v3 Chapter 722: Melon 3 Threat (Anthony)

Before leaving China, Tang Tian and the Procter & Gamble Company's Rejoice brand reached a one-year 2 million endorsement contract.

Burtsbees and Tang Tian's endorsement contract will expire next summer.

Due to internal management adjustments, Winslow left the company, and the two parties have no intention of continuing to renew the contract in the next summer.

Signing a one-year contract with Rejoice in advance is also a signal that another daily chemical company is trying the contract.

Rejoice is a shampoo, burtsbees is a shower gel, and there is no direct conflict in endorsements, which does not violate the terms of the contract that was originally signed.

After finalizing the contract, Tang Tian went home again.

None of the parents have retired, but one of the benefits of being a teacher is that unless you want to be busy earning extra money, otherwise they will have a long and long summer vacation like the students.

Tang Tian took them with him to New Orleans.

The parents were cultural people and had a lot of knowledge, but when they saw the large manor comparable to the airport, they were still shocked.

Of course it is followed by more pride.

They are literati, and their material pursuits are not high, and Su Daqiang, who hangs a house and grinds coffee by his mouth, is not a kind of person.

They are more proud and proud inside.

Their old Tang family can also produce such amazing figures.

Culture is bad money, but good face.

They were not saints. The mother took out her mobile phone to take pictures and sent them to the circle of friends.

Tang Tian laughed aside.

This is very real, and it also gives him a sense of realism for two people who are not parents.

When I saw Olson, my parents looked warmer than the last time.

Their minds were more conservative, knowing that Olsen was pregnant with twin sons, and could not wait to give her up.

But this thing is not a bad thing right now, the attitude of parents does not determine what they do, happy is not a bad thing.

The manor is very large, it will take a while for Tang Tian to bring them familiar.

This time the parents will stay for a long time, so these are not the problems. He also plans to take his parents to the new Chinatown.

However, Tang Tian's focus is still on training. Now the teammates of the Rockets, Mavericks and Spurs are stronger than last year, and he has to work harder.

This year's training brother training camp he plans to put in New Orleans, and he has also started to build an indoor basketball hall in his manor.

By next year, they can train directly inside instead of running outside.

Before starting the training camp, he asked Fagan to discuss with management and modified some contract details to allow him to advance his salary this season.

He originally signed a four-year contract with the Pelicans. The new season is the third year. Because of the poison contract, this year reached a top salary of 1.9 million.

He advances in advance and can get about 800,000 salary, taking into account the remaining 2 million US dollars worth of gold, and the 1.2 million endorsement Rejoice can get.

His gold value can reach 11.5 million at one time, which is enough to redeem a purple skill.

After a successful advance, he pulled out the purple skill interface.

As early as the end of the season, he had already planned his own plan to save money.

Back hitting is his planned skill.

And the purple skills he aimed at also have back hits.

Master of back play (Paul Pierce): Increases the technical stability of 20 when playing back and reduces the chance of dropping / being intercepted by 20.

Back hitting is a convergence technique, which is not the same as dry-drawing and back-up. This skill is also very targeted.

The so-called technical stability is actually to increase the various shot stability created by the back shot, and reducing the chance of dropping the ball also increases the success rate.

Redeeming this will greatly help Tang Tian's existing technology.

Tang Tian's eyes have been aimed at this skill, but he did not go down the first time.

He remembered a problem.

It's about his future technological development.

If he exchanged for back play, it means that he will play as much as possible in the future.

One thing that he had to consider was the issue of the times. There was a historical factor in the gradual reduction of back-carrying technology.

The five-second rule on the back and the rapid defense in the era of small **** all reduce its power.

The Warriors are the opponents the Pelicans must face in the future, and he must consider these.

After thinking for a while, he turned his eyes away from his master and turned to the threat of Melo III (Anthony).

Because he still has to redeem red skills like legend, he has to use every bit of gold value on the blade.

Carrying his back is helpful to him, but the priority is not as good as the three threats.

Melo Three Threat (Anthony): Add 0 offensive confusion, conditions: must have shooting, breakthrough, passing skills.

This purple skill is not much, but it is important.

In fact, Tang Tian used it last season regardless of whether it was a back hit or a three-threat, but it is not very efficient without skill addition.

Take the three threats, this technology can be broken down into several parts.

The first part is a trial step, which is a technical action that is bound to occur after making three threats.

Then it is based on the change of the defender or suddenly, or vote, or pass.

For example, the defender retracts after you make a test step, then you can use this gap to jump up and shoot directly;

For example, the defender is still very close to you, you can directly accelerate him;

Or the ability of the defender is very high, which also limits your breakthrough space, then you can take your majesty or cross the opponent in place;

And among these choices, you also need to choose whether to break the third lane or the top three lanes according to whether the defender's hand is up or down.

Three threats are a very technical test of a player's ability.

Among the many NBA players, Anthony, Kobe, Harden and others can show their actual power.

If you use it well, it means three threats, and if you do n’t use it well, it means three threats.

Therefore, the skill will increase the confusion of offense, which is to make the opponent's defensive judgement deviation. It is impossible for people who are not comprehensive enough to use this technology.

Fortunately, a series of operations before Tang Tian have made him have this condition.

In addition to this, one thing that makes Tang Tian inclined to exchange for three threats is the space problem in the era of small balls.

Because the defense is fast, unless a star-studded lineup can make him feel comfortable playing back, otherwise if Davis or Jokic is inside, the offensive space will become very crowded.

Davis is constantly improving his low-post offense, and his offense needs to be launched more from the outside.

After fully considering these conditions, Tang Tian chose to exchange.

The value of 11.5 million yuan in gold instantly became 1.5 million.

It is similar to the previous dry drawing. After the exchange, his property panel has not changed, but he has a lot of new understanding of the three threat technologies in his mind.