“My knight Harold, you’ve come today,”

Eleanor greeted me with her usual warmth, but there was something unsettling about her words, as if there was an underlying meaning to them.

“Yes… I am here today to serve the Goddess,”

I replied cautiously, feeling a slight unease creeping up within me.

In that moment, Eleanor’s eyes opened sharply, and a chill ran down my spine, as if she was peering deep into my soul.

Her demeanor had completely changed since the day I almost broke our vow. Gone was the immaturity and clumsiness that characterized her.

“Hmm… It’s fortunate that you’re not uttering useless words about leaving me this time… I’m glad. Do you know how much pain I felt when you tried to broke your oath?”

she said, her tone her tone carrying a sense of obsession. It was as if she had become completely consumed by the idea of keeping me by her side, always monitoring my every action to ensure I wouldn’t escape her grasp.

So, in the end, I couldn’t break the oath.

If I try to do something stupid, she will notice me like a ghost and forcefully summon me and put psychological pressure on me.

Of course, this is a development that does not exist in the game…. I ask myself where the hell did I go wrong, but I couldn’t get rid of the anxiety these days in my mind that’s been a every time.

“I was so stupid to think of leaving a goddess who has been so kind to me… I don’t know how to make up for my rudeness…”

To be honest, I still have a feeling of wanting to break the oath.

The feeling of being watched every moment was uncomfortable no matter what I did, and these days, even if I sit still, I get the illusion of a persistent gaze from the back of my neck.

Of course, if I possessed the items and magic bestowed upon me by Eleanor, what would be the outcome?

It seems that I would become powerful enough to conquer the world, and any thoughts of quitting would vanish into thin air.

“Hmm… Come to think of it, you came to the temple 13 seconds later than yesterday, maybe… you’re not trying to do something blasphemous, are you?”

Her obsession with madness is beyond reason, and since the day we first spoke, it has steadily eroded my peace of mind, leaving me feeling trapped and devoid of personal freedom.

“No…! How can I do something like that? I would never!”

Despite those words, her mouth still held a hint of suspicion or disapproval, but for a brief moment, she smiled widely, transforming back into the Eleanor I knew.

“You’ve finally returned to the knight I knew! It’s fine! I’ll forgive you for your mistake, so please be careful in the future!!”

I managed to calm her suspicions, and that’s when I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the tension dissipate.

“I’m sorry for any doubts, you’ve also given up on useless thoughts, so let’s continue the harmonious atmosphere like before!…”

“.. forever…”

The final murmured words of her lingered in my ears, replaying in my mind.

Ever since I noticed Eleanor’s mad obsession, I’ve been plagued with one question.

Will she ever interfere with me on the day I try to return to my original world… Is there a way for me to return to my original world in the first place…?

In terms of the story, it wasn’t clear if I could go back even if I get to the ending, or if it was just my hopeful situation.

“By the way, my knight Harold, come a little closer.”

Amidst my tangled thoughts, Eleanor beckoned me closer and took careful steps towards me…

“yes..? ..What is it?”


I was forcefully pulled by the collar, my focus lost in an instant, and I found myself falling into her arms naturally

“! Eleanor-sama?!”

While I was still taken aback by her sudden action, Eleanor face drew dangerously close, her breath grazing against my neck.

In that moment, Eleanor pulled me closer, and a disrespectful thought crossed my mind. I swallowed nervously, feeling a dryness in my throat, but fortunately, Eleanor looked at me with a serious expression, as if she could see right through me.


Then, she pressed her face against the nape of my neck and took a deep breath. Suddenly, her expression contorted into a displeased grimace.

“My knight Harold… you’ve been smelling blasphemous. lately…”

An blasphemous. smell…?

What the hell are you talking about? Does that mean my body smells bad?


“An blasphemous. smell? Even though I wash my body twice a day, do I smell weird?

“No… it’s not like that…”

Then, what caused the blasphemous smell… Her eyes were also strange.

It’s the same cold eyes-

, the same back when I was about to break my vows…. As I looked at those eyes, my head started to sound a warning tone reflexively, and my heart rate started to jump exponentially with anxiety.

“My knight, let me ask you one thing…”

When I look up to her who speak with a cold tone and empty eyes that don’t reflect anything, I start to tremble involuntarily.

“Have you met any woman recently…?”

The warning sound in my head, which had been ringing for a simpler question than I had anticipated, faded away, and a peculiar question naturally came to mind.

Aren’t you a woman?

What the hell is she talking about…?

“No? As the Goddess knows, I don’t have the reason to have a female companion, let alone a lover…”

This time, when I told her the truth, she looked at me with suspicious eyes, but after a while, she seemed to let out a shaky breath and started to close her eyes.

“Yes… I’m sorry… I’m sorry for doubting you… Lately, I’ve been sensing a scent on you that shouldn’t be there…”

“What do you mean… scent?”

Then, without any hesitation, she says to me.

“The scent of another woman…”

Upon hearing those words, I tilt my head in confusion, shaking it from side to side and freeing my neck.

I really risked my everything and was innocent this time.

It was really unfair this time because I had never been in a relationship either in the original world or since I moved to another world, and there was no close friend of the opposite s*x.

“Huh… No… It seems like I’ve been worrying about something because I’m feeling unwell these days, making me more sensitive. I apologize once again.”

She say that, but she can’t seem to get rid of her remorse.

“Harold… in our shrines dating is forbidden. I won’t allow it. It is natural to have a relationship but you are not allowed even to have s*x or relationship with a woman, so always keep that in mind.”

Even though it was called a shrine, I was the only member of it, and there were no rules like this in the original game. It was clear that she had created them to exert control over me and ensure my obedience.

“Yes…, I’ll keep that in mind.”

However, it was a meaningless warning to me, a veteran who has lived for 28 years and has no romantic relationships with women. Therefore, I did not react or show any concern about it.

[note : damn bro i feel bad for u]


Guild Hall

“Harold! Good too see you again!”

When I open the door of the guild hall, Paulo, a large man in huge armor, greets me.

Paulo Stog

As an adventurer who made a name for himself in the royal capital, he took on various roles, such as helping other players in the game, all without ever getting bored.

“Haha… Yes… Seeing Paulo-san full of energy and fully geared , it seems like there’s a big quest today.”

“Of course, I always strive to live up to my reputation. By the way, you can just talk casually. We’ve known each other for quite some time, so let’s not be too formal!”

I think the story until now has progressed to around 25%…

I’ve defeated numerous bosses by dealing with demons that reside in the dark, but there is still a long way to go.

With the items bestowed by Eleanor, there is honestly no risk in battles, but the challenge lies in the passage of time.

Despite my desire to proceed and advance the story, the next chapter’s boss has yet to appear. Therefore, I’m left with no choice but to bide my time until it does.

Even if I go back, how will the original world change… Will I go back to the time I transferred as if nothing happened… Or will a year pass there… I feel anxious and worried about the unknown.

“By the way, I’m already fully prepared with my gear like this, then can you guess? Or maybe you’ve heard the rumors.”

He doesn’t miss a single word, he says the same thing as a game, and from memory, maybe this line…

“Dragon… Has it appeared…?”

He looked a little surprised, as if it was a bit surprising, but then he made a gentle expression as if saying,

“So you’ve heard about it.”

“Yes… Recently, there are constant rumors that dragons, which have only been handed down as legends, are appearing at the top of the mountain near this royal capital… In fact, a few subjugation corps and patrols have been dispatched, but they’re all missing… Apparently, the Association is preparing well for this time… that’s what I’ve heard”

Mir, The Devourer of Darkness…

As far as I know, Mir is one of the ancient dragons that has existed since the time of the Old Gods in the distant past. With the background of being a ferocious dragon that has fed solely on darkness, if the demons lurking in the dark were considered novice enemies, Mir would be a formidable boss known as a true behemoth.

In its first appearance, Mir voraciously devoured numerous dark-dwelling demons, which posed a significant challenge for novice players.

It effortlessly consumed them as if they were mere snacks, displaying its immense power.

The overall attack pattern of Mir is monotonous, so it’s not difficult to avoid even if it’s the first time you face that dragon… The dangerous part comes from its damage.

With a colossal physique rivaling that of a massive cathedral, Mir delivered devastating blows befitting its immense size. Each of its attacks proved to be a formidable strike from a truly powerful boss.

For a first-timer , users without proper equipment would be instantly killed by a single touch from Mir.

Even well-equipped players, experienced in multiple fights with Mir, would lose a significant portion, if not more, of their health with just one hit.

As a result, no matter how eager or greedy a player was, attempting additional strikes or making a single mistake would inevitably lead to dog death

“It’s a legendary dragon, so I’m getting nervous… May Goddess’ protection be with me…”

Then he took out the pendant that always hung around his neck and looked at it with a profound expression.

The shrine of Abne, one of the most praised goddesses in the royal capital in the game, Paulo, who has high reputation as an adventurer, is the head of the shrine, and the pendant he always wears around his neck is given directly from Goddess Abne.

Abne is known to provide valuable rewards to those who visit her, making her one of the most popular goddesses among the players.

In fact, in my original plan, I was going to break Eleanor oath in step 6 and go to Goddess Abne.

“By the way, what kind of shrine you’re in again? No matter how many times I hear it, I can’t recognize it.”

That’s right… Because it was originally forgotten and no one knew about it…

“It’s called Eleanor Shrine, because there are so few believers, people don’t know about it.”

“Is it? By the way, I’m not trying to provoke you by saying this, but I apologize if you feel bad.”

At the same time, he takes on a serious atmosphere and speaks as carefully as possible so as not to offend me.

“Why did you enter a shrine that is not very known? People say that there is nothing to gain from a shrine without a reputation… How about joining our shrine instead? Should I write an introduction letter for you?”

To be honest, just listening to what he suggested made me want to ask him to do it.

“If you, who’s skilled, come to our shrine, Goddess Abne will surely welcome you.”

But if I were to break the oath, I would have to face the consequences that would befall me from Goddess Eleanor, and that thought alone brings me to tears.

“Nevertheless, she is a benevolent goddess, and I’ve been guarding her shrine for a long time, so leaving her side would not be an easy task…”

When I gave the excuse that I came up with on the spot, Paulo then speak with a serious expression on his face..

“That’s right! I can’t say anything about the circumstances of the shrine! That belief! I will support it!”

“Haha… Thank you.”

Then again, Paulo returns to the original topic and brings up the story of Mir.

This line is probably the beginning of the Mir quest and an important line that opens many gates that I must overcome in the future.

“Are you also planning to join the dragon hunt, Harold?”