon will be opened, and the Ground Spirit Cave instance dungeon will be divided into four levels. The first time to pass will be with the admission ticket, and each level will require the corresponding admission ticket.

5. The game will be opened in 5 new game areas. The new game area will receive double the amount of experience. "

In the beginning, there were no rumors that the Archer was going to be online, so once the game was opened, it was a huge surprise to all the players, especially to the players who liked long-range attacks. There were too few professions in the martial world, only doctors who specialized in long-range attacks, but doctors were not able to PVP in the early stages, so healing was not a problem. Now that he finally had a Archer that could use ranged attacks, players that liked PVP would definitely like it.

Once he was able to log into the game, Li Feng immediately activated the Lovely Chick:

"Lovely Chick, help me divide the new three thousand small accounts into the new five districts. Each division will have six hundred small accounts, and all of them will be trained in Archer!"

"Beep, beep. Changing account number …"

"Beep Beep, registering account number …"

Di di, assigning 600 accounts for each server … "After the distribution is complete, we'll start killing monsters."

The opening of the trumpet was successful, Li Feng did not stop for a moment and quickly got onto the bun. He started to shout from the sect: "Chu He, Blank, Atonement, Gun God, Scholar, Zhi Tian, Xi Nian. All of you have come to the southern gate of the First Class Newbie City! "

Very quickly, everyone gathered in one group. Li Feng said in the party channel: "Brothers, we have opened 5 new districts, are the 5 of you willing to go?"

Li Feng's words were said hurriedly, and no one was prepared. After all, switching sites was a huge event, and though going to another game area would directly bring one to the position of the Hall Master, that place would still be empty. There were no advantages over resources, and the only advantage here was the reputation that Headwind Sect had accumulated over this period of time.

In the past, when Poison Doctor and Xiao Qi left, the level of the old server wasn't high enough, so it wouldn't be a big loss if they left. But now, these people had all risen to Level 60 and above, and there was a lot of equipment and money in their hands.

"Boss, I'll go!"

"I'll go!"

"I'll go too!"

The six of them all signed up, but only Xi Nian did not say anything. Li Feng asked: "Does Xi Nian not want to go?"

"Boss, I'm more willing to serve our Headwind Sect in this area."

Li Feng lit up a cigarette and remembered Xi Nian's performance this time. He did not insist that players obey him, but rather, he used this opportunity to test a person. In terms of talent, Xi Nian was definitely a rare talent, and even compared to Phantom of The Dark Night, he could not be bothered.

"Alright, the six of you can go. Scholars and cows are in the same area, but you can choose the specific area. Everyone can go to Trading Hall to receive 10,000 yuan to start the fund, and if you need to spend money in the future, you can apply to me."

"Don't worry boss, that area will definitely develop well, and won't lose any face for the Headwind Sect!"

"Not losing face for the Headwind Sect!" Li Feng thought for a while, then continued to say:

"Brothers, this time, Jianghu Company has opened five new servers without any warning. To us, Headwind Sect, this is both a challenge and an opportunity. Say, what is our Headwind Sect's target?! "

This goal had been hidden in the players' hearts for a long time. As long as Li Feng had the time, he would tell them about it, so all the players present were familiar with the goal of Headwind Sect. Everyone said in unison.

"The goal is to achieve integration in gaming life!"

"Yes!" The integration of game life! We want thousands of game players like me to rely on the game's platform, in the game have some achievements, have some development, achieve the goal of supporting their families! That's what I said ever since I established my Headwind Sect! That's what I did! However, there is a prerequisite for the integration of gaming life, what do you think it is?! "

"Let the entire Game unify their thoughts, objectives, and actions!"

This sentence was something that Li Feng would often say, and the few players had now said it out loud. Li Feng felt that he had a special feeling of accomplishment, and sometimes Li Feng thought that he had succeeded in the virtual world compared to the real world. Although this place was virtual, it was real, and whether it was in the virtual world or the real world, he had to become stronger.

After chatting for a while longer, Li Feng dispelled all of their worries. The six of them went to prepare at the same time, Li Feng did not have any doubts towards the six of them, although the cow was once Silent Oath's blank spot, but from start to finish, Li Feng had never made any moves against her. Even when she clearly stated that he wanted to betray him, Li Feng still used his broad chest to face her.

When everyone was busy, Xi Nian walked over to Li Feng and asked: "Boss, what can I do?"

"Oh, go busy yourself first. I'll contact you when I need you."

With that, Li Feng left, he could not see through Xi Nian, if this person was his enemy, he would definitely be very terrifying, but Li Feng felt that he could not really control him, so he decided to treat him coldly, "Aren't you awesome?" Aren't you smart? Aren't you not going to the new server? I won't say that I don't need you, and I won't say that I need you.

After the candidates for the new server had been arranged, a person that Li Feng disliked the most contacted Nude Run.

"Hello, Big Brother Naked Spring, I am swearing an oath! I just introduced two orders to Headwind Net Purchase, our Headwind Net Purchase is a good thing that benefits nations and citizens, I sincerely hope that you can do it the better! "

Li Feng's heart sank, this brat doesn't come here for no reason, if he can come here to talk, it must be because he has something to discuss with him. Then, he remembered what had happened, wasn't it? He really should come and find him.

"What's the matter?"

Li Feng said in an indifferent tone.

"Boss Luo Ben, let us be frank, I came here today to beg you, please bring me into the first two floors of Ground Spirit Cave, you know that I have the qualifications to be on the fourth floor, when we reach the fourth floor, I will also bring you in. Do you think so? "

Silent Oath's politeness was something that Li Feng had never thought of. Silent Oath was also an arrogant person, yet he actually pulled down his pride to say this to him.

"One admission ticket for three tickets for me, don't you think you're making too much money?!"

"Of course, I know this isn't fair, but if you let me enter the first, second, and third floors, I can tell you a hidden quest. Let's go together!" "How about it?"

The six buddhist beads were filled with mystery, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt that they should be of great use. However, Li Feng did not immediately agree to it, as he could tell that Silent Oath valued the Ground Spirit Cave instance dungeon very highly.

Li Feng did not reply him. A minute later, Silent Oath sent another message to him. The system will gift you all kinds of weapons, treasures and stats. I spent a lot of effort to find out the information, and if you think it wasn't worth it, then I will go myself, the final BOSS of the Ground Spirit Cave instance dungeon is on the fourth floor, if you don't want to go, then so be it, even if you cleared the first two floors, the third floor will still be useless! "

Li Feng still did not reply him, Silent Oath was definitely not an idiot, the fact that he was able to come and negotiate with him so meekly showed that the Ground Spirit Cave was extremely important to him, and as for the hidden quest he mentioned, it was very likely to be fake. Li Feng would not fall for it, as he had experienced many things in the past few days, he understood that there were a lot of things that needed to be done.

After looting all the accounts to gain double EXP, Li Feng's mood immediately improved. He switched to the small accounts of the Archer in the five new servers and discovered that in just two hours, many accounts had levelled up to Level 14-15. It seemed like double EXP really wasn't something he could do! Moreover, the attack power of Archer was high. In a group of eight Archer, if they killed monsters together, all monsters that were ten levels higher would be killed instantly.

Right now, Li Feng had a different number of small accounts in every new server, some were more than a thousand, some were less than 300. These small accounts were part of the power that Li Feng would have to control in the new server in the future, he had never told these leaders of the new server about this matter, so if there was a need in the future, they would definitely become a dark horse.

"Boss Luo Ben, do you understand? If you doubt my sincerity, I can bring you along to set up a hidden dungeon. Is this a gift from me to my good friend? Will you accept me as your friend? "

Li Feng was stunned for a moment. He had no concept of a Ground Spirit Cave instance dungeon, so he did not know what kind of instance dungeon it was, to actually be able to make Silent Oath treat him so subserviently. After pondering for a while, Li Feng decided to agree. To see what Silent Oath was up to, of course, he would not believe what Silent Oath had said about making friends with him.

"Sure, let's go to your hidden quest first. We'll talk later."

"Alright, just happen to have 1 hour left before the hidden quest opens. Come to the northern gate of the Six-Line Commander Liu Shan's Mansion at 9: 10, remember not to be late!" And don't bring anyone! If you bring your people here, I will directly log off, and our deal and friendship will come to an end! "

Li Feng became even more interested after hearing what he said. What kind of hidden quest was it that it was so mysterious? Looks like I really need to go and take a look.

At 9: 10, at the northern gate of the Commander Liu Shan's Mansion, other than Li Feng, there was no one else.

At 9: 20 PM, Commander Liu Shan's Mansion North gate, was still empty, there was not even a shadow of a person. Li Feng had sent a private message to Silent Oath, but did not reply, instead, Li Feng found the QQ number that he requested of the heads of the various sects.

At 9: 30, there was still no reply, and no one came either. Li Feng felt that he must have been tricked, but he truly did not understand why Silent Oath would make such a silly joke. His appetite was lifted as he felt a little depressed, but he immediately stopped thinking about it. He and Silent Oath were not friends in the first place, so it was understandable for him to be toyed with.

At 9: 50, Li Fengting, who was searching for the Ground Spirit Cave's message online, received a notification sound. When he went in, he found that it was a private message from Silent Oath.