Chapter 15: 15 - Freshly Painted Black Box

Name:The Immortal in Marvel Author:
Chapter 15: 15 - Freshly Painted Black Box

-The next day-

When Derrick got the key from Weasel, he couldn't wait to reach the address and came to an apartment building that looked quite old from the outside.

This apartment was only six stories high and most of the paint on the walls had peeled off. It was obvious that time had left its traces on this building. The streets were similar to the old buildings from the 1980s. Shops could be seen everywhere. Although they looked dilapidated, the environment seemed quite good.

However, the geographical location of the area was quite special.

The location was on the west shore of Manhattan Island and a little further away from there was the infamous Hell's Kitchen!

It is said that gang members there often visit the neighbourhoods but Derrick doesn't care about this, after all, he has been in that lab for more than two months and almost nothing can scare him anymoreWade's face might but, nothing else.

Derrick walked into the apartment and found Weasel's house according to the door number.

As Derrick pushed open the door of his new house, a stale and decaying smell welcomed his nostrils.

The old sofa with holes leaking cotton, the carpet covered with stains, the windowpane covered with old newspapers and an ancient TV set, really pervade a dilapidated atmosphere, which was in line with the atmosphere of this apartment building.

It was obvious that Weasel hadn't cleaned the house for a very long time.

Derrick looked around the house and decided to throw away all these things and then wash every other thing a few times before using it. Although he was not a fastidious person, he could not sleep on a bedsheet that had a thick layer of dust on it.

Derrick put down the silver box on a table and began to tidy up the house.

For the next few days, Derrick did not idle and regularly accepted commissions from Weasel.

After solving the housing problem, he had a lot more time.

With the help of the money sponsored by Iwan kindly, Derrick could spend more time stepping on the spot in advance and locking the specific position of the target instead of being hasty and unprepared like last time.

Definitely, Derrick had not forgotten his most important task.

That was, to kill true sinful villains.

Weasel clutched his forehead, feeling a bit of a headache, "I said man, even if your eccentricity is perverted, can you at least pretend to be professional? At least you can change the box with something else like maybe a stick and moreover, just changing the colour does not help. More so when you bring it right after colouring it."

"You discovered all of this, amazing!"

Now that he was caught by Weasel, Derrick simply stopped pretending.

Derrick did not expect that the news about him would spread so quickly that he would have to use paint to change the colour of the box to avoid revealing his identity.

Fortunately, the results of his hard work until now were not bad.

[Title Unlock condition: Kill fifteen sinful villains (7/15)]

Since that time with Iwan, Derrick has tried his best to wait until the target is singled out. If there are too many targets, things would be difficult to control without getting shot. Even if he heals, the wound does cause pain first.

Weasel pushed his glasses up and said with great interest, "Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether you are a box demon or not but I have something to remind you. Recently, the Russian Ross gang has started to inquire about you around the area. It seems that it's because you took something valuable from them."

Speaking of this, Weasel looked at the black box and there was no need to say anything about the rest.

"How can gang affairs be regarded as robbery? I am safe-keeping illegal items for them." Derrick spoke uprightly.

He couldn't return such a useful tool to the Russian Ross gang.

He still needs to evolve the criminals and complete his progress bar.


E/N: Heya readers, there have been quite a few comments about there being the same story with 200 chaps on the site too (mtl), so, I would like it if you guys tell me if I should continue or not. BTW, no offence to the people who did comment about it, I got no beef, I'm just asking.

Also, just a lame joke from the chap...

Derrick: You are making fun of my box, right?

Weasel: Oh no, it's not like that. It's just that it is stupid and-

Derrick: Oh I received a lot of mixed opinions from people like you. Well, what colour is your box?