Chapter 44: 44 - Now, Pay Me Money If You Want More Chapters (I was GhostZ in disguise muahaha)

Name:The Immortal in Marvel Author:
Chapter 44: 44 - Now, Pay Me Money If You Want More Chapters (I was GhostZ in disguise muahaha)

For the first two title tasks he had come across, Derrick felt that he could at least see a possibility of completing them but for this new task, Derrick couldn't think of any method to get it done.

Among other things, with Tony Stark's identity and background, Derrick really couldn't just barge into his house and go C4 boom-boom casually. Fortunately, the task was not mandatory or time-limited, he had a lot of time to figure out a solution.

Compared to this, Derrick had a problem that needed urgent solving.

He didn't have any money in his pockets.

After buying a large number of firearms and ammunition, Derrick's bank balance was nearing zero, he only had enough money to go on with his normal life for a few days, but it was completely impossible for him to buy any kind of weapons.

Derrick looked at Weasel and asked, "Is there any high-paying commission recently? I am in an urgent need of money."

Derrick asked straight for the Highest-paying commission. He knew how good his skills were now, he did not need to be a mere meat shield anymore.

His shooting technique was perfect for assassination, just like the perfect assassination he performed a few days ago. The police could neither find any traces of him nor any witness. After all, dead people could not be witnesses.

Weasel nodded. He now had a general understanding of Derrick's skills and didn't say anything about the difficulty of the commission, "Yes, but those high-paying commissions are first of all, not simple assassinations, relating to a single person. They are on a different level, like the extermination of Mexican drug cartels.

If you want to do it, the location is Oaxaca in Mexico. In Colorado, there should be more commissions like this one. You might even find some Area 51 invasion missions there."

"Nah, tell me something closer, preferably within New York."

Derrick resolutely vetoed it, he did not intend to travel so far just to complete a single commission.

"In New York, there are a few high-paying commissions..." Weasel thought for a while and then finally spoke, "...But, that commission is on your head. BUT, good news, the reward is now down to four million."

Derrick was a little surprised, "Could it be that the gangsters figured out my identity?"

Weasel scoffed and then explained, "The reward was high because your identity was not known but now, the reward has been lowered because your accomplice was caught."

Although Wade became a mercenary earlier than Derrick, his savings weren't a lot.

Thinking of the increasing expenses of himself and Vanessa recently, Wade said eagerly, "Quickly get me some new jobs, preferably within New York, so that I can work in the morning and hug my Vanessa in the evening."

Hearing this, Derrick suddenly had an idea.

"Wade, here is a commission with several million USD. Are you interested in doing it?"

"Millions of USD?" Wade suddenly became interested, and immediately asked, "And what are the contents of this million-dollar commission? I'll do anything other than remove my mask."

"It's simple. You have to just catch a guy and hand him over to a gang and get paid millions of dollars."

"There is such a good commission?" Wade asked impatiently, "Who is the target and where is he in New York? Who am I going to catch and barter for millions?"

"Don't worry, there is no difficulty in this commission. Moreover, you also know the target closely and the distance is almost nothing."

"I know them? Who is it?"

"I, your bedmate!" Derrick gulped down another redbull at once and showed a bright smile on his face.

"Let's do it. I won't resist at all but, the share will be 50-50."


E/N: P.S. Once again, for anyone dumb enough to not get it, the title was a JOKE. Like the one done by Joe Mam-

But really, if you are a millionaire, hire me as an editor.

Happy Reading, Have a Good Day/Night.