CH 177

Name:The Last King of Darkness Author:
On the wasteland of corpses, the battle ended in a very short time.

Theodore completely demonstrated how unreasonable a master of magic can be.

He started with a "Silence Prohibition Law", sealing the troublesome Profane Spirit Light of the high-level evil spirits.

Then he used the "Flight Prohibition Law" and the "Spiritualization Prohibition Law".

After losing the ability to fly and spiritualize, the high-level evil spirits were also affected by a "Gravity Art".

The powerful gravity made it difficult for them to move, turning them into easy targets.

Theodore then used a "Quart Erosion" to strip away the outer defense of the evil spirits.

After that, it was just a one-sided beatdown.

Theodore walked on the wasteland as if taking a leisurely stroll, constantly waving his staff and shooting countless arrows of spiritual light.

The arrows occasionally branched off, eliminating the low-level monsters that approached him.

The huge evil spirits struggled to move under the rain of arrows, and their spiritual energy evaporated rapidly like dry ice under the scorching sun.

Soon, a huge flaw appeared in their souls.

At this moment, Rode shouted, "Let me do it!" and rushed forward regardless of everything.

The evil spirit immediately swung its giant claw, but Rode didn't care anymore. Even if he had to die, he would get hold of this monster's soul.

Theodore tilted his staff and used the "Law Intimidation".

The movements of the high-level evil spirits instantly froze.

Rode directly inserted his right hand into the flaw, countless soul threads entwined around his hand, and a tremendous stickiness was felt. He concentrated all his spiritual energy and made a full strike.

The huge body of the high-level evil spirit trembled violently and collapsed weakly, like a long skirt falling from the sky.

The pure white spiritual body began to dissipate, and a huge white line entered Rode's body.

[Soul of the Twilight Catastrophe]

Soul without Spirit +1202

Great, Rode showed a delighted smile.

He could already see in his mind that this was a special soul with a [Source].

As long as he killed two more, he could ignite the target star.

Among the scattered spiritual bodies, Theodore walked over with a gaze that seemed to be appraising and a smile on his face.

"Your soul attack is very strong," he praised.

"But close combat is very dangerous."

Rode hurriedly said, "Your Excellency Grand Dean, your spiritual energy is precious and not easy to recover. Let me handle the hard work of the final blow. As long as I create a flaw in their souls, I can kill them with one strike."

Theodore looked at him with his azure eyes, his gaze gentle, but Rode always felt as if a sharp light had seen through him.

"Alright," he nodded slightly, without asking further, and turned to the ashes in the grayness, picking up a condensed pile of bone ash.

"Well... it looks good. It should be good for making soup."

"Making soup?"

Rode almost thought he was hallucinating. Monster bone ash could be used to "make soup"?

Theodore didn't explain further, casually putting the bone ash into a bone ash bag and calmly saying, "Next thing."

He grabbed Rode's hand, and the two flew swiftly towards the southwest.

Strong winds and black mist came rushing towards them, and Rode couldn't help but ask, "Your Excellency Grand Dean, why don't we teleport?"

Theodore gently said, "Although I have lifted the malicious teleportation, the curse has not completely dissipated. I can no longer use any teleportation spells, otherwise it will deepen the loss of control over spiritual energy."

Rode asked in surprise, "Why would spiritual energy lose control? The corruption on your body should have been completely removed!"

Theodore smiled and said, "Yes, your spiritual medicine is amazing, but only the corruption curse has been purified. Madness and decay still exist. After the soul is infected, loss of control and corruption are inevitable."

Rode anxiously asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry," Theodore said gently.

"As long as we return to the royal city, there is a way."

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Rode finally felt relieved, thinking of the battle just now, and couldn't help but sigh, "Your Excellency Theodore, you are so powerful. You can use so many magic spells, as if you have hundreds of different attributes."

Theodore smiled and said, "That's why the innate talent for magic spells is listed as one of the seven major soul attributes."

Rode curiously asked, "Can I learn those magic spells?"

"No, the meaning of the name 'innate talent for magic spells' is the talent and essence of magic spells. Only those who possess this soul attribute can use the power called magic spells."

Theodore's voice remained calm and gentle, without any ripples.

"Magic spells are powerful and versatile, often serving as the core in a team. However, they are extremely difficult to control, and the user needs high intelligence. The improvement of this attribute is also very difficult. The royal city does not favor such students. The training period is too long, and the success rate is not high. Their current trend is to favor simpler, more powerful, and easier-to-grow attributes."

So that's how it is.No wonder I haven't encountered many people with innate magical abilities. The few that I did encounter were all weak.

"Your Excellency, where are we going now? Isn't the Iron Fortress to the south?"

Theodore smiled and said, "There is another threat."

He suddenly stopped and raised his staff, plunging it into the ground.

A shockwave suddenly appeared beneath the staff, crashing into the ground.

With a loud bang, a huge pit exploded on the wasteland, revealing a giant bug.

Rode took a closer look and realized that it was the giant bug he encountered at the Sword Pass.

It was actually hiding here?

The Grand Chancellor's attack directly blew a hole in its head, revealing a vulnerability in its soul.

Almost immediately, Rode let go and jumped over, with spiritual energy quickly surging. The crescent-shaped moon on the back of his hand quickly lit up, and his right hand became transparent.

In the next moment, Rode thrust directly in, and even the toughest soul couldn't resist his Divine Right Hand.


A roar from the void sounded, and the giant bug didn't move at all. It turned into ashes just like that.

[Soul of Queen Siglais]

Soul without Spirit +1402

Soul without Spirit: 91222.


Rode laughed so much that his face was about to bloom.

This was another special soul with a [Source].

Indeed, it was best to cling to powerful figures.

When Rode shifted his gaze to the name of the soul, he realized that the giant bug was the queen?

Before he could figure it out, Rode was lifted up by an invisible force and flew back into the hands of the Grand Chancellor. At the same time, there was a piece of bone ash in his hand.

"Hmm... This bone ash should be good for seasoning rice."

"Let's go, onto the next matter."

Rode immediately forgot about the queen and asked excitedly, "Where are we going now?"

"We're going to support the Iron Fortress battle zone. As long as we hold more strongholds, the losses in the battle zone will be smaller, and the pressure from all sides will be reduced, making the recovery faster."

Rode asked, "Will the Royal City send reinforcements?"

Theodore remained silent for a few seconds and said, "The Royal City should activate the Silver Oath, and there may be Taboo Users in the reinforcement team."

"What are Taboo Users?"

"They are individuals who are not allowed to exist. With the Silver Oath, certain Taboo things that should have been destroyed have new value. They will be deployed in special situations to make up for the lack of combat power."

"Do Taboo Users have a connection with Taboo Objects?"

Rode knew that Taboo Objects were special monsters that had undergone multiple modifications. The giant bird that brought them to the battlefield was one of these monsters.

But he had never heard of Taboo Users.

Theodore's expression became somewhat solemn.

"They are also bound by the Silver Oath, but they are different. Some Taboo Users only have problems with their souls or possess certain forbidden soul characteristics. They are not monsters infected by darkness."

Rode suddenly felt a chill in his heart. His soul devouring was the Royal City's taboo. This secret must not be revealed. He didn't want to be bound by the Silver Oath like a monster.

He immediately changed the topic.

"I heard that the Iron Fortress was breached by a corrupted giant. Are we going to kill it?"

"No, Arlan is at the Iron Fortress. We don't need to go there. Let's first secure the strongholds around Loxo City. It would be best if we can find the Abyssal Serpent. Only by killing it can we stop the Abyssal corruption."

Theodore said calmly, changing direction and flying towards the south.

Rode's emotions surged.

At this rate, he might be able to ignite a new star soon.

And he had already accumulated thousands of souls, with more than 90,000 Soul without Spirit. He had various materials and sufficient funds.

As long as he ignited a new star, it would quickly reach its full potential.

Suddenly, Rode had a thought. He remembered his experience in the underground tomb, where he touched the skull and fell into a dark abyss, forced to use [Spirit World Traverse] to escape.

Now, the [Spirit Boat] had dimmed, and it could only be used again in ten days.

Was that strange place the abyss?

Was the strange hand that reached out from the abyss the giant serpent mentioned by the Grand Chancellor?

Wasn't it normal for a serpent in the abyss to have long arms?

Thinking of this, Rode immediately recounted his experience in detail, only omitting the details related to the dream.

After listening, Theodore said, "This is a hidden Abyssal Rift."

"...Abyssal Rift?"

"It's a rift that connects the abyss to the surface. It brings the monsters and corruption from the abyss to the surface, with a strong presence of black mist and corruption. It may become the source of a regional disaster."

"What should we do?"

"Kill the monsters in the rift and close it."A chill ran down Rode's spine, and he couldn't help but ask, "Has it always existed? Or did it appear due to some reason?"

"The cause of the formation of the Abyssal Rift is still unclear. Some scholars believe that it is a phenomenon of the Abyss spreading upwards, attempting to erode the primary material world. However, others think it is a product evolved from corruption. The consensus they reached is that the Abyssal Rifts are generally hidden underground and can be triggered by intense psychic fluctuations."

"Like, a large-scale battle."

"So, this disaster was triggered by that?"

Theodore's voice became heavy.


Rode felt a chill creeping up his heart.

If the Abyssal Rift could be triggered like this, didn't it mean that unknown dangers were lurking underground everywhere?

Theodore seemed to see what he was thinking and said gently, "The royal city and the safe areas including the Red Soil Plains have all been thoroughly checked. The Abyssal Rifts have basically been destroyed. Only a few scattered Abyssal creatures hiding underground pose no significant threat."

So that was it.

Rode felt slightly relieved. No wonder he had encountered Abyssal creatures before, and no wonder the royal city had issued long-term tasks to hunt Abyssal creatures within the safe areas.

It was like clearing a nest of bugs, with a few escaping.

The impact was not significant, but it was somewhat disgusting.

"This Abyssal Rift must be destroyed, or we will face a greater disaster."

Rode hesitated for a moment and asked, "Headmaster, are we just going like this?"

Theodore briefly answered, "The sooner, the better."

He quickened his pace, and in a moment, he arrived above the crevice where Rode had previously hidden.

Looking down, the crevice was filled with wandering zombies and monsters, and bodies soaked in black fog.

They were all victims who had come to Suo City.

Theodore waved his wand, and a rain of spiritual light enveloped the entire area.

With another wave of his wand, a fierce fire burned all the bodies.

In the blink of an eye, within a radius of five hundred yards of the crevice, there was no living being left.

Theodore flew into the crevice with Rode.

The large pit he had dug before was right in front of him, the ground was full of broken bones and tombstones.

"The Tomb of the Spirits of Siglis was emptied by us a hundred years ago."

Theodore walked down the large pit and quickly arrived at the tomb that Rode had dug out.

At this time, the entrance of the tomb was filled with sticky blackness.

"It really is an Abyssal Rift."

Theodore flicked his fingers, casting a spiritual light defense on both of them.

"Little Rode, you've made another great contribution. Perhaps you should join the Military Combat Department and become a commander."


Theodore nodded, and the two stepped into the sticky darkness together.

The next moment, they were in the boundless dark abyss.

Left, right, up, down, all were endless darkness.

But this time, Rode was not alone, and he was not falling down, but actively flying down.

The psychic energy surged around Theodore, pulling Rode towards the bottom of the abyss at an unprecedented speed.

The feeling of taking the initiative was completely different, and the passive fear was far away from him.

In just a moment, what was originally thought to be a bottomless abyss, reached its end.

It was an incredibly vast and gloomy wasteland, with nothing but desolation and darkness.

In the depths of the wasteland lay an incredibly large undead.

It was so colossal, looking about half the size of a city.

But at this moment, it seemed to have entered a silent state, with no reaction at all.

Rode and Theodore stood in front of it, like tiny flies.

But these two flies were not ordinary.

Theodore raised his wand, and infinite psychic energy silently gathered at the tip of the wand.

Rode also jumped down, hiding in the distance, ready to act.

Theodore's wand quickly became bright as snow, like a ball of liquid light.

Rode looked up at the headmaster in mid-air, the unimaginable psychic energy gathered in his wand, which seemed to be his soul weapon.

It was said that every strong person in the royal city had a soul weapon of their own.

Hmm... I should also get one, it should be powerful, and it must not have any connection with the bucket.

As his thoughts scattered, the strongest curse mage of mankind finally moved. He slightly raised his wand, and the huge wand head gently pointed downwards.

The next moment, it was as if the sun had appeared in the abyss.

Infinite light illuminated the bottomless darkness, like countless long spears piercing the undead.

--- Off-topic ---

There's only one update today, Ah Shan has to go out for dinner again... Ah Shan owes another update, can we just put it on the tab?