v3 Chapter 910: Tang Tian publicly diss Xiao Hua

After Westbrook made the seemingly impossible three-pointer, neither Tang Tian nor Davis glanced consciously.

The script could not be written during the game.

Thanksgiving, with weak over strong, controversial punishment, lore traitors, this can make Hollywood blockbusters!

But this is the result of the game, the Thunder proved to everyone their passionate basketball.

Westbrook, who scored a maximum of 45 points, also proved to everyone that he should have the fighting spirit.

He can play triple-doubles against other teams, but he can never play Durant or the Warriors, and he can never lose.

After watching the game, Tang Tian and Davis were also encouraged and went directly to the indoor stadium next door to practice one-on-one.

As they practiced, fans on social media were already frying pans.

"At the moment of lore, I felt comfortable immediately. This is probably destined!"

"I apologize for Black Westbrook before. He played really hard this time. God is watching in heaven. Betrayal will never end well!"

"I don't know why. It's inexplicable to watch this Warriors lose. Who will tell me if I am sick?"

"Normal, taking shortcuts will always be hacked. Look at LeBron being hacked for so many years, Durant and this warrior are just beginning ..."

"There is no harm without comparison. Look at Tang. One person, one city, won the championship. Even if it took three years, did anyone black him?"

"I don't think you should compare Durant with Don, they are no longer on the same level."

"I really thought the Warriors lost a game and they were rubbish? Wait for the Pelicans to win and you cry slowly!" A speech from the godfather fans.

"Four All-Stars get together, what's so proud of winning? Not to mention not necessarily winning! What if the Pelicans win then?"

"I think as long as the referee doesn't fight, the Warriors won't win much. Look at the Spurs and then the Thunder. The basketball game is not a fight!

"Yeah, if Green's steps weren't blown, the Thunder couldn't use Westbrook's lore!"

"Yong ... Your heart?"

"666, congratulations on summing up the new rules of courage and irregularity."


After a wave of waves, the Warriors ushered in a game with the Rockets back to back after losing to the Thunder.

The Rockets continued to reinforce Gordon, Gerald Green and other players during the offseason. Their backup strength has greatly increased, and the Warriors have also played back and forth.

The two teams also fought fiercely until the last moment, and Harden's iconic three-point retreat almost killed the game.

But looking back, Curry borrowed a three-point lore from Green.

The two teams played sullenly, but after the game, the Rockets were dissatisfied with the whole team, because Green's screen was a clear mobile screen.

That small step will soon catch up with Michael Jackson.

But the referee did not change the verdict. Once again, the Warriors won the game with controversial penalties.

This time, not only the fans, but also the media couldn't help vomiting. Buckley directly described the Warriors on the TNT program as "This is the only team I've seen that can win outside of basketball rules."

The doubts about playing the Spurs at the beginning of the season have not been eliminated, and the controversial consecutive penalties pushed the Warriors to the cusp.

However, the Warriors, including Curry, were also caught off guard.

"We don't think we did anything wrong, we just work hard to win."

What Curry said in front of the media caused fans to think.

There is nothing wrong with this!

The referee's punishment is in his favor. Is it true that I said the referee's punishment was wrong?

As a result, the referees who enforced these matches have become the target, and many fans even asked to investigate whether these referees have gambled.

You have to know before that some referees blew themselves up to participate in gambling.

The Pelicans beat the Bucks at home, and Tang Tian gave a lesson to the good-looking alphabet brother this season.

However, the strength of the two sides is very different. In the press conference after the game, there are not many questions about the game itself.

Instead, the referee question has been mentioned many times.

Not only coach Stevens, but Tang Tian can't escape.

"What do you think of the referee's enforcement bias in the key round?"

When the reporter asked Tang Tian this question, Davis on the side continued to cough to remind.

Although Tang Tian said last season that he can pay a lot of 25,000 US dollars, but no one would think too much money!

"I think that is the problem of the league."

But Tang Tian's opening made him realize that Tang Tian was not an ordinary person, he really was too much money!

Tang Tian's answer also caused a commotion among the reporters, and even Stevens turned to look at him in surprise.

Tang Tian's answer is somewhat direct.

Tang Tian's expression didn't change much. When he and Davis watched the opening game between the Warriors and Spurs, he had already thought about finding a chance to fight back against Xiao Hua.

Now the Warriors have made controversial penalties one after another, which happens to be an entry point.

"what does that mean?"

The reporter inquired after recovering.

"Since our president Xiao Hua took office ~ www.novelhall.com ~ has strengthened the supervision of the referee, including the referee report after the game, but since then, the referee has affected the game more than ever, so it means It's very simple, that is, the alliance has not done it well. "

Tang Tian's next words were offensive, which caused a commotion among the reporters.

This is no longer a hint, but an explicit one, it is the public diss alliance and Xiao Hua!

Tang Tian is crazy!

Stevens stopped talking, and Tang Tian's attitude was too abnormal today.

He even felt that Tang Tian around him was pretending to be Jia Kun in the recently popular drama "Game of Thrones".

But Davis took a long breath at this moment.

Having been with Tang Tian for a long time, he is well aware of Tang Tian's dissatisfaction with the current Xiao Hua, the league and the referee.

In fact, not to mention Tang Tian. Last season's finals suffered such a situation. All the Pelicans and even most of the fans were dissatisfied.

No one wants the splendid game to be destroyed by the referee in the end, even in the business league, the bottom line and principles must be addressed.

Breaking through this bottom line will make fans lose interest in the league and even the sport.

But this kind of words, not everyone dare to say.

The owner of each team is closely related to the president of the league. It is too easy to suppress a player and even make him disappear from the league, even if he is an All-Star player.

The NBA is the NBA, unless you are Jordan, Kobe and James, there are a lot of people who can replace you.

This is why Tang Tian has experienced so many unfair treatments before, but he has never chosen to speak up.

It ’s not that I do n’t report, but it ’s not time.

Now, Tang Tian has become the new Michael Jordan. He already has the right to speak. At this time, it is normal for him to talk about these things.