CH 289

Name:The Last King of Darkness Author:
Starry Town's development was changing with each passing day.

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Rode had amassed a wealth of resources through various means, fleecing the Mahala merchants who unwittingly became his cash cows, their personal wealth funneled into humanity's grandest endeavors.

Over half of the production and construction corps were gathered in Starry Town, erecting bunkers, towers, and high walls en masse. A plethora of spiritual energy generators and ballistae were transported to the front lines, and even the costly spiritual energy cannons made their appearance atop the town's defensive fortifications.

At the heart of the ruins of Yin Soren, a new war castle was established, housing major legions and agencies, with powerful war equipment like the super-sized spiritual energy imagers, spiritual energy reconnaissance arrays, and central spiritual energy supply pools all installed.

Starry Town was no longer just a human stronghold, but the core frontline position of Thalorian in the darkness.
