"What's the matter?"

Li Feng was very angry in his heart, and for some reason, this woman's attitude towards him had changed so drastically. He had always been supportive of him previously, but after the second transition, Zi Ying had always been against him, so this kind of treatment made Li Feng feel especially sullen, because he could feel that this woman seemed to view him as a person with extreme hatred. In order to deal with him, she actually cooperated with Silent Oath, and moved him away no matter what means he used, as if his existence was the greatest influence on her.

Li Feng did not retaliate too much. His principle was, as long as you have been a little bit good to me, I will remember, that as long as you have treated me like this, you have treated the cow like this, you have treated Xiao Qi like this, you have treated Zi Ying like this, he will never forget that when he had first PKing with Supreme King, all the other players present had insulted him, and no one believed that he would win. However, Zi Ying's Lion's Roar had reignited their hope, so this kind of encouragement was something Li Feng would remember for the rest of his life.

Furthermore, when she was fighting with King Kong back in the sect, Zi Ying brought along some Unitary Jianghu Sect players to help him at the most critical moment. She also advised King Kong, who was stronger than him back then, not to PK with him. If King Bai came back and PK with him, Li Feng believed that she would definitely lose at that time.

"You sure are calm. Do you know what situation the Headwind Net Purchase are in right now? I thought you would take the initiative to talk to me, but I didn't expect you to be so stubborn as to ignore me. Do you really have the confidence to pass this trial? Do you really want our Headwind Net Purchase to be strangled in the cradle like this? Are you sure you don't want to realize your goal of integration in gaming life? "

Zi Ying's tone made Li Feng very angry, he had started acting like he was teaching a lesson, the matter was caused by all of you, and now you're blaming me for not looking for you, what kind of logic is this?

"Are you here to threaten me or to talk to me? If it's just to threaten me, then I don't think we have anything to talk about. Goodbye! "

Her good impression and gratitude towards Zi Ying was diluted by her overbearing attitude, but Li Feng still did not say anything unpleasant.

I'll give you a chance now. As long as you agree to my conditions, you'll definitely be able to get through the crisis in your Headwind Net Purchase, and I'll also ensure that your business goes smoothly in the future.

"Tell me what it is first."

Mother had taught Li Feng since childhood that there was no such thing as a pie falling from the sky. If there was one, then you must take note, because it was basically not a pie and it was a trap. Li Feng did not believe that there was no such thing as a great benefit. It should be true that Zi Ying was kind enough to help him through this difficult time.

"1. Change the name of your Headwind Net Purchase to Heavenly Dragon Net Purchases and spread it widely to the outside world. Of course, I will help you with this.

2. If you let me buy you 51% of the shares, I will offer a very suitable price. As a shareholder, I will appoint you as the general manager and give you a high salary.

3. Sign a contract with me. The Headwind Sect belongs to the Sky Dragon Group. In the future, all strategic strategies will be under the command of the Sky Dragon Group. Of course, the Sky Dragon Group will also give you sufficient financial and resource support. We have a large number of contacts and technical personnel in the Tianjing and abroad, so we can ask the Sky Dragon Group if there's anything that the Headwind Sect requires.

When Li Feng saw that there was no reply, Zi Ying thought that Li Feng did not see it, and thus kept on sending messages to Li Feng to urge him: "Did you receive it? When we received the reply, the offer we made was tempting, right? The Headwind Sect already has a very good foundation, but if you want to make your Headwind Sect big, you need to have a professional industry group as your background. You have to know, whether it's the game circle or the network circle, they all need to pay attention to connections and skill, in this aspect, including in China and abroad, the Sky Dragon Group has always done very well, although our Sky Dragon Group has never made our own games, but rather made their own diagnostics and packaging, but our concentration is way higher than any other professional Game Company, do you believe that? "

"Yes, I believe you."

Li Feng replied, he truly believed that the success story of Sky Dragon Group had already spread far and wide. A small game consulting company like Sky Dragon Group, basically speaking it was a purse business, but Sky Dragon Group's founder relied on outstanding technology and experience to make a name for himself in both the United States and Korea, many particularly popular games had Tian Long Group's traces, and also created a new era where Chinese game consulting companies would advise foreign games. However, his founder had always been a mystery, and it was said that this founder had never appeared. Li Feng had always respected and respected Sky Dragon Group, but after hearing that their business was constantly shrinking, some of the game advisors under their group were no longer the same Sky Dragon Group as they were back in the day. Of course, a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. After all, the Sky Dragon Group's brand and network was there.

"Then why haven't you agreed yet? Where is your address? I'll get you to sign the contract right now! By the way, let's treat you to a meal. We'll be partners from now on! Actually, I really admire you! "

When Zi Ying saw that Li Feng's words were a little loose, she thought Li Feng had agreed and was wild with joy. Her worship of running naked was because she was influenced by her father ever since she was young. For someone who didn't fear power, running naked towards her brother Su Zhuang had ten thousand reasons to give up fighting him when he met her. was one of his dogs, but running naked against him was nothing at all. Compared to the strong Su Zhuang, that running naked was simply too weak at that time, and Zi Ying was immediately captivated by the courage to run naked towards him. This was also the reason why she had just started supporting running naked towards him. However, the more she developed, the more she felt that running naked was uncontrollable, and the more she felt that running naked was scary, and that it would become the greatest resistance to her father's final wish in the future. Thus, she abandoned her worship and started to focus on running naked, hoping to kill him before he became a towering tree, and choose the more obedient Jian Kuang to replace her.

"No, although I believe it, I will not agree. I've troubled you, but I still need to thank you for your help earlier. Please forgive me for not being able to comply. "

In exchange for Li Feng's hysterical roar, he did not stop sending private messages to Li Feng to express her anger, threatening to give him a good look, but Li Feng did not even pay attention to her. Li Feng leaned against the chair, sighing in his heart. It seemed that she and Zi Ying would be unable to heal each other, so he had to quickly find a way to resolve this issue.

Zi Ying scolded for a while, then stopped scolding and disappeared. Not long later, Li Feng saw that there were more negative reports and opinions about Headwind Net Purchase in the game and on the forums. Wang Wei sent a private message over, saying that she was about to be unable to hold on any longer.

"Stop, no matter how difficult, you still have to stop! "You have to have a good attitude, be it your real or fake customers. Then, find someone to send a screenshot of all the customers' insults to the forums. Make sure to update it in real time and all the game forums will be posted!"

Li Feng, Silent Oath, and even the combined power of Yan Nantian and his own power, would become an extremely powerful force. It would absolutely be an enormous test for both Headwind Net Purchase and Headwind Sect.

"Boss, the invectives in the game are getting louder and louder, many players don't understand the situation, seeing the large number of complaints from consumers, they thought that there was a problem with our Headwind Net Purchase products, and started to insult us as well. There are also a lot of players who have already bought our phones who are starting to request for a return, while there are also some who are taking the opportunity to ask for compensation or to switch to a new machine. Right now, the situation is out of control, dozens of sects have already started declaring war on our Headwind Sect, if we do not agree to a series of conditions they put forward, we will join hands with all the sects and wipe our Headwind Sect out of the martial arts world! "

If not for the fact that he had no other choice, he would not have come to find Li Feng. Li Feng knew that he had to leave now.

"What request?"

"The request is too excessive. I've seen for myself, we can't agree to it at all!"

"Speak, what request do you have?"

"One, unconditionally return all the players who buy their phones back.

Second, each cell phone compensates for 200% of the mental loss fee, according to the original purchase price of 200%, not a single cent less.

Three, I request for you to personally make a public apology, and also announce the cancellation of Headwind Net Purchase … "

The Phantom of The Dark Night hesitated for a bit, but finally said out these three conditions. He thought that being naked would make him extremely angry, but Li Feng did not become angry, because it was all thanks to the tribulations of the past few days that allowed Li Feng to gradually mature. Even if he was facing life and death, Li Feng was still able to remain calm.

Of course, he was calm, but Li Feng knew that the probability of him passing this trial was too small. No wonder Zi Ying was so confident, it seemed like he had already decided to bite off more than he could chew. Could it be that he really had to compromise with her?

As he gently rubbed his temples, Li Feng sighed and fell into deep thought.