"I'm just me. I'm from the dynasty. It's yu'er. What you said is unreasonable. Are you not from here

Li you yulue was a little embarrassed and turned around, "I don't want to tell you, but you are pretty. I'll make some food with you."

As she spoke, she began to stir a powder with boiling water. After a while, the powder can be placed in the cold water, but not scattered. It looks like crystal, and it smells like a faint smell of food.

As Li Youyu swept past, she saw Shen Xiangwan's eyes widened and she was shocked.

She raised her chin. "It's no surprise, but I'll tell you, it's crystal jelly. I invented it myself. It took me a lot of time

Shen Xiangwan was surprised.

If the average person, perhaps really do not know where this thing comes from. However, she has seen it in Sanren's books.

Now look at it. The little girl can do it. Therefore, Donglai Sanren and the little girl in front of her are actually from the same place.

If you let her grow up, this future, the little girl blooming glory is very frightening.

Her eyes were deep.

"Well, I saw it in a book."

Li Youyu was mixed with surprise and joy. "Really? Yes, you have seen it in the book. It seems that some people come from the same place as me."

Shen Xiangwan was surprised. Although the little girl murmured in a very low voice. However, she may not know that since her rebirth, she actually has a power, that is, she can hear very small sounds. Unfortunately, the little girl's whisper may not be understood by others. But she can understand.

Through? So it is.

It seems that Sanren from Donglai also came through. Perhaps, the woman that Luo Yifan and the old immortal master master have always been in love with is also a so-called through girl. Just, through? What a crossing!

At this moment, Shen Xiangwan really did not understand how these people came through.

"Well, you can eat it. I don't think you've ever eaten it."

Shen Xiangwan took it, with a faint smile, "well, it's really not eaten."

Pick up a piece, smell a faint smell of fruit. It seems to be made of pineapple. The color is very soft and sweet.

"It's very appetizing, and it's delicious, needless to say. If a few children are here, I'm afraid they will rush to eat. "

Speaking of the four students, Shen Xiangwan is full of tenderness.

Li Youyu gently clapped his hands, "I heard seven elder brothers say that you have four little guys, all of them are very clever. Bring them next time. Although I don't have much to talk about with you, I still like the beautiful little ones. "

"Well, once."

Shen Xiangwan droops her eyelashes to cover up her inner struggle. In fact, after knowing that the little girl was a passer-by, she actually wanted to use the power of the government to detain her. Because this group of people, they know a lot of things, will also be more.

If it falls into the hands of those who have a mind, such people are only afraid that they will bring danger.

"Xiaoyu, I seriously advise you, no matter how you come here, no matter what kind of situation you are, but you have to remember that if it is too abnormal, people will be regarded as demons. I don't want a smart kid like you to be framed in reverse. When the time comes, relatives will also follow you wandering, which is not good. Instead of shining all of a sudden, why don't you come slowly and step by step? "

By her sincere look, Li Youyu's rebellious mind slowly weakened. In fact, she didn't mean to talk back to her just now, but when she heard that she still talked to ordinary people like that, she was somewhat repelled.

"Well, for the sake of your beauty, I'll listen to you once." Watch it www.twotxt.com

"Thank you for listening to me." Shen Xiangwan is also secretly relieved, his family seven is obviously trapped in the girl's River, unable to extricate themselves. If this girl really has an accident, what can Xiao Qi do? I'm afraid that she will never marry for life. Like her two masters, my parents should not regret for a lifetime.

Just think about it for a while, her heart is blocked tightly.

"Sister Wan, everything is good. I can see that you are also sincere in persuading me. If you are not on my side, I would have kicked you out of the door. Earlier on, those who wanted to be unfaithful to me were almost cleaned up by me. Hee hee, just. I'm afraid I'll scare my sister if I don't mention these bloody and cruel things. Come on, let's keep cooking and eating. "

When she talked about cooking food, Shen Xiangwan felt that this little girl was actually as naive as a teenager.

However, this is a girl who is between innocence and knows something very well.

Such a person with seven together, seven's future will certainly help. It's just that the light is too dazzling for them. Is it really good for Shen family?

Especially the ability of this little girl. If the emperor's people notice it, what can we do then?However, they are not worried about anything.

However, in front of Li Youyu, Shen Xiangwan is still indifferent. Just enjoying the wonderful food. It has to be said that although Li Youyu has some publicity and the first feeling of the heavenly king and Laozi, putting aside these things, Li Youyu's food and attitude towards people are commendable.

"What do you want to do most, yu'er?"

"What I want to do is go back to where I used to be. But I'm afraid I can't go back. "

"Back to the original?"

Shen Xiangwan frowned secretly.

Her previous life is not good, this life can be repeated, to feel that the present day is very good. However, what's the matter with the people passing through? It seems that they are not willing to stay here?

Dong Lai San Ren is like this.

Now this is the same.

So, is that the so-called black widow or something is also such a traveler?

"The black widow's current leader is very good at business and calculation. They will invent and create many strange things. But, she is not good at heart. She has been looking for a way to go back. So I read all kinds of ancient books and wanted to find the way back.

We don't know where she came from, but we don't understand why she has to sacrifice to go home. How good that home is to keep her in mind. "

Back home, back home.


All kinds of production mentioned above by Donglai Sanren, as well as strange things.

At this moment, Shen Xiangwan suddenly understood.

It's really not just her rebirth.

In fact, some people may have been born again.

Maybe it's coming through.

However, for the crossing, she still does not understand. But slowly chewing, it seems to be understandable.
