~: A monthly pass for the end of July is guaranteed, and a spoiler is on the way!

I really happened to happen that it just ended the 2016 ~ 2017 season, which just ended in June. The new season started and we ushered in a new month.

In the next season, there will be many offseason plots. A lot of the preparatory content will end here. This book is also an offseason comparable to the original transfer.

Similarly, this means that the 2017 ~ 2018 season will be another climax season of this book, and it should be the climax.

Uh-huh, benign spoilers, and asked for a monthly pass ~

In the blink of an eye, it was the eighth month that we have been on the shelves. The time is really fast. We have also booked 6000+ words and 2.1 million words. These have not been done before.

In July, our goal is to enter the top two of the classification. Originally, there was little chance of writing this number, but because of the plot of the next season, water eggplant is confident!

So I hope that the commanders will stand up and attack the first two! Love you guys! !!

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